Series Premiere: Knights of Prosperity - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Series Premiere: Knights of Prosperity

January 3, 2007 by  

The Knights of Prosperity

Set the DVRs, PVRs TiVos…or even the VCR because I think we might have a new show to talk about tomorrow. Tonight is the series premiere of The Knights of Prosperity – one of the most talked about and highly anticipated shows coming out of this summer’s TCA’s. Of course back then the show was known by it’s original title “Let’s Rob Mick Jagger”. So what’s this show with two obscure names all about?

Eugene Gurkin’s (Donal Logue) dreams always have exceeded his means. In fact his dead end job on the late, late janitorial shift won’t even fund a bottle of premium booze. In a serendipitous moment, he catches an episode of an entertainment news show and his passion is ignited. Soon he excitedly recruits a group of “average joes” into his “gang” — “The Knights of Prosperity” — to plan the celebrity heist. The first order of business is to get a copy of the key to Jagger’s apartment. And, as usual for this group of “Ocean’s idiots,” nothing comes easily.

…keep reading. Your chance to win free stuff after the jump.

Listen, I wasn’t lucky enough to get an advanced screener for this one (thanks a lot ABC), but the buzz is good so I think it’s worthy of watching. One of my favorite TV critics, Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune had this to say about the new the new faces hitting our TVs tonight: “The gang’s silly adventures, the show’s zippy pace and the sharp writing would all be amusing no matter what, but the secret of the “Knights” is that the characters are immediately memorable and distinct.” That sounds like a ringing endorsement if I ever heard one. I’ll be watching…will you?

Knights of Prosperity

Win Knights of Prosperity Swag

Want to win some fun Knights of Prosperity stuff? Well my boys Scooter and Ducky have the good and they are sharing with you. So click here to head over to Scooter’s site to enter, and then head over to Ducky’s site and do the same. Double the chances.

Oh…and listen, before you leave, a big heads up that my friend Ducky has moved to a new site. So rather that going to, you can now just go to the BRAND NEW DUCKYXDALE.COM!! Woo Hoo!! Make sure you updated your bookmarks.

Filed under TV News


3 Responses to “Series Premiere: Knights of Prosperity”

  1. Scooter McGavin on January 3rd, 2007 7:03 pm

    Thanks for promoting my contest and whst looks to be the greatest show of 2007.

  2. coloradokila on January 4th, 2007 3:00 pm

    I have it on my DVR to watch tonight.
    I am so excited.
    Can’t wait to Donal Logue back on TV again.

  3. Michelle on January 4th, 2007 8:51 pm

    This is another winner. I love it!