24 Recap: 3:00 – 4:00pm - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

24 Recap: 3:00 – 4:00pm

February 20, 2007 by  

24 Episode Recaps

Title: 3:00 – 4:00pm
Original Airdate: 2/19/07
GMMR Recapper: LaLa

So, who do you call when your evil dad has just escaped and you have no one else to turn to in your search for crazy Russian nationalist/terrorist Gredenko? Why, none other than a heavily bearded ex-president-but-always-evil Charles Logan!! Yes my friends, when you have a villain as good as Logan, you just have to bring him back somehow – even if he has already been apprehended on the show. Reminds me of when they kept bringing back Season 1 villain Nina Meyers in order to “assist” Jack and CTU by giving them the secret bad guy information that all bad guys have because, of course, they’re bad guys – and don’t you know that bad guys always know everything about every other bad guy out there? Well, clearly Bearded Logan now falls into this category – and I’m glad too, because not only is the terrific Gregory Itzen back on the show, but hopefully Jean Smart aka Martha (and maybe her new, dare I say it, boyfriend Agent Pierce!) will soon come back as well. Can’t wait!

One wife, however, who I hope does NOT come back is wimpy Mrs. G. Even after witnessing the deaths of all those innocent CTU agents because of her purposely false information, the woman STILL thought that the life of her teenage son Josh was more important than all those nameless agents and the thousands more nameless people who will die from further nuclear attacks because she refused to give the right information. Thank goodness Jack was able to use his incredible powers of “persuasion” (which, surprisingly, did not include torture this time…) in order to finally convince her to do the right thing. And I’m also thankful that young Josh was astute and observant enough to not only realize that his (maybe) dad Graem was a criminal, but also that his grandpa was evil too. Too bad Daddy Bauer (who, it seems, is not completely heartless) caught him before he could escape. And is it just me, or were you all surprised that when Jack was on his knees waiting for his father to kill him, he actually apologized to Daddy Bauer for disappointing him?!?! And for letting “the family” down because he went off to be a “silly” civil servant instead of an evil corporate mastermind like his father and brother?! Seriously??? Yeah, I don’t think I’m the only one who found that hard to swallow.

In other 24 news, Chief of Weasel Tom is maybe not quite as evil as we thought: when it came down to actually giving the proper clearance in order to make the Presidential Assassination happen – even though it would conveniently be blamed on Assad – the man just couldn’t do it. I guess he really does have some actual morals after all. Or maybe he was just playing Chad Lowe the entire time, in the hopes that stopping a Presidential Assassination would give him the credence and leverage he needed in order to convince the President to enact his radical proposals. Either way, I suppose we’ll never know, since he is now lying unconscious in a dark pipe room and will possibly and probably be killed next week by Chad Lowe – who now, of course, has the vital key card in order to let his assassin into the building. Ah well. I say again, here’s hoping another Palmer – and another 24 president – doesn’t die.

And finally, it seems that poor former-alcoholic Morris O’Brien (ahhh, so THAT’S why he and Chloe divorced) is about to hit rock bottom – no, wait, I think he did when he took that drink. Sure, he spit it out, but even altoids can’t remove the stench of a swallowed and then immediately spewed out alcoholic drink. I guess suddenly useful Milo’s impromptu heroism in protecting Mrs. G and shooting bad guys really took a toll on poor Morris’ shattered confidence and horrible guilt. But I’m glad that our girl Chloe forgave Morris and was willing to cover up his alcoholic mistake in order to save his job. Here’s hoping that Morris doesn’t let her down again – because if he does, we all know whose arms Chloe should run into next, now don’t we? Yeah, I don’t think I’m the only one thinks “really good friends” Jack and Chloe should someday be more than that, right? Anyone? Bueller?

LaLa is a writer who currently resides in LaLa Land, aka Los Angeles. LaLa also likes to sing. LaLa also knows some lawyers in a law office. LaLa is also prone to making bad jokes, like this one. And of course, LaLa also loves her some quality television shows with quality actors on them, like House… and The Office… and 24… and, well, pretty much any smartly written show that doesn’t include a fat guy with a hot skinny wife or the words “two and a half men” in the title.


Filed under 24, 24 Recaps


6 Responses to “24 Recap: 3:00 – 4:00pm”

  1. Jason on February 20th, 2007 8:10 am

    I hate Chloe. That is all.

  2. Becky (other Becky) on February 20th, 2007 9:47 am

    I was wondering who the guy at the end was. I’m really glad you do these recaps so I’m not completely lost.

    I also found the apology that he gave his dad kind of crazy. I love my daddy but if he was about to shoot me in the back of the head, we would be having problems not apologizing. Also, why didn’t his daddy shoot him?

    Also, Morris chugged a lot of whiskey and I don’t think I noticed it all coming out. Did I miss something?

  3. Michelle on February 20th, 2007 10:20 am

    I never read your recaps the day they’re posted, because we’re always at least an episode behind on this. But I want you to know that it’s VERY tempting to go ahead and read your write-up and be spoiled, because I know the recap will be good. It’s a decision I have to make every single week. So far, I’ve been able to remain strong, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold out…

  4. Jake on February 20th, 2007 9:02 pm

    I agree, that apology to evil Daddy Bauer was weird. But it came off as believable. Maybe that’s why Daddy Bauer didn’t have it in him to finish off Jack, even though he must know Jack is going to eventually hunt him down. Also, I’m predicting Morris will do something heroic before the end of the season, and get killed doing it. But Chloe and Jack? No way. Not with Audrey waiting in the wings. Sooner or later, she’s going to find out Jack’s back, and then the spark will be rekindled.

  5. Kris on February 20th, 2007 9:12 pm

    Love love love the recap, LaLa! Great job summarizing everything w/ a nice dose of common sense, ha ha 😛

    I don’t know about the whole “persuasion” thing going on between Jack and Mrs. G, but i’m starting to wonder…where the heck is Audrey?! Whatever. Jack, you naughty boy 😛 Oh, but i was happy that Josh had more wit than his mother, trying to play off going to get a drink to escape. He has some nerve…hmmm…starting to sound more like Jack…still not sure about that but your theory still sounds plausible. I agree.

    Anyway, i DO think that Martha will be back on, as well as Agent Pierce. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to Aaron. That would severely piss me off. Awww…Mr. Evil Former President wants his honey back…touching, but not really. Still, i’m glad that he’s back in the works b/c, like you said, Itzen is amazing.

    I was surprised when Tom actually did the right thing! Very surprising indeed. Too bad he didn’t get too far w/ his plan. I was hoping he’d kick Lowe’s ass (what IS his name?!), but whatever. Yeah, he’ll probably be dead next episode. I hope the Palmer doesn’t die either.

    Anyway, overall, great recap to yet another great episode. Can’t wait for next Monday!

  6. Bill on February 21st, 2007 1:00 am

    Chloe’s my favorite supporting character, and they better not kill her. But I don’t think Jack would ever have any romantic feelings toward her.
    I kept dreading that Jack and his brother’s widow would kiss. They definately were trying to show a little chemistry there. and… there’s something wrong with that. Even though she had wanted to leave Graham… still that’s messed up.
    Where is Audrey anyway? The Nine was cancelled.

    I love your line about the “secret bad guy information.” Spot on!