Ellen DeGeneres – Funny Phone Call
January 25, 2007 by Kath Skerry
I was watching Ellen DeGeneres last week and was the clip below and laughing my ass off. I had meant to share it with all of you but forgot all about it until this morning.
So here’s the deal. Ellen received a call from an 88 year old Austin, TX woman named Gladys. Gladys had called the show to tell Ellen to move a plant behind her head becauseit made her look like Alfalfa. Ellen called her back live on air, and it was funny stuff.
[gv data=”sF2QV0jh448″][/gv]
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Filed under Ellen DeGeneres
I saw that last week and nearly fell out of my chair laughing. She called her again this week but I didn’t get to see it. I don’t know how funny it was.
That is SO great. I love all her little lines. I hope Ellen calls her at least once a week and they put them on youtube. Gladys can have her own little segment on the Ellen show.
Awesome! I love Ellen and now I love Gladys, too!
That was hilarious. She is so true though.. any thought of impeeding weather, the local news stations will cut into programming and stand there and repeat information for several hours and will not replay show, except for soaps becasue there are alot of women who get really enraged when they dont get their soaps, especially in the Dallas-Fort Worth area…
Dustin – That happens in Memphis TN also. Anytime we have ice or snow the city shuts down. I remember one time they closed all the schools and some of the businesses because the weathermen THOUGHT there would be snow during the night, so the kids got a day out of school for nothing. I’m sure the school board felt stupid after that.
I was dying of laughter when I saw that last week and was hoping someone would YouTube it to share with the fiance.
This was amazing! What a great idea-I heart The Ellen Show.
I can hardly catch my breath. I love Ellen, and Gladys made my day.
My new catchphrase is “I love Jesus but I drink a little.” Genius.
thank you so much for uploading that – it added a little cherry to the top of my great day
i love your show i wish i could hang out with you and wife and your dogs.i hope your famliy stays happy and healthy keep up the great work.to make use laughy…..email me sometime..we can chat if your not busy… take care