February 2007 - Page 5 of 9 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A TV Lovers Dream Line Up

February 18, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

gmmr_icon_myspace.pngLast week when I asked your opinion as to what shows I needed to make a point of watching when I can home from my week in California, you all were all over the board. Some thought Lost should be the priority while others thought I should start with Ugly Betty and others still The O.C.. Well, I’m home and here’s what happened. I decided to just go with my gut and start with the shows I felt most compelled to watch first – much easier that way, right?

So call it a TV lovers dream, but here are the shows I’ve watched already today and plan on watching today/tonight.

The Office -Yes I saw this one while I was in Cali, and maybe once again yesterday morning at my parents’ house, but there’s something about watching it on HD in my own apartment. Sue me, I’m addicted to the show.

The O.C. – Only one more episode to go after this one, and I felt that The Cohen/Cooper clan should get some priority while they still can. A great episode, with a lot of great throwback references without it being a clip show. Classic Ryan and Seth moments (which have always been my favorite part of the show). I stared getting a little sad to see the cast walking out of the hospital together. Next Thursday’s series finale will be tough, that much I know. The kleenex will be handy.

Friday Night Lights – Amazing television. Just amazing. If I haven’t convinced you yet to start watching this show, I’m not sure I ever will. Hell, I’d send you all a free iTunes download if I could guarantee you would use it to watch Friday Night Lights. Matt and Julie may be my favorite TV couple right now. I mean, Logan and Veronica aren’t together and Jim and Pam can’t seem to get out of their own way, so Matt and Julie are slowly emerging as front runners. Of course they could be easily moved out of the top spot if Landry and Tyra ever made a go at it. God how I love Landry…that kid cracks me up.

Grey’s Anatomy – Yes, I’ve already seen it but I wanted to watch it again. Ok I just wanted to watch the ending again.

Still ahead: Ugly Betty, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Extras, House, Gilmore Girls, and Studio 60. What order will I watch them in? Oh the suspense must be killing you. Ha ha ha. Check back later to find out.

…Glad to be home

Ugly Betty – WOW! A great episode. Although I’m not sure ‘Ugly Betty’ is the right title…this week it should be ‘Fabulous Marc’. Marc is hands down my favorite character on the show and he was at his Gay Best when befriending Christina and helping her to make the Oscar dress for SJP. I wish the whole Project Runway/Make it Work scene was on YouTube, but I can’t seen to find it. However, I did manage to snag the clip of him dancing which made me smile (see below). The Betty/Henry was stuff was great. Adorkable love and I’m smitten. The Daniel womanizing storyline kind of bored me (it usually does). But the end montage was fab….Ugly Betty snags JT’s “What Goes Around Comes Around”? Well played. Although the best music of the night clearly belongs to Justin and his rendition of “Hairspray”

[gv data=”I0i5ijAPbOM”][/gv]

Studio 60 – As someone who champions Studio 60 I was pretty disappointed with this week’s episode. The flashbacks to Matt and Harriet of yesteryear did nothing to make me care for these two as a couple. And let’s hope that Matt doesn’t develop an issue with drugs, because you know…that’s Danny Tripp’s story. I continue to like Danny and Jordan, but I’m worried that Danny being the “father” of Jordan’s baby is going to be a bit too much too soon. Much like the problem the fictional Studio 60 was facing during the episode, I too was feeling there was just too much Harriet. Very little Tom, very little Simon and no Lucy or Darius. Let’s make this an emsemble show and NOT the Matt and Harriet story hour.

Battlestar Galactica – Hmm. It’s not that I didn’t like this week’s episode. I thought it was very interesting andit touched on social issues in only the way BSG can and consistently does. I’m a fan of Helo, so an episode so focused on him made me happy. But with all that I was a little disappointed in the episode as a whole in the scheme of the series. It felt like a stand along ep as it didn’t really pull or push forward many of the other storylines. But hey, at least it wasn’t another Baltar-focused episode, so at least there’s that.

….two ‘eh’ episodes in a row. I’m going for a sure thing next: Extras!

Extras – Sometimes I feel like I need a shower after watching this show.  NO ONE knows how to make you feel uncomfortable like Ricky Gervais.  All these horribly funny things happen to Andy Millman, but yet most of it is his own fault.  I’ll never know why he keeps around Darren as his agent, but Stephen Merchant’s portrayal is spot on. This show is too much.  Only a few more eps left, and much like Gervais’ The Office, he won’t be extending the series past the 2nd season.  So sad.

Weekend Watchlist: Feb. 17-18, 2007

February 17, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

Simpsons_2SimpsonsSpringfield Up
The Simpsons continues to deliver its brand of biting animated satire, family-friendly comedy and big-name guest stars even into its 18th season.  This week Eric Idol, of Monty Python fame, portrays a filmmaker returning to Springfield to see how the subjects of his documentary have grown.  Boy is he going to be impressed by how Homer’s grown!


Amazing Race: All-StarsSeason Premiere
If you haven’t yet had your fill of stereotypical contestants (blond white women are ditzy, we get it) racing around the world for one million dollars, get ready for a new season of The Amazing Race!  Winners of seasons past reunite for a chance at another big payday and even tougher mind-bending challenges!


Beauty & The GeekSeason Finale
The third season of wraps up on Sunday, after an eleven hour marathon on MTV, but not before surprise visitors throw the final two teams for a loop and one contestant makes the ultimate sacrifice for the team.  After this episode, you’ll never look at your IT department the same way again!

30 Rock Recap: The C Word

February 16, 2007 by  
Filed under 30 Rock

30 Rock Recap

Title: The C Word
Original Airdate: Feb. 15, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Brian

Jack’s in a magnanimous mood, inviting Tracy to a posh Connectict golf outing for GE big-wigs. Tracy’s a fish out of rich-guy water right off the bat, but Jack sees his star as his ticket to hob-nob with the corporate brass on the links. The scenario has all the potential for Three’s Company-esque hijinks.

In the writer’s room, things seem like business as usual. Liz (Tina Fey) gets angry at Frank for sleeping through her (spot-on) Condoleeza Rice impression and is less than impressed when he explains that a Designing Women marathon kept him up all night. When Lutz’s cell phone rings, she whips it across the room – and smacks the cleaning lady in the head. And she loses it when Lutz pitches his third hobo-themed sketch in a week.

Liz: I didn’t like it two weeks ago when it was called America’s Next Hobo, and I didn’t like it a month ago when it was called Hobo Eye for the Straight Guy.
Lutz: Deal or No Hobo?
Liz: Hey Lutz, why don’t you approach your job with the same creativity and excitement you have for all-you-can-eat buffets?

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The Office Redux: It’s All Going to be OK

The Office, NBC, US

For those of you who need some talking off the ledge this morning….trust me when I say that it’s all going to be ok. Not-so-fancy Old Bessly had a temporary set back in deciding to get back together with Roy. But come on, we didn’t even get a whole episode in before we saw the reemergence of Roy 1.0. I give them one more episode before they are done for good.

And do you really think Jim and Karen are MFEO? Come on, the girl can’t even pull off a good prank. Again, the demise of Jim and Karen has begun. Jim needs to end things with Karen because they aren’t right for each other, and NOT because of his feelings for Pam. Same thing with Pam and Roy. They will be ok. Do you really think the writers are not going to put Jim and Pam together at some point in time. They are smart people. They read the boards, and hell they might even be reading your comments here. So tell them what you want, but just always remember this…Greg Daniels knows what he’s doing.

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You Say it’s Your Birthday…

February 16, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News


Happy Birthday to DuckyxDale from your friends at Give Me My Remote!!
Click here to leave a birthday message for the Duckster

p.s. Ducky, my birthday is next month and I fully expect a JKras cake 🙂

Clay Aiken on Jimmy Kimmel – Valentine’s Day

February 16, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

I don’t know why, but I find it so amusing every time Clay Aiken visits The Jimmy Kimmel Show. I really don’t think Clay takes himself too seriously, and he knows that he’s the punchline to more than a few jokes. That’s why I think it’s always a good time when he comes on Kimmel, because he just has fun with it.

Ugly Betty Recap: Derailed

February 16, 2007 by  
Filed under Ugly Betty, Ugly Betty Recap

Ugly Betty


Title: “Derailed”
Original Airdate: February 15, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Jo

Claire Meade’s murder confession haunts Betty’s dreams. As does Henry making out with his ex-girlfriend- a super model by Betty’s imagination. Alexis and Daniel arrive to work with playful sibling banter, much to Wilhelmina’s chagrin. Daniel gives Betty a party invitation to Stella McCarthy’s party, but she blurts out “Your mother killed Fey Summers” just in time for the UPS guy.

Wil cries to Marc about the family reunion, fearing Alexis may change her mind. Marc tracks down the scoop while Wil interrogates Christina. She bolts, so Wil assigns Marc to keep an eye on her. Daniel laughs off Claire’s confession as the ramblings of a drunk. Betty points out she was driving an Aston-Martin and the detail drives Daniel to visit Dad in the clink. Bradford demands Daniel get him a new lawyer named Grace Chin. The problem is Daniel stood Grace up in college.


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Grey’s Anatomy’s Holy Sh#% Ending

February 16, 2007 by  
Filed under Grey's Anatomy, Grey's Anatomy Recap

MEredith Grey


Holy Mother of God what an episode of Grey’s Anatomy!! The episode just ended for me and to be honest I’m having a hard time typing due to the tears still in my eyes. In my heart of hearts I know that Meredith isn’t dead. The show is called Grey’s Anatomy and she is Meredith Grey. The don’t kill off the lead character in season three, do they? NAH. Although I truly believe that she lives, I am still overwhelming worried and concerned for her. That’s a sign of some good writing and acting.

And you know I freaked…I mean really freaked when I saw the return of Kyle Chandler (yay Coach Taylor has returned as more than pink mist) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (we lived to see Denny once more). See I see what Shonda and crew were doing here. We the audience never got to say a proper goodbye to Denny and Pink Mist. They were taken from us with no warning. Shonda still feels guilty and this is her way of appeasing us. I will forgive you Shonda, if you can give me just one more episode with these two guys. Because honestly, that was a GREAT moment that I didn’t see coming. Ok maybe I thought that Denny would show up (I mean I do read Ausiello and Veitch) but I didn’t expect him tonight and I didn’t expect him with Coach Taylor*. Bravo…bravo…bravo!!

I guess the biggest reveal for me tonight was me realizing that I like Meredith Grey and I’d miss her if she were dead. I would make it my sole purpose in life to comfort McDreamy if she kicks it, but I would still be sad to see her go. Remember the song that was playing when you had your hand on the bomb, Mer? Breathe…just breathe.

* If you don’t know why I’m calling Kyle Chandler then that means you don’t watch him on Friday Night Lights, and shame on you.

GMMR’s TiVo Priority – You Choose

February 15, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

gmmr_icon_myspace.pngSo here’s the deal…I missed a TON of show while I’ve been out here in California. The time difference, some late nights at the office, only being able to watch one show at a time – yeah all of it means that I have some serious catching up to do when I get home on Saturday. That being said, I haven’t seen my family and friends in a week so I don’t want to be holed up in my apartment the whole weekend. This is where you come in. I’ll give you the shows I missed and you tell me in which order I should watch them. Deal? Done!

Updated: Yup we know need to add Ugly Betty, Scrubs, and The O.C. to the list below.

  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Studio 60
  • Gilmore Girls
  • House
  • Lost
  • Friday Night Lights
  • American Idol
  • Extras

Gilmore Girls Recap: Farewell, My Pet

February 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Gilmore Girls

Sorry all…in all the chaos of yesterday, I forgot to post’s Whirl’s Gilmore Girls recap.  Enjoy.

Title: “Farewell, My Pet”
Original Airdate: Feb. 13, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Whirl

The best way to open up an episode? Luke naked. Since we don’t get that we’ll take Lorelai, Rory and Emily taking Richard and his IV pole for a nice stroll through the Cardiac Recovery Unit. Lor and Rory are messing around, Emily is trying to shush them and Richard is playing along because he’s going stir crazy in that damn hospital.  Seems they’ve all been spending a lot of time there because they start gossiping about the other patients and know them all by name. Richard thinks it’s time Rory took off to go back to Yale so she can spy on the TA who will be running his Econ class. She wants to postpone going back till next week but no one will hear of it. Lor doesn’t think she should miss anymore classes and besides, Rory had already decided. Rory asks her mother “Haven’t you ever decided something and then changed your mind?” This my people is what I like to refer to as foreshadowing…don’t know it? Google is your friend. Lor pulls her daughter aside promising everything will be okay with Richard but Rory’s also worried about her mother, since Chris still hasn’t come home. Seems he’s staying with his mother (HA!) and needs some “space”.  Rory wants to call him but Lorelai down plays everything and makes her daughter promise to go back to school.

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Felicity Gets Hitched

February 15, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

Keri Russell

Congrats go out to Keri Russell and Shane Deary who got hitched on Valentine’s Day in New York City. The two have been dating several years and were engaged last year. Russell and Deary, who are both 30, are expecting their first child this summer. Ben and Noel are rumored to be fighting to be godfather.

The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

The Office

You know how it KILLS me to have a short edition of The Office Thursday, but until I marry a wealthy man that can make blogging my full time job, sometimes I just have to work. Wah wah 🙁 But small doesn’t mean bad (That’s what she said) and there’s a lot of Office gossip to share so let’s get to it.

The Office Chat
Tonight we will be chatting up before, during and after the show at our weekly Office chat over at BuddyTV.com. I’m going to be stuck out here on the West Coast but we are still having our chat. We usually get started around 8pm/EST so make sure you swing by and say hi. Stop by once and you’ll never be able to watch the show without your online friends again. Click here to set a reminder for the Office chat.

Super-supersized Finale
Jim and Pam, Casino Night OfficeTally.com has received confirmation that The Office will get a full one hour season finale this year. Greg Daniels and Co. blew our socks off with their 40 minute finale last season, so I can’t imagine what goodies they have in store for us this May. I’m begging you…please don’t leave us with another Jim and Pam cliffhanger! My heart just couldn’t take it again. Besides – been there, done that.

Tonight on The Office…
Michael Scott“Business School” (8:30 EST)
Michael is invited to be a guest speaker at Ryan’s business school. Back at the office, Dwight goes batty trying to catch a bat, and Pam invites her colleagues to her first art exhibit. This is the episode that Joss Whedon directed.

Uh,thank you…SPOILER ALERT …
There are so many clips out there for tonight’s show that I don’t know why some of you even bother to watch the episode. Ha ha, just kidding. Well, I’m patting myself on the back as I’ve remained relatively spoiler free. I did watch the Joss Whedon clips, but other than that I’ve avoided them. You know it hates me to tempt you like this, but it’s what I do. Click on the clips below to watch:

The Office

More Office Thursday after the jump
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Watchlist: Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

Hey GMMRers…how are you?! Sorry I’ve been a little neglectful this week. My new job is keeping me pretty busy, and with the three hour time difference it’s been a bit tough to post. The comments have been kind of quiet the past few days – I hope you still all love me (God I’m needy).

Anyway, I’m heading home tomorrow so we will be back to business as usual before you know it. I just wanted to say thanks for all the nice emails wishing me luck in my new gig. It’s always scary to start a new job, but it’s been a lot of fun so far – definitely the right move for me. Oh and one important thing I’ve learned the past few days…every hotel needs to have TiVo!! Screw the flat screen TV I’ve got in my room, what’s the point if I can only watch one show at a time?! It’s been devastating. Ok enough about moi, let’s get on to important stuff like what we’re watching tonight.

My Name is Earl My Name is EarlThe Birthday Party
Earl celebrates his birthday by reminiscing about all the items he’s crossed off his list in the past year. Randy organizes a blowout bash for him at the Crab Shack, but it’s Earl who ultimately gets crabby.

The Office The OfficeBusiness School
Michael is invited to be a guest speaker at Ryan’s business school. Back at the office, Dwight goes batty trying to catch a bat, and Pam invites her colleagues to her first art exhibit. (Joss Whedon directs)

Grey's Anatomy Grey’s AnatomyDrowning on Dry Land
The interns face stern challenges in Part 2 of a three-part story arc. Yup, that’s all they’re saying about tonight’s show. You know it’s going to be a good one!!

Scrubs ScrubsMy Perspective
J.D. develops a stress condition that causes him to black out, leaving his friends to fight about who will take care of him. Meanwhile, Turk is having a problem with a foreign intern and Kelso has a problem with the truth.

Ugly_betty2 Ugly BettyDerailed
Daniel deals with a family matter and turns to former classmate Grace Chin (Lucy Liu) for legal help; Alexis meets a guy (Jerry O’Connell) while stranded at a sports bar with Wilhelmina during a blizzard.

Tracy_morgan2 30 RockThe ‘C’ Word
Liz tries to soften her strict management style after being too harsh on writer Lutz (John Lutz). In other events, Jack squires Tracy to a charity golf event, hoping the big star will help him get closer to a company chairman (Rip Torn).

The O.C. The O.C.The Night Moves
As Newport is thrown into chaos following the earthquake, Seth helps Ryan in his darkest hour of need while Sandy and Kirsten grow ever more concerned about their unborn baby. Meanwhile, Frank earns the respect of a recent rival.

The OC

MeeVee – My TV Playground

February 15, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

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If you’ve spent any amount of time on Give Me My Remote, then you may know that one of my personal favorite TV sites is MeeVee.com. Actually MeeVee is the very first site I go to in the morning. I log into my personal GMMR program guide and it tells me all my favorite shows that are on for the night, what the eps are all about and usually I check out a clip from that night’s show. If I’m not too lazy I take that information and post the daily GMMR Watchlists. It’s the perfect way to start my TV obsessed day.

But I’ve got to tell you, I’ve checked out the brand new MeeVee and it kicks a little ass. Now I can not only find out what’s playing, but I can find out when my favorite actors are going to be on TV, and watch videos of them too…all on one site. Just perfect for a couch potato like me. I’m kind of geeking out about it, but some of the new features are awesome. Like have you noticed the little search box I’ve been adding to some of my recent posts? Just type in the actors name (or a show) and you can find everything you need to know from upcoming shows to videos. Try it out…I think you’ll dig it.


On top of the personalized program guide and the integrated video search, MeeVee has also added a new entertaintment news section and Blog Central – a site where you can get the latest TV and entertainment news from the coolest blogs around (and I’m not just saying that because your truly is featured…ha).

There’s definitely a ton of new stuff to check out there so make sure you play around a bit. Here’s the links you need to get started (at least the ones I use everyday)

Personalized TV guide listings – this is where you can select your favorite shows and have them served up to you each day.

MeeVee TV Guide Listings

MeeVee: your jumping off point to find out what’s going on in the entertainment word. Check out MeeVee top internet videos and

News Headlines: What’s Brangelina up to these days? Who cares! But this is where you would to find the latest celebrity scoop and enter

Blog Central: What’s being talked about in the blogosphere?

Check it out and let me know what you think about it?

Lost Recap: Flashes Before Your Eyes

February 14, 2007 by  
Filed under Lost, Lost Recaps

Lost Recap

Title: “Flashes Before Your Eyes”
Original Airdate: February 14, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Michelle

The previews for this promise a Desmond-centric episode. Desmond is clearly the Jesus figure in this whole frustratingly-complex allegory, and he’s my favorite character, so I’m happy about this. We’ll see where it goes.

PRESENT: Charlie and Hurley are ransacking Sawyer’s tent. Hurley says that Sawyer would be upset by this, but when Charlie reminds him that most of the stuff in the tent was stolen by Sawyer, anyway, Hurley relaxes a little. The men find a stack of porn among the Dharma goods. I’m not at all surprised – this is Sawyer’s tent, after all. Desmond wanders by and leads the guys to Locke and Sayid, who explain that Mr. Eko was killed by the island (why, for the love of God, are the people on the island always satisfied by vague explanations like this? They usually just purse their lips and look down and nod their heads, as if they’re thinking, “Yep, I totally get that.”). Suddenly, Desmond looks panicked and races back to the beach and heads to the ocean. He doesn’t walk on water, but he does rush out into the ocean to save Clare, who is floating, incapacitated. How did he know she was out there? “That guy sees the future, dude,” muses Hurley. Cool as this sounds, I have to doubt the validity of Hurley’s assessment at first. After all, if Desmond can see the future, it’s likely he never would have entered that boat race and never would have crashed on that God-forsaken island, right? Charlie points out this fact later in the episode, and it turns out that’s the very question this whole episode answers for us. And the answer is…even though Desmond can see the future, he did choose to enter that boat race. We’ll see why.

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