Watchlist: Wednesday, March 7, 2007
March 7, 2007 by Kath Skerry
A Wednesday night without Friday Night Lights? Ugh…just ugh. I guess my top pick for tonight is American Idol. I’d be more excited for Lost if I wasn’t 2 weeks behind. I tried to download the last two episodes so I could watch them on the plane, but for some reason iTunes was taking over 3 hours to download each ep. I’ll try once more today but if it doesn’t work I may have to resort to illegal measures. Um, did I say illegal? Of course by illegal I mean that I will have to go to a friend’s house and watch it on TiVo.
Sadly for GMMR readers, Michelle our resident Lost recapper won’t be able to handle the recaps anymore. She’s got something fun to take up her Wednesday night so YAY for her. Boo for us.
American Idol
It’s Ladies night on Idol as the top 8 girls compete to see who will make it to the final 12. Final 12 is huge because you usually get a song on the American Idol CD and sometimes a place on the tour. Wow, that sounds really lame actually. Well if you make it to the end you can be a bi%@h and skip out on half the tour like Katharine McPhee did by claiming to be sick. Way to thank the fans Kat.
Jericho– Heart of Winter
As winter grips Jericho, evidence of hundreds of refugees traveling south is found; Hawkins and Sarah make an alarming discovery; Jake, Stanley and Mimi run afoul of marauders.
Lost – Enter 77
Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious occupant; Sawyer competes in a table-tennis competition to get his belongings back.
America’s Next Top Model– The Girls Who Go to Prom
The 12 remaining models get tips on how to walk a runway and participate in a prom-themed fashion show. Later, the women pose as high-school clichés in a photo shoot, before their number is reduced to 11 by the judges.
Audience Participation…
So what are you planning on watching tonight? What did you watch last night? What are you planning on watching next week? Ok, I’m a little homesick and just want to talk to people today. Comments people comments!!!
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You can watch Lost on They have all the episodes from this season and it’s free and not illegal.
Why pay for episodes of LOST when you can watch them for free on the ABC website? They have the whole season online right now.
I am a busy girl so I always watch Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty online for free. And it’s also helpful when I miss an episode of Grey’s or LOST. They have some of their other shows up there too. You should check it out.
Of course, you can’t watch them on the plane, but you could probably watch them in the hotel.
Well, after missing two nights of primetime because of school, I’m going to watch Jericho to get a little Skeet Ulrich fix (and to make up for last week’s episode which I only half-watched… I may have done that two weeks ago too) and switch to Friday Night Lights during the commercials, because even though it’s a recent repeat and I saw the whole thing mere weeks ago, I love the show and don’t really care.
I think Lost is on at 9 in Canada, so I’ll watch it then, and then I’ll either watch the shows I missed Monday and Tuesday or get really trashy and watch ANTM.
I’m super excited for another Sayid flashback, although I’m not sure if I’m ready for another good cry.
I totally forgot about watching LOST on Well that’s my lunch break I guess. Thanks!!!
are you looking for somebody new for the recaps
I didn’t really watch anything last night, but I think I’m going to catch up on back episodes of Friday Night Lights tonight. I’m like 5 weeks behind. I know…I suck!
I, for one, am really excited about tonight’s episode of Lost. Kath, I know you said you are a bit behind, but you have to know that last week’s episode was Hurley-centric, which I loved since he is my favorite Lostie. I know that a bunch of twop posters hated it because it did nothing to advance the plot, but I was really happy that for once we had an episode that took place on the beach/island (minus flashbacks) and the Kate, Jack, and Sawyer crap was kept to a minimum.
I like K, J, and S, but if I had to face one more dumb episode that just kept adding to the mystery I was going to puke. Blech. Give me the beach and an episode getting to know the rest of the gang again.
It’s funny – I read somewhere that TPTB decided to focus on the love triangle since that is what “the people wanted,” yet their viewship is down pretty much exponentially since that became the focus. Very interesting.
Sorry for the rant!
I’ll be watching American Idol on Tivo — just like I did last night. What I do is go to the gym around 8 and park myself on a treadmill for a half hour, then walk home and watch AI in about 20 minutes, max. That way you can not only skip through the commercials, but also the bad performances [there were quite a few last night] and Ryan/Simon bitter pissing matches [as opposed to their cute flirty pissing matches].
Then it’ll be Lost and I’ll be swearing at the television because I have no idea what’s going on. I think the big decline in ratings is actually because no one has any idea what’s going on. I mean, seriously, can you at least answer one of the many questions out there?
I’m totally psyched for Lost tonight….looks like they will finally follow through and give us some answers about the man with the eye patch.
I’m hoping for an action-filled hour, and I think I just may get it!
I’m going to the Paley Fest on Friday. One of my fellow teachers is a Prison Break NUT. She got me into it last season, very late- thanks iTunes.
She is desperate to get a picture with Wenty, and I’m there to help her, now that I know the DGA ropes, as it were.
I seem to be a day or two behind IRL, not just with television. I keep thinking it’s Tuesday today.
Anyhow, I’m almost done with Lost. They just have to start tying up some of those ends.
I’m bored too- one of the secretaries is watching my class as I install a new printer on her computer. Damn, I’m glad I use Macs instead of Windows machines.n It’s taking FOREVER! And there’s no myspace behind the firewall here. Thank goodness I get me some remote.
I watched Gilmore Girls last night and am looking forward to Lost tonight. Other than that, I have been watching The OC dvds. I’m one of those lost souls who had never seen an episode even though I had a friend who kept pestering me about it. She finally convinced me that now that the show is over and I wouldn’t have to try and keep up, I should just watch all the dvds. I caved and borrowed them from her and I’ve been watching them the last couple of weeks. I only just started to watch season 2 and I have to admit, I’m totally addicted! When will I learn to listen to my friend when she gives her tv opinions?! The same thing happened to me with Gilmore Girls a few years ago…she is always correct!
Anyway, I wish I would’ve jumped on the OC bandwagon earlier so I could’ve enjoyed it along with everyone else, but better late than never, right? I love me some Seth Cohen! swoon…
I watched Party of Five reruns….they are playing them on Vision TV here in Canada at 6pm, so I pvr them and watch them. Sooo good – I love the good old Justin/Griffin/Julia days. I pretty much did that until Gilmore Girls at 10pm.
There is too much on on Thursday nights – they need to spread out out the primetime tv a bit better!!
I watched a tape of Monday’s “The Black Donnelly’s.” This could be my new favorite show. And I’m not afraid to admit that I rewound the tape several times when Jonathan Tucker took his shirt off. Wow.
I watched a tape of Monday’s “The Black Donnelly’s.” This could be my new favorite show. Cool stories of loyalty, good and evil and (no brainer)choices between evil and death aside, I’m not afraid to admit that I rewound the tape several times when Jonathan Tucker took his shirt off. Wow.
Last night I watched Gilmore Girls, House, and about 10 minutes of SVU before I zonked out. I WOULD have watched Veronica Mars if that stupid Pussycat Dolls show hadn’t been on.
I can’t believe I just had to type that.
Oops, forgot to mention what I’m watching tonight…
That would be the second season of Grey’s Anatomy from my Netflix queue (yeah, I’m finally catching up – I watched the first season this weekend). I used to be a HUGE Lostie but I lost interest in the second season. Also, The Biggest Loser won’t be on again until next season so my Wednesdays are completely tv free. I always watch Netflix movies on Wednesday nights.
Well – I am behind due to being away from my Tivo for a full week last week.
So last night I watched AI (in record time), Gilmore G’s, and What About Brian. Also missed episode of Rules of Engagement – which I must say is totally growing on me.
Tonight it will be another speed version of AI, Real Housewives of Orange County, and maybe I will get caught up on the episodes of Lost and Heroes that I am so behind on.
So last night I watched Idol and that’s pretty much it. I wasn’t impressed by any of the guys but I do like JT looking guy, Travis looking guy and background singer guy. Can you tell I am so not good with names. Tonight I am looking forward to the girls singing. I am cheering on background singer girl, the girl who sang the dreamgirls song and Jordan Sparks. She’s from Phoenix, hence the only reason I remeber her name ;o)
Last night I tried to watch Idol but it was boring. I ended up watching L&O CI and SVU.
Tonight I’ll try to watch Idol again. I will watch Lost too.
Going back to Monday, does anyone else LOVE The Class? I do, I do! I read that they may not be picked up for next fall. I hope that does not happen.
The Black Donnellys rock! I hope they keep this one around too.
In closing, GMMR, I am super jealous that you got in on all that Office action! A picture w/ JKraz?! A dream! Thanks so much for sharing all the details and highlights. Some of us live vicariously through you!
Yes, I am so sad w/out a new episode of FNL. Thankfully, NBC is finally streaming ALL epi’s, instead of just the last four or five. Hello, marathon.
Emily, it took me a while to get into The OC too, but I started watching a few episodes into the second season. My aunt and uncle had been trying to get me to watch with them during the first season, but I resisted for so long. When they finally got me, I immediately got caught up with everything and became totally addicted. I really think the first season is some of the best television ever. Sure, it was soapy and sometimes cheesy, but it was different and you loved all the characters…even the evil ones.
Emily, it took me a while to get into The OC too, but I started watching a few episodes into the second season. My aunt and uncle had been trying to get me to watch with them during the first season, but I resisted for so long. When they finally got me, I immediately got caught up with everything and became totally addicted. I really think the first season is some of the best television ever. Sure, it was soapy and sometimes cheesy, but it was different and you loved all the characters…even the evil ones.
Also, the music is awesome. I found so many great new artists and songs through that show. My OC playlist has like 100 songs that I never would have known otherwise.
I know it’s totally annoying to post 3 times in a row, but I just wanted to say the first post was an accident that I tried to stop so I could add more. So sorry!
Oh, the OC is definitely all about the soapy drama! And after SO MUCH drama in the first season I’m not really excpecting it to be able to keep it up, but I’m sure it will still be entertaining. And you’re right about the characters and the music…both are very well thought-out, interesting, and what makes the show so unique.
I agree. They did so much in the first season that they used up a lot of the ideas. It does take a bit of a slide in season two, but the last 10 or so episodes are really good. It then took fairly bigger slide in season three, (as much as I hate to admit it) but the last 16 episodes of season four were really good…more of a return to form. Enjoy!