Watchlist: Thursday, March 8, 2007 (CORRECTION) - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

Watchlist: Thursday, March 8, 2007 (CORRECTION)

March 8, 2007 by  

Scrubs ScrubsMy Fishbowl
The day has come for Private Brian Dancer (Michael Weston) to be released from Sacred Heart, but when the military informs him that his injuries are too severe to return to service he spirals into a state of depression (CORRECTION: Sorry – I didn’t realize that this was a new episode of Scrubs)

Tracy_morgan2 30 RockThe Fighting Irish
Nepotism reigns supreme when Jack hands out a staff position to his on-the-skids brother (Nathan Lane). Meanwhile, Liz must make staff cutbacks and considers dismissing an NBC lawyer’s girlfriend.

Survivor_8jpg1_1_2_1_1Survivor: FijiLove Many, Trust Few, Do Wrong to NoneA winner takes all reward challenge gives new hope to the skeletors at Ravu, while one of the tribes starts to crumble due to disrespect and childish spats. Two former Exile Island alums put their noggins together and search for the coveted idol – immunity, not the American variety.

Idol_2American IdolThe Week’s Results
4 budding hopefuls get the axe, and the top 12 finalists are officially revealed.

Repeat Central:

My Name is Earl – Van Hickey (8:00pm)

Ugly Betty – After Hours (8:00pm)

The Office The Merger (8:30pm)
I guess this is the beginning of Jim and Karen. I’m going to protest this one and not watch (well of course I’ll be on a plane to LA but if I were in front of a TV I wouldn’t watch…even though you know I would)

Grey’s Anatomy – Staring at the Sun (9:00pm)

The Office – The Convict (9:30pm)

30 Rock – Tracy Does Conan (10:00pm)

…and then the shows I don’t watch

CSI, Men in Trees and Shark

If you want to know what channels and times these shows are airing in your area click here for personalized TV listings.

Filed under TV News


5 Responses to “Watchlist: Thursday, March 8, 2007 (CORRECTION)”

  1. DerbyCity on March 8th, 2007 10:23 am

    Stupid college basketball games- our whole NBC lineup tonight is wiped out due to hoops >-(

  2. JJ on March 8th, 2007 11:04 am

    Correction – Scrubs is a new one tonight, not a repeat.

  3. Elisabeth on March 8th, 2007 11:26 am

    I’m just glad, now that I’ve lost all hope for JAM, I have a new favorite non couple: Floyd (law stylist) and Liz Lemon.


    Seriously, JAM, I can’t even root for them anymore.

  4. Post-it Thief on March 8th, 2007 1:17 pm

    I love the name FLiz so much, I want to take it behind the middle school, and well, you know the rest. Could this be the end for Liz Lemler? One can only hope!

    I’d like to hug the casting director that picked Nathan Lane as Jack’s brother.

  5. TheNextKristin on March 8th, 2007 5:06 pm

    As much as I adore my Scrubs and 30 Rock, I was kind of hoping they’d be repeats tonight so I could watch that CSI repeat guilt-free – Alan Tudyk is guest-starring (it’s Wash!) and I missed it the first time around.