The Office's Jim & Pam Together...FINALLY - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Office’s Jim & Pam Together…FINALLY

January 15, 2007 by  

Jim and Pam, The Office

Yeah, I risked life and limb with a headline like that. Alright, I’ll admit I don’t have any super inside scoop on the coupledom of my favorite TV twosome, but The Office’s Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesly) and my my #1 lanky boy toy John Krasinski (Jim Halpert) will be strolling the red carpet together this evening at the Golden Globes. Hey, it’s going to be the most touching Jim and Pam have done all season…I’ll take what I can get.

I’m all for some red carpet Jammin’, but where will Jenna’s husband actor/writer/director James Gunn be? And is Jenna helping John out so he can avoid walking the red carpet with rumored on screen/off screen paramour Rashida Jones? (It’s all a rumor people…I don’t care how many times they are spotted at concerts, or at dinner together, or breakfast the next morning…it’s all a rumor!! Oh the lies I tell myself in order to protect my fragile heart).

Maybe the two will give some GMMR love on the red carpet tonight…or at least some spoilers.  I mean, do you really think it’s a coincidence that these two are walking together tonight?  NBC is going for maximum Jim & Pam exposure leading into February sweeps.  Let’s hope it’s all for a good reason.
Thanks to Psappy for the tip.


13 Responses to “The Office’s Jim & Pam Together…FINALLY”

  1. heatehr on January 15th, 2007 3:48 pm

    GMMR, are you kidding me? [/andy]
    That headline was so not right. You are on my list today. ha ha

  2. GreenEyes on January 15th, 2007 3:59 pm

    I can barely sit still – this is going to be adorable!! They better get some good interview time with someone! Ohh, NBC, if you’re screwing with me, I will storm your building and put peanut butter under all your doorknobs in anger!!

  3. jenny on January 15th, 2007 4:03 pm

    I think James and possibly Rashida as well got the cut. Apparently, there aren’t many seats at this thing and if you aren’t nominated for an individual award [say, you’re a member of a cast nominated for best comedy] you don’t get to bring a date. So I think the dates and guest stars will probably be at a separate party like they did last year.

  4. MJ on January 15th, 2007 4:11 pm

    I can’t wait to watch it. I’m only watching it to see how the show & Steve do. Thanks up the update.

  5. Clare on January 15th, 2007 4:29 pm

    Be still my beating heart, that will be cute beyond belief! Those photos will provide some much needed warmth after a loooooooong cold spell. If they’re starting up a big JAM promo campaign, well then bring it on!! But you’d better not be teasing me NBC!! You hear me? I’ve been a very, very patient girl….

  6. Psappy on January 15th, 2007 5:00 pm

    Oooh I so agree with you that this is NBC giving maximum Jim/Pam time.

    And I don’t believe you aren’t allowed to bring a date, Steve Carell’s hilarious speech to his wife sitting there anyone? Plus I’ve heard through the grapevine Brad is bringing Angelina…soooo.

    It’s definitely for a reason IMO.

  7. Clare on January 15th, 2007 5:12 pm

    I think Jenny is right about the date thing. You have to be nominated for an individual award as Steve was last year. Members of an ensemble cast, as I recall, don’t get to bring someone. I remember the entire cast of Friends going together years ago. But still, bring on the red carpet lovin!! 😉

  8. Psappy on January 15th, 2007 5:27 pm


    I didn’t even think of that. Either way my shipper heart will just continue to think it’s an omen on what’s to come on The Office 😉

  9. Team Pam A.K.A Stamford Worker on January 15th, 2007 5:31 pm

    You know what i would give to be Jenna Ficher right now? 🙂

  10. Clare on January 15th, 2007 5:35 pm

    Amen to that Psappy!! Swwwweeeeeeeeeet 🙂

  11. Brian on January 15th, 2007 6:40 pm

    That headline was cruel. But I appreciate it.

  12. Jen on January 15th, 2007 9:06 pm

    I agree wth Team Pam A.K.A Stamford Worker. Oh what I would give.

    YAY, saw some pictures of Jenna, and she looks simply awesome! I wish I could watch, but I have a million things to do, I know that is showing some total lack in the Office Fanatic department, but that’s what procrastination will do to you.

    I love the headline by the way—if only…

  13. Alicia on January 15th, 2007 10:43 pm

    I haven’t seen any of them except Rainn and Steve! I have been watching all night! With a few baby feeding breaks! I agree that unless you are super high profile like Angelina or Trump, you have to be nominated or be the date of an individual nominee to have a seat tonight. So crazy! And is anyone else a little miffed that when they panned the Office table after their clip, they only zoomed in on Michael, instead of the cast like they did for the others? I was furious! Well, i look forward to rewatching in slow-mo, to try to catch background clips of the Office folks! =)