Entourage Recap & Quotes: Less Than 30 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Entourage Recap & Quotes: Less Than 30

April 8, 2007 by  

Entourage Recaps:Less than 30

Title: “Less Than 30”
Original Airdate: April 8, 2007

Breakups are never easy, especially when your ex just won’t let go. In tonight’s season premiere of Entourage Ari is in unfamiliar territory after being unceremoniously dumped by Vince after his shadiness led to Vince losing ‘The Ramones’ film project. Why Ari is still eating his Ben & Jerry’s alone in the dark, Vince has moved on….to Amanda. His new agent seems to know what she’s doing and comes to the table with an Edith Wharton film directed by Sam Mendes. Not a bad way to start off a new relationship.

Ari, who clearly hasn’t read ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ is still trying to woo Vince back. After seeing his boy at the Lakers game with his new agent, Ari decides to step up his efforts. Ari invites Vince (and Eric) to dinner (which they turn into lunch, because you know…they don’t want to lead him on) under the guise of renewed friendship. The boys are suspicious but agree all the same. Ari proves himself by not talking business throughout the lunch. The boys are impressed and decide to invite Ari to Vince’s birthday party later that night. Always one step ahead, Ari brought Vince’s present to lunch – a present to be opened later.

Meanwhile back at casa de Entourage, Turtle in the head of the party planning committee, but he seems to have a hard time staying within a budget. Eric is not too pleased to find out that Turtle has maxed out three of his credit cards and demands that Turtle and Drama find a way to reign in the budget on the night’s festivities.

Vince opens Ari’s present which just happens to be leather bound ‘Medellin’ script – Vince’s dream project. The same movie that Vince lost out on last year because Ari committed him to ‘Aquaman 2’. Benicio del Toro had since been cast and Vince had accepted that ‘Medellin’ was lost forever. Eric calls Ari and wants to know what the deal with the script it. Ari lets him know he can get him ‘Medellin’, but importantly how come Amanda didn’t know about it. He’s a sneaky once that Ari Gold.

Turtle proves once again he isn’t as dumb as he looks (or sounds) and pulls off an amazing party for Vince on board The Queen Mary. He went all out…surf and turf, top shelf booze – all taken care of by the corporate sponsors (like Bliss and Victoria’s Secret).

On board the ship, an already pissy Amanda isn’t too pleased when Ari declares that he’s trying to win Vince back. She says ‘Medellin’ is dead, and Ari think Benecio is getting cold on it. Vince isn’t sure to believe Ari since this might be just another head game. Finally getting him alone on the deck, Ari pours his heart out, but Vince tells him that he’s with Amanda now and Ari has to move on. But you know…they’ll always be friends. Ouch. Team Amanda-1; Team Ari-0.

Back inside Vince blows out the candles and gets word from Amanda that Sam Mendes’ people want to skip the meeting for the Edith Warton film and go right to the offer.  Cheers all around.  But hold up, Vince wants to hold off for a while…just in case Ari is right about ‘Medellin’. Oh snap. Is that a small victory for Team Ari?

Something tells me this score will be changing soon.

Entourage Quotes:

Ari: Still no invite from me, huh?
Lloyd: Not from Vince. But we did receive an evite to Patrick Dempsey’s house for running charades.

Lloyd: Did you just prank Vince?
Ari: I never heard the guy answer the phone before…it spooked me.
Lloyd: He’s going to know it’s you Our company name comes up.
Ari: What does it come up? Whose idea was that? What’s the fu@%ing point?

Ari: He’ll be back hack.
Amanda: Want me to walk you to your car? This town’s not safe for a bitch.

Filed under Entourage


4 Responses to “Entourage Recap & Quotes: Less Than 30”

  1. heather b (the other one) on April 9th, 2007 6:32 am

    So happy that entourage is back and that you’ll be covering it on GMMR. Great show. I thought Ari was a little whiny tonight though. I’m hoping we can get out this drama (no pun intended) and let Ari be really funny again.

  2. Brian on April 9th, 2007 7:03 am

    So weird to see Ari in the position of always groveling and begging. But of course he’ll end up back with Vince. Then again, Jim and Pam are still apart so it could be awhile.

    And poor Drama can’t catch a break even when he catches a break. Can we get a new lightbulb for the billboard on Sunset or what?

  3. pissed off on April 10th, 2007 1:06 pm

    So wait, they had another half of season 3 ready to go and they never aired it? wtf is that?

  4. alex on April 11th, 2007 11:30 pm

    I saw an issue of People a few weeks ago and

    SPOILER (feel free to delete this if we aren’t supp to post spoilers in the comments!)

    it showed an Adrien Grenier about 30 pounds heavier, with the caption that he was “shooting scenes for Medellin.”