Prison Break Teasers
November 13, 2006 by Kath Skerry
This post contains some minor spoilers for tonight’s Prison Break. Read at your own risk.
If you like your escaped convicts vulnerable, sappy and sweaty to the point that YOU need some cooling off then tonight’s Prison Break is definitely worth checking out (8/7c on FOX). Here’s a little teaser as to what goes down with the Fox River boys and their friends in tonight’s episode “Bolshoi Booze”.
The gravity of Michael’s wrong doings catch up to him and like many before him, he finds solace in a church confessional (insert way too easy Catholic priest joke here). Wenty shows he more than just a
pretty handsome gorgeous awe inspiring face and pulls out some serious acting tonight. Tears and all. Actually,come to think of it, Wentworth has been doing a lot of boo hoo’ing as of late. It’s ok, it just shows he’s sensitive.
Lincoln and LJ make some serious decisions about their future together on the run after learning who is behind the plot to frame Lincoln.
Sarah really doesn’t have much to say about her future. She’s too busy just trying to stay alive from the torture inflicted at the hands of Kellerman.
Meanwhile, Mahone is getting himself deeper and deeper into this big C-O-N-spiracy with the President and her hoodlums (aka SD-6). Ever see a caged rat? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what Mahone is feeling like these days.
And what’s going on with T-Bag? When we last saw him he was handcuffed to the radiator with the cops just outside the door. Well, if you really want to know what happened, then just take a look at the little present I received along with this week’s screener of Prison Break. Yeah, it’s not pretty.
Funny story actually – I got the screener in the mail right before I went to the airport on Friday. I didn’t open it, but rather threw it in my carry on and went on my merry way. Let’s just say that the airport security guys were justified in wanting me to open the package to inspect the contents. We all got a bit of a laugh from it. And to Brian and Sean who were sitting next to me on the plane…sorry for spoiling this week’s episode, but hey, you were the ones looking at my laptop.

Here’s a few visual aids to get your psyched for tonight’s episode:
Thanks to my buddy Jared at for the pics. He’s got even more pics from tonight’s episode, so make sure you head over there to check them out.
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Filed under Prison Break, TV Boyfriends, TV Drama, TV News, Wentworth Miller
except T-bag’s gonna be missing his left hand this week…that’s pretty cool. it’s good they have a sense of humor about themselves.