House Recap: Airborne - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

House Recap: Airborne

April 11, 2007 by  


Title: “Airborne”
Original Airdate: April 10, 2007

GMMR Recapper: LaLa

You gotta love a show that has most of its episode pay obvious homage to that classic comedic spoof, “Airplane”. Seriously, I would have absolutely loved it if at some point during their crazy 15-hour flight from Singapore, Cuddy had given the proper set-up for House to then say, “And don’t call me Shirley.” Honestly, that wouldn’t have been much of a stretch for this show in the humor category, but I guess maybe they were worried about appearing like they were doing a direct rip-off. But come now, they had House making an announcement to the plane passengers that if they ate the fish, they were going to get sick!!! Surely as direct a reference to “Airplane” as they come – but don’t call me Shirley!! [rimshot] Alright, sorry, that was terrible, I’ll let it go now….

Anyway, getting back to this episode… what can I say? I thought it was pretty good; not one of my favorites, though. I’ll start by talking about my least favorite part, i.e. the story on the ground: Sooooo, how random and kinda creepy was it to slowly discover that the supposedly mild mannered 58 year old woman in the beginning had just ordered a hot young lesbian hooker? I’m not trying to discriminate against homosexuality here, but come on… an old person ordering a hot young prostitute is creepy and kinda gross no matter what side of the fence you’re on. So, already, I honestly didn’t care too much about the older woman – especially when she started having seizures, etc. I know that sounds heartless, but… I just couldn’t feel too much sympathy for her, I guess. Especially since she was barely in the episode anyway. Oh well.

Clearly, though, the focus of the ground story was Cameron and Chase, and how much they were annoying Foreman. And frankly, the man had a point: their giggling and constant sneaking off to have sex WAS annoying – especially when Cameron seduced Chase into doing it in that older woman’s home while the cat watched! EWWW! Especially since said home was possibly infected by deadly toxins – and, in fact, it was.

Gotta say, not liking heartless, nympho Cameron these days. Foreman was dead right when he told her that there is “no such thing” as having a relationship that is “just sex.” Usually, the girl gets more emotionally involved – but this time, sadly, Chase is the one who fell in love with Cameron and got hurt at the end. “It was fun, that’s it, and now it’s over,” Cameron coldly told him after he dared to ask for more of a real relationship. Sigh. I just don’t get that girl. Here she has sweet, pretty boy Chase totally in love with her, and she treats him like trash because she’s still hung up on jerky House. Well, if the writers are trying to build up Cameron and House as “made for each other”, it’s working, because she’s becoming as big and heartless a jerk as he is – though, perhaps even bigger.

I say that because, even though House started off by downgrading Cuddy to the coach section of the plane in order to pay for his huge room service bills (jerk!), at least he still took care of her in the end. And speaking of this storyline, I just LOVED that he took three random passengers – an enthusiastic kid, a guy who doesn’t speak English, and a cranky woman – and had them all play the roles of Chase, Foreman, and Cameron, respectively. “You, agree with everything I say; You, disagree with everything I say; and you, get morally outraged at everything I say.” Classic! I guess House really does need that combination of opinions and personalities in order to figure out what’s wrong with his patients. I also loved the fact that the big airplane illness turned out to be nothing more than mass hysteria, brought on by a guy who got sick because he just went scuba diving before he went on a plane. That was a cool twist.

Note To Self: Definitely gotta remember these points the next time I’m on a plane/thinking of flying… Also: Don’t eat the fish!

LaLa is a writer who currently resides in LaLa Land, aka Los Angeles. LaLa also likes to sing. LaLa also knows some lawyers in a law office. LaLa is also prone to making bad jokes, like this one. And of course, LaLa also loves her some quality television shows with quality actors on them, like House… and The Office… and 24… and, well, pretty much any smartly written show that doesn’t include a fat guy with a hot skinny wife or the words “two and a half men” in the title.


Filed under House, House Recap


5 Responses to “House Recap: Airborne”

  1. srah on April 11th, 2007 11:23 am

    I thought there was going to be some big surprise at the end where it turned out the hooker wasn’t really a hooker at all and we all just had dirty minds and were jumping to conclusions… but no. Now we just have to wait for Wilson to introduce House to Mrs. Dr. Wilson #4 and for House to remember hiring her at some point. Heh.

    This episode needed more jive-talking and nuns.

  2. Sus on April 11th, 2007 12:01 pm

    I suppose I’m safe since I hate fish and I never go in the ocean. 😉

  3. Michelle on April 11th, 2007 12:25 pm

    I am not buying the new nympho Cameron at all. I can’t figure out what’s up with her. I’m pretty sure she just tried to keep her distance from Chase so SHE wouldn’t get hurt in the end (Remember what Cuddy told her a couple of weeks ago? “Someone’s going to get hurt, and it won’t be Chase…”). Maybe she’s stoned ALL the time now, like the first time she slept with Chase. Maybe they’re REALLY building parallel stories between Cameron and House now: she’ll develop a real drug addiction, they’re both caustic asses…I’m getting caught up in the moment, sorry.

    And the lesbian prostitute thing, I totally agree, was bizarre. I kept rewinding it, thinking, “Is that what’s really going on here? Am I misunderstanding this? Did I miss something?” But nope.

    I loved the airplane panic thing. I could totally see that happening, and it showed again how brilliant – if maddening – House really is.

  4. Kris on April 11th, 2007 3:34 pm

    I found the Chase/Cameron storyline to be completely…boring. I’m tired of it, to be completely frank. Oh, another room where they’ll probably have sex. See, i was right. Oh, they’re going to investigate this person’s house…let me guess, they’ll have sex. Yep. Hey, they’re not having sex…wait, whoops, i was wrong. They are. It’s just really odd for me to see this new Cameron. She started out as kind of the “good girl” at the beginning of the series and now she’s like a complete sex addict. And Chase. Boy, he was a complete idiot for agreeing to go along w/ her whole “sex only” idea. They’re both stupid.

    I love any scenes between House and Cuddy. Such a relief from the messed up “relationship” between Chase and Cameron (well, but that’s over now). I liked seeing House take care of Cuddy. They’re both great together and crack me up.

    And yes, the storyline on the ground WAS completely random and stupid. Absolutely horrible. And Wilson can do better than a lesbian prostitute. Sigh.

  5. Carly on April 11th, 2007 5:06 pm

    heck, if cameron doesnt want chase i’ll take him.