October 2006 - Page 7 of 8 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

More Lucy Davis Please

October 6, 2006 by  
Filed under The Office, TV News

Lucy DavisThis week the fabulous Lucy Davis, who is best known for her role as Dawn Tinsley on the UK version of The Office, had bit parts on two big shows: Studio 60 and Ugly Betty. As great as it was to see Lucy, both parts were too small for this fantastic actress. Hell, I don’t even think she had a line on Studio 60. Why hasn’t anyone snatched her up for a role on American television so I can watch her week in and week out? She’s just a delight.

While I’m at it, I’d also like to see Martin Freeman, who played Tim on The Office. And if someone wants to put Lucy and Martin back together in a show, just know that it’s fine by me.

Tim and Dawn


October 5, 2006 by  
Filed under Lost, TV News

the following post contains casting and plot information for LOST. If you’d rather not know I suggest you look away 🙂

Nathan Fillion to Guest on LostAccording to E! Online’s Kristin Veitch, a familar face will soon be popping up during a Lost flashback. Kristin’s sources have confirmed that Nathan Fillion (Firefly, SLiTHER) has been cast as someone from Kate’s past. Veitch says he’s “someone who was VERY close to our beloved Katie — as in, legally bound and not genetically.” Oh Katie, there’s so much we don’t know about you.

So how long with Nathan be around? Well, he’s going to start filming in Hawaii next week and he’ll guest star in at least 2 episodes later this season. YAY!!

Supernatural Press Conference

October 5, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

I haven’t found the time to fit The CW’s Supernatural into my TV schedule, but I know many of you love it. I was invited to a Supernatural press conference the other night with show creator Eric Kripke, but sadly I wasn’t able to make it.

But, because I love you so, I wanted to let you know what wwent down. A huge special thanks to my friend Rae from Ramblings of a TV Whore (which may just be the BEST name for a TV site
ever) who was kind enough to share the transcript of the press conference with us.

This transcript contains MILD SPOILERS for SUPERNATURAL. Spoilerphobes should proceed with caution. Here’s a little taste of the full transcript.

Q: When John whispered in Dean’s ear — what did he say?
Eric Kripke: [laughs] You think I’m going to tell you? No way! I can say this, we do not go the entire season without answering that. As a matter of fact, we answer it in the middle of the season. That mystery isn’t going to hang forever. We are going to get an answer to it but it’s not coming for a few episodes at least.

Q: Are we going to see more flashback episodes this season? Because I’m really in love with the wee Winchesters.
Eric: [laughs] The little Winchesters? LIL? At this point – I’m not saying no – but we’re halfway through episode thirteen. Those first thirteen, at this point, are not flashbacks. We may do them in the second half
 we found ourselves so busy with pieces of mythology we needed to tell and revelations we needed to get into and just scary episodes that we were excited about, that we actually haven’t gotten to do flashbacks yet.

Those kids are probably young adolescents right now with peach fuzz on their upper lip but we can always bring in new little ones. At some point we will, I think their whole backstory is a really interesting idea and we want to get into it more. I should also say we’re making, this is all very very preliminary at this point – kind of breaking news for you guys – we’re in very initial conversations to do a Supernatural comic book and our intent is to actually do a Supernatural year one comic book where the story is not about Sam and Dean. It’s the John Winchester chronicles and Sam and Dean are little children in it as he’s sort of taking them on his adventures. We think it’s a really interesting opportunity to explore the backstory and mythology of the show in a way that we might not always be able to do on the actual show itself. We definitely plan of really fleshing out all that backstory. Some will come out in episodes and some may come out in this comic book.

For the full transcript of the SUPERNATURAL Press Conference click here.

Gilmore Girls Recap: That’s What You Get Folks for Makin’ Whoopee

October 5, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Gilmore Girls Recap

What’s that expression about losing your head it it was glued on..or tied on
something like that, right? Well however the saying goes, I was an idiot yesterday and forgot to post Whirl’s Gilmore Girls recap.

I know it’s a day late, and I’m sorry to both YOU and Whirl for not getting this posted yesterday. Bad blogger
bad blogger. Better late than never I suppose.

Title: That’s What You Get Folks For Makin’ Whoopee
Original Airdate: 10/3/2006

It’s a few hours from where we left off last week and Luke’s driving down the road. From the squealing sounds his tires are making I’d say he’s mad. He stops in front of an apartment building, storms inside, rides the elevator to his destination and pounds on a door. Oh God, is he where I think he is? No he couldn’t be. He is! Suspicion confirmed when Christopher opens the door and Luke gives him a well placed right fist to the jaw. Chris only gets a chance to groan before Luke’s shaking out his hand and back in the elevator. You go on with your bad self Luke Danes.

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Watchlist: Thursday, October 5, 2006

October 5, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Theoffice28us29203The Office – The Coup
An office power play ensues when ultraserious Angela, offended by Michael’s various antics and his inefficient leadership, leans heavily on Dwight to make a push for Michael’s job. Meanwhile, Pam puts on a lunchtime fashion show.

Image21961f16dba24c77b563d358dafb927c Ugly Betty – The Box and the Bunny
Betty scrambles to find a missing mock-up of the magazine before its less-than-flattering pictures of a movie star (Sarah Jones) fall into the wrong hands. Meanwhile, Bradford takes a personal interest in the Fey Sommers affair.

Ac_greysanatomy_heigl Grey’s Anatomy – Sometimes a Fantasy
Cristina tries to help Preston cope with his hand tremor; Izzie attempts to return to the hospital for the first time since she quit the program; Alex treats a patient with a long history of injuries; and George and Callie’s relationship progresses.

Lost Recap: “A Tale of Two Cities”

October 5, 2006 by  
Filed under Lost Recaps, TV News

Lost Recaps

Lost is back, and I for one couldn’t be more excited. I personally thought last night’s Season 3 premiere was an exciting and enthralling hour of television. The acting was top notch
kudos to Matthew Fox and Julie Bowen for their spectacular performances. I found myself completely engrossed in The Others, more than I ever have been. What is their story? And Kate & Sawyer shared some crazy ‘I want to jump your bones but I’m stuck in a cage’ looks last night. They were on fiyah!! I wished we had seen a little more of The Losties back on the beach, but I’m ok with it
it’s a long season.

The fabulous Michelle is going to be recapping Lost for GiveMeMyRemote.com this season. Recappers get paid in comments, so make sure to take the time to welcome Michelle to the family.

Title: A Tale of Two Cities
Original Airdate: 10/4/2006

Taking a page from last season’s satisfying season opener, we see a faceless woman loading a cd into a player (how well-equipped is this hatch, anyway?), just like we saw Desmond loading the record last September; we even hear a song by The Mamas and the Papas again, but this time it’s “Downtown.” The unfamiliar blond woman bakes cookies, opens her door to her book club members, and discusses the merits of the Stephen King book they’re all reading (Stephen King is a huge fan of this show and has written about it more than once in his column in Entertainment Weekly, so at first I think he’ll be flattered to have one of his books appear on the show
until I hear a book club member trash it and let say that another member “wouldn’t even read it in the bathroom.” That’s gotta sting. Don’t know how Stephen King will feel about that backhanded reference. Maybe he’ll consider the source of the criticism. After all, the guy was an Other). Anyway, life in suburbia is grand until what appears to be an earthquake shatters the calm. After the rumbling stops, book club members rush outside, only to see (yikes!) flight 815 coming apart and crashing through the trees several hundred yards away. And Henry Gale emerging from a nearby house to peer at the sky. It’s at this point that we try to pull ourselves out of our fog and confusion and realize, OH MY GOD, THIS ISN’T SUBURBIA. THESE PEOPLE ARE ON THE ISLAND.

And so begins a new season of “Lost.” Repeat after me: We know nothing. We’re just along for the ride.

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote (UPDATE)

The Office Thursdays on Give Me My Remote

It’s Thursday – need I say more? Don’t forget to check back throughout the day for updates to The Office Thursday at GMMR. If you have any Office gossip you’d like to share
let me know. So let’s get started.


New Jenna Fischer & Rainn Wilson pics! Check out these adorable new pics of Jenna Fischer & Rain Wilson from last night’s Entertainment Weekly party in Hollywood. (Thanks Tori)
Jenna Fischer EW Party (4) Jenna Fischer EW Party (3) Jenna Fischer EW Party (2) Jenna Fischer EW Party (1) Rainn Wilson, EW Party (1) Rainn Wilson, EW Party (2)

A Sneak Peek at “The Coup”

The Office (The Coup)Can’t wait until tonight to watch the show? YahooTV.com is offering a sneak peek of tonight’s episode. Watch two hilarious clips from ‘The Coup’. And I think it goes without saying but, um, spoiler alert?! (Yahoo clips – click on the NBC logo and then The Office)

What’s Meredith Talking About
Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery)What is our favorite drunken redhead talking about this week? Kate Flannery (Meredith) share a little on what really happens at awards ceremonies (real ones, not the Dundies), and a bit about what her castmates are like when they cameras aren’t rolling. And the coolest part of her TV Guide blog? A well deserved shout out to the two best Office fansites out there – OfficeTally.com & NorthernAttack.com. Yay! I was so excited for Jennie and James. Bravo my friends
bravo! (Meredith’s Blog)

Jenna Fischer is Hot

Jenna FischerCome on, tell us something we don’t know. Ok then
.did you know that US Weekly recently put Jenna on its coveted Hot Hollywood list? Yup, Jenna was one of 15 standouts from TV and film to make the list. Office fans have long been aware of Ms. Fischer and her hotness, but it’s nice ot see others starting to give her the recognition she deserves. Congrats Jenna! (US Weekly)

Jenna & John
Meant for Each Other?
Jenna Fischer & John KrasinskiWell clearly not in real life, but both knew instantly the other was right for the role. Read as our favorite Office couple talk about the delicate pairing of Jim & Pam, and their experiences in the morgue..yup, the morgue. This is a really great Jenna & John interview. (AP Wire)

Interview with Jenna Fischer & John KrasinskiOf course I’m partial to another Jenna & John interview from back in the day
but that’s just me. Have you ever read this one? Ha ha. I’m going to try to have to check in with these crazy kids again this year, because ‘The Booze Cruise’ was sooo Season 2. (GMMR interviews Jenna & John)

Schrute Space Update

Dwight SchruteDwight K. Schrute
or “D” as some like to call him, has updated ‘Schrute Space’, his blog at NBC.com. “Information is power” and any information we can get into the strange and bizarre world of the Schrute Family the better. And if you ever wondered where Dwight’s cousin Johnny is
well now you know. (Schrute Space)

Stamford is NOT Scranton

John Krasinski as Jim HalpertJim is living in Stamford, CT now. There’s nothing we can do about it. So why not learn a little more about ‘the city that works’. What can Jim expect from his new home, and how is The Office trying to bring Stamford to life in Van Nuys, CA? Oh, and I don’t know if I read this wrong, but I think the article implies we might see Jim riding his bike to and from work?! Um, all that lankiness on a bike
that could be a sight. (The Stamford Advocate)

Live Office TVj Session TONIGHT

As we do every Thursday, Dunder Mifflinites will be gathering over at BuddyTV.com at 8pm (EST) for our weekly LIVE Office TVj session. This is a chat moderated by, well
me. It’s a great way to connect online with other Officianados and watch the show together. I hope you’ll swing by and check it out tonight. Click here to set a reminder about the chat.

Office Gossip You Might Have Missed

Oscar Martinez Interview: The Kiss Heard ‘Round the World

The Things You Don’t Know
from the Boys of The Office

Check out the GMMR Store for some new merchandise inspired by The Office. We’ve got t-shirts, mugs
everything you need to show the world you are an Officianado

BJ Novak made his first late night talk show appearance this week on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Nice job, BJ!! And once again a shoutout to Newton, MA. Woo hoo!!

[gv data=”qGuveG8nWkY”][/gv]

Photos courtesy of AP Photo and NBC/Universal

Stalking Wentworth Miller

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under Prison Break, TV News, Wentworth Miller

I’ll take pics of Prison Break star Wentworth Miller whatever way I can get them.  My friend Kerry has friend who has a friend that has a cousin who caught Wenty near the Arboreum in good ‘ol Dallas (where Prison Break is filmed) back in mid-September.  Ah it’s good to be connected. Ha ha.

Wentworth Miller

Lost Season 2 Finale Recap

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under Lost


For those of you who are new to Lost or might just need a reminder as to where we left off, our new GMMR LOST recapper Michelle has kindly given us a great refresher. So before you sit down tonight to watch S3, check out where The Losties and The Others were when we last saw them.

The Lost Season 2 Finale Recap

The castaways, gathered on the beach, spot – can it be? – a boat on the horizon! A few of them swim out to meet it, only to discover that it’s Desmond, the former hatch-dweller and eager escapee who has returned to the island like a reluctant boomerang. Desmond deals with his new-but-old status as castaway by drinking copious quantities of Dharma wine – honestly, I’d do the same thing, and I love that the Dharma people thought to include wine in the emergency food stash – and prattling on about his journey. He tells Jack that the outside world is apparently gone and they are doomed to remain on the island for eternity. I’ve always taken Desmond to be a wine-glass-half-full kind of guy, but I guess floating aimlessly in a boat for 2 Âœ weeks would make pessimists of the best of us. Plus, now he’s drinking straight from the bottle, so maybe the metaphor is moot.

FLASHBACK: A clean-shaven Desmond is apparently leaving prison after serving a sentence, for what we’re not sure. He collects his possessions, among them a photograph of himself and a happy-looking blond woman, as well as a copy of Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens; he tells the guard it will be the last thing he ever reads before he dies (cue imaginary foreshadowing music). He is picked up by a distinguished-looking guy in a nice car, who delivers to him
a box of undelivered letters. It’s revealed that Desmond has loved this guy’s daughter; but said guy didn’t want them together, and none of Desmond’s letters from prison ever reached her. Sonofabitch. The guy offers to pay off Desmond to never talk to his daughter, Penny, again.

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LOST and THE NINE Tonight on ABC!!

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under Lost, TV News

lost_cast.jpg The Nine

Please don’t take my silence today as a sign that I am not SUPER CRAZY EXCITED for the return of LOST and the premiere of THE NINE!! I can’t wait for tonight to watch both shows. I haven’t had much time to talk to you all today about them because the man is keeping me down today
and unfortunately that man is not named John, Jason, Ryan or Josh, so it hasn’t been as much fun as you think.

Lost is, well
come on, I don’t need to tell you about Lost. It’s clearly one of the finest shows on television today. I personally think this show is responsible for the influx of great television we’ve had over the past two years. It set the bar high and others are reaching for it. I’m excited to see what The Losties and The Others have in store for us this season. It’s just hours away people

Do yourself a favor. Stick around after Lost for The Nine. It’s a fantastic new show (ok, this superlative is based on a screener I saw months ago
but I really liked it). The Nine tells the story of nine people who were held hostage during a bank robbery. The show isn’t set in the bank, but we learn of their ordeal piece by piece through flashbacks and some great storytelling. This was one of my favorite fall pilots, so I hope you’ll watch.

Charlie_bailey.jpgJust back to GiveMeMyRemote.com after the shows and let me know what you thought!! And if nothing else
let’s enjoy having a reunion of the Salinger boys tonight. Yup, we’ve got Charlie Salinger (Matthew Fox) as Jack on Lost and his little brother Bailey (Scott Wolf) as Jeremy on The Nine.

The Office’s Oscar on the Kiss Heard ‘Round the World

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under The Office, TV Comedy

Oscar Martinez as Oscar Nunez on The Office

Our friends over at MeeVee got a few minutes with Oscar Martinez who plays Oscar Nunez on my favorite show, The Office. Here’s a bit of what Oscar he had to say about locking lips with Steve Carell, MySpace, and what’s in store for him outside The Office.

What was the atmosphere like when you filmed the season premiere (The Gay Witch Hunt)? You got kissed by two men in the same episode.

Oscar: Two? Oh, that’s right, Rainn (Wilson, Dwight) got one in there at the end too. We shot that awhile ago. It was a wonderful experience. I did a couple of takes, but I didn’t know Steve (Carell) was going to kiss me. When I looked over, everyone was looking down and hiding their faces, laughing. It’s nice to be on a show where people are genuinely enjoying their work.

You obviously have some fans out there. Did you receive any special feedback about this particular episode?

Oscar: Not so much like, “Hey let’s have a parade,” but, “Hey, that’s a good episode.” And to have scenes where I interact with Steve Carrell was great. For me, it’s really cool to have scenes where I’m interacting with other people, but having scenes with Steve is really great.

Other actors on the show are on MySpace or other websites during their downtime or when the camera isn’t on them in a scene. Do you get online? What do you do?

Oscar: I’m acting as I’m working. I’m playing solitaire or reading or working on set. I’m not computer savvy. I don’t care about the MySpace thing. I still use scroll and parchment. They (the other cast members) love it, I just never got into it and probably won’t.

Click here to read the FULL interview with Oscar Nunez.

GMMR/DuckyxDale Podcast 1.02

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

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The fall season is in full swing so Dan from DuckyxDale and I have lots to talk about. Last night we got together and recorded our second GMMR/DuckyxDale podcast. We hope you like it. Click on the link below to listen.

How to subscribe

We’d like to send a huge THANK YOU to those that downloaded our first podcasting venture and those that subscribed via iTunes! We will have a direct link shortly to iTunes on both of our sites. In the meantime:

– Log in to iTunes and go to the iTunes store.
– Click on the PODCAST link and then in the search bar type in either “duckyxdale” or “givememyremote” and you should be taken to our page where you can chose an episode to download or choose to subscribe. If you subscribe, everytime you REFRESH it will pick up our newest bitchfest (if available). It’s that easy!

And click here to find out other ways to subscribe to the GMMR/DxD podcast.

What we’re chatting about this week

Some of our new shows
 Studio 60, Heroes, Ugly BettyReturning Favorites: The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, America’s Next Top Model, Veronica Mars, Battlestar Galactica

Weekend Plans: So You Think You Can Dance Tour hits Boston. Ducky and GMMR plan on ambushing the cast and scooping the hell out of ’em. Jailbait Ivan and BF Travis Wall

A fun little game

Ok Dan and I were listening to the completed podcast last night, and we were dying laughing at the ridiculous amount of times we say we “Loved” something or someone. It was funny to listen to, but seriously, that’s the way we talk
can’t help it. Anyway, count how many times GMMR and Ducky say “Love” or some form of “Love” and email your guess to infoATgivememyremoteDOTcom. The listener/reader closest to the actual number without going over (hey, we grew up on Price is Right so how can those NOT be the rules) will win a prize!

We want to hear from YOU

We are both new to this, so we would LOVE your feedback. What don’t you like about the podcast? What would you like to hear more about, or less about? What do you think we could do to make it better? Send your feedback to infoATgivememyremoteDOTcom, subject “PODCAST”

Thanks for listening (and hopefully subscribing)!

Veronica Mars Recap: The Welcome Wagon

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News, Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars Recap

And here we are
the first recap of Veronica Mars Season 3. I hope you all watched, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Especially if you are a VM newbie who watched the show for the first time last night.

The recap is pretty long, and you may find a few typos since I really haven’t had the chance to read it through, but I think it will do its job. Enjoy, and let chat about the show, shall we?

Title: Welcome Wagon
Original Airdate: 10/3/2006

“Here it is. First day of college. Whadya say Veronica? New school. Fresh start. How about you try to not piss anyone off this time around?” Ambitious thoughts coming from Ms. Mars. Best of luck to you Veronica. Welcome to Hearst College.

Ironic that Veronica’s first college class is “Intro to Criminology”, a class that she could easily teach. Something tells me she might just ace this one. A few minutes into class and the professor gives the students a mini case to solve during the remainder of the class. Clues are given and the students are milling around, interviewing each other in hopes of finding out whodunit.

Meanwhile, Roni flips through a magazine without a care in the world. The TA approaches her and smugly suggests that Early Education might be a better course for her since magazine reading is probably allowed there. Veronica returns the smugness with a bit of her own and informs the TA –(ok I’ve got to stop here. Yes he is the TA but he’s also Lucky, Neptune’s High janitor who went on a shooting spree last year in the courtyard only to end of dead himself. Sorry but I’m a die hard VM fans, and a BAD wig, a beard and some glasses aren’t going to fool me
maybe I should take Intro to Criminology
anyway, Veronica tells that TA she knows who did it.

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Watchlist: Wednesday, October 4, 2006

October 4, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Lost_jackkate1Lost – Season Premiere
In the third-season opener, Jack, Kate and Sawyer begin to discover what they are up against as prisoners of the Others.

160_theninehjgfThe Nine – Series Premiere
Strangers caught in a botched bank robbery endure a 52-hour hostage standoff, and their lives become intertwined. In this ensemble drama, the story is parsed out in flashbacks

11111freakshow_150Freak Show – Series Premiere
An animated series about a band of freaks covertly employed by the United States government. First up: The squad is dispatched to a remote island to replenish the president’s supply of perry nuts, his snack food of choice.

What else is on
America’s Next Top Model, One Tree Hill, The Biggest Loser, Jericho, Dancing with the Stars

Veronica Mars Season 3 is Back TONIGHT!!

October 3, 2006 by  
Filed under Jason Dohring, Kristen Bell, Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars

this post contains some mild spoilers for the first two episodes of Veronica Mars. Spoiler Puritans beware!!

This is a big year for Veronica Mars. Not just the title character but the show. While Veronica finds herself at a new college, the show finds itself on a new network. And while Ms. Mars will try her best to avoid the Freshman 15, the show will be begging to gain 22
episodes that is. The critically acclaimed but viewer-starved show has only been picked up for 13 eps this season. So Veronica needs to make some new friends – fast, or else risk not being 
ugh. You know what?
I’m not even going there. Veronica Mars needs some new eyes in front of their TVs, and that’s that!

One way the new network is trying to bring in and keep new viewers is to change the format just a bit. Rather than have one season-long mystery to compliment the weekly whodun-its (as was the format for the first two seasons), we will be treated to three seperate mysteries which will be rolled out over the course of the season. As a fan, I’m looking forward to this new approach as I think it will keep the stories fresh and the mometum moving in the right direction.

In an effort to acclamate new viewers, tonight’s S3 premiere is Veronica Mars-light. Don’t get me wrong, the episode is fantastic and it’s got all the elements that makes Veronica Mars so frakkin’ good. But the show was perhaps written more for the newbies than the die hard Veronica Mars fans. Something show creator Rob Thomas talked about last week during a S3 press meeting.

“I will freely admit, the first episode is Veronica Mars for beginners“, Thomas noted. “The case is pretty straight ahead and used to largely introduce us to the new characters. I’ve tried to really front load the episodes with fun breezy banter, that would play nicely with the Gilmore Girls audience, sort of inviting them into the show. It starts feeling more like our show in the final five minutes. The second episode which ranks with some of our best ever, is Veronica Mars at its best.“

But before we get to the second episode, which was soooo good, let’s take a quick look at where Veronica Mars is in tonight’s episode.

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