Watchlist: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Watchlist: Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November 21, 2006 by  

So after a one day hiatus, Give Me My Remote is back! Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. I’d like to say I was doing something fun with my time like having tea with Kristen Bell, bike riding in Central Park with Neil Patrick Harris, or doing some early Christmas shopping with JKras – but no such luck. I just had a lot going on. Plus, John hates the idea of Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving – we’ll go the week after 😉

Gilmore Girls

Gilmore GirlsIntroducing Lorelai Planetarium
Lorelai and Chris arrange a dinner so they can tell their big news to Rory, who puts on a happy face for her dad but tells her mom she’s angry. Elsewhere, Logan surprises Rory with a visit and an announcement that he’s relocating to New York.


Veronica MarsLord of the Pi’s
Veronica’s on the hunt for a wealthy – and missing – Hearst College trustee who disappears the night before she’s supposed to cast the deciding vote that could ruin frat parties forever and bring down the school’s Greek system.

House turns a heart attack into a game for his staff when an 18-year-old (Patrick Fugit) – who’s the sole supporter of his two younger siblings – falls ill while working at a restaurant that caters to kids’ parties.

Lao Law & Order: Criminal IntentBlasters
Detectives Logan and Wheeler’s investigation into the beating of a former child star turns interesting when they discover ties to the Albanian mob.

Filed under TV News

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