The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote

April 12, 2007 by  

I’m going to be fast with today’s The Office Thursday. Well, not too fast. Not like wham bam thank you ma’am. But I do say thank you ma’am. But um…not like wham bam. Not that there’s anything wrong with wham bam…not if it’s consensual. I just have a full day of selling paper and pulling pranks that just must get done before The Office is on tonight. So let’s get to it, shall we?

UPDATE: I almost forgot…Angela Kinsey will be a guest on Late Night with David Letterman tomorrow night!! Make sure to set your TiVos. Best of luck to you Angela!!


The Office ChatIt was like old times watching last week’s show with my peeps over at BuddyTV. We had some newbies join us and I hope that they’ll be back this week. If you’ve never watched The Office with us in the LIVE chat, come on in tonight! We’re going to get started around 8pm (EST). Click here to set a reminder for the Office chat.

Tonight on The Office…“Safety Training” (8:30/7:30c on NBC)
The Office: Safety TrainingFor safety-training day at Dunder Mifflin, Michael and Dwight attempt to expose all workplace dangers to the staff. Meanwhile, Andy (Ed Helms) returns to the office ranks after his anger-management training.

Yahoo!TV has 2 clips up for tonight’s show (view clips)

From the desk of Meredith Palmer…
Kate Flannery (Meredith Palmer) on The OfficeThis week Meredith is drunk again. Someone gets this woman to AA quick. Actually let’s hold off on that and see if we can’t get any spoilers out of her first. She already told that Jim and Pam don’t get together (well at least in this week’s episode) and that Jan has some great storylines coming up. Hey, at least that’s something. She’s got a lot more to say so make sure you check out her latest blog. (Kate’s Blog)

Rainn Wilson is a Cute Daddy…
Rainn Wilson and his son Walter Check out this ADORABLE photo of Rainn Wilson and his 2 1/2 year old son, Walter, from InStyle Magazine. Too cute for words. I can’t get over how different Rainn looks when he’s not sporting Dwight hair or Dwight’s glasses. I just want to squash both of them (that’s a good thing in case you were confused). Thanks to Celebrity Baby Blog for the photo.

Wikipedia is the Best Thing Ever…
“Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information.”

Fans of The Office (your truly included) flocked to Wikipedia following it’s mention in last week’s episode of The Office. While I just went to find out where Michael Scott got some of his negotiation tactics, other fans went over to make sure Michael’s more memorable tactics were recorded for prosperity. Since Wikipedia can be edited, users made over 100 changes to the pages after the show prompting Wikipedia to limit the ability to edit the page. Oh you crazy Dunder Mifflinites. (Full Story at MSN)

More of Ed Helms on the Big Screen…
Our very own Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) will star and co-write “A Whole New Hugh” a movie about three guys who try to boost their friend’s confidence by making him appear to be successful. Judd Apatow who will produce the film is excited about working with Helms saying that Ed Helms “is a national treasure”, before adding that “the nation does not know it yet.” Ed will be seen in the upcoming “Evan Almighty” with Steve Carell which will be released this summer. (More at Buzz Sugar)

Want to be on The Office?…
Tanster at let me know about a fantastic contest in which you could win a walk on role in The Office. Amazing, right?! Well amazing for YOU since I don’t live in one of the geographic area eligible to win. How amazing would it be for a die hard fan to get to actually be on the show? Oh the spoilers you could come back with. (More at Office Tally)

BJ and Big Papi – A Winning Combination …
BJ Novak, Red Sox Welcome Home DinnerTwo of my favorite things in life: The Office & The Boston Red Sox came together this week when B.J. Novak hosted The Red Sox Welcome Home Dinner on Tuesday. Past comedians playing host to this event have included fellow New Englanders Seth Meyers and Ben Affleck among other. For those of us lucky to live in the Boston area the Welcome Home Dinner will be aired on NESN throughout the month. It premieres tonight at 8pm, but I think you might be busy watching something else. It will also air on April 14th @ 6pm and April 15th @ 5:30pm. If anyone is planning on recording it and putting it on youtube, please let me know. (Thanks to Megan for the tip)

Video of the Week…
If you have an Office video that you’d like to be featured on The Office Thursday be sure to send it along.
[gv data=”h-MNiDXyyB0″][/gv]

“Generosity and togetherness and community all convalescesscens into … morale, that’s what I say, so”…
This is the area where I normally pimp The Office t-shirts and stuff I sell at the GMMR Store, but today I thought I would use this space/time to ask for some help. I’m trying to help my sister raise money for The American Cancer Society through their annual Relay for Life. Office fans are known to be givers, so if you think you can contribute in any way, even if it’s just $1, please click here to learn more or click here to donate. And if you feel comfortable, please leave “GMMR” next to your name so I can properly thank you here on the site.

Michael: How many miles did he do last year?
Oscar: Last year he walked 18 miles.
Michael: Son of a bitch … that is impressive, good for him.
Michael: I want it to be like, hey, who donated that hospital wing that is saving so many lives? Um, well, I … I don’t know, it was anonymous. Guess what, that was Michael Scott. But … uh … it was anonymous, how do you know? Because I’m him.


10 Responses to “The Office Thursday on Give Me My Remote”

  1. Mosby on April 12th, 2007 2:06 pm

    I loves me some Office Thursdays 🙂

  2. Mannie on April 12th, 2007 2:14 pm

    That video made my eyes water!

  3. mg714 on April 12th, 2007 2:15 pm

    Great Office news as always, GMMR – thanks! I’m especially happy to hear about Ed Helms’ project with Judd Apatow. Working with Judd Apatow was a good move for Steve Carell, so I hope Ed’s movie turns out to be great, too. I’ve become such a big fan of his lately, I’m so glad to see he’s getting some great opportunities now and that he’s part of the regular Office cast from now on!

  4. heather b (the other one) on April 12th, 2007 2:37 pm

    GMMR – For some reason I can’t get excited about The Office until I see your weekly Office Thursday post. Thanks!
    That picture of Rainn is really cute.
    I’m not from Boston but I am jealous that I can’t see that Red Sox event with BJ.

  5. cam3150 on April 12th, 2007 2:48 pm

    Is is just me or did anyone else find “Meredith’s” Jim and Pam comment to be a pretty big hint that they WILL get together at some point and that it might be sooner rather than later?

    “OK, here goes. This is the real story. Jim and Pam are never going to get together… in this week’s episode, “Safety Training.” Don’t repeat that. You seem nice enough. You won’t tell anyone that I said that, will you?”

    Me, personally? Her comment made me even more excited for the rest of the season and even more sure that there are big things ahead for Jim and Pam.

    Or, I could just be reading way too much in to the ramblings of a drunk woman….

  6. Give Me My Remote on April 12th, 2007 2:59 pm

    I thought her comment was interesting too. There has to be some positive Jim and Pam movement in the next few episodes. The writers like to stick to reality and all, but they aren’t going to jeopardize fans tuning in for the sake of the reality of it all.

  7. Clare on April 12th, 2007 4:08 pm

    Wahoo!! (um… the exclamation, not the fish) another Office Thursday. Can’t wait! It’s gon be zoppity …. fo shizzle. (Sorry, just can’t get enough Michael and Darryl 🙂 )
    Meredeth! Gotta get that woman a new bottle of kiwi hand sanitizer and see what we can’t get out of her. She knows something….
    Rainn’s son has the same strawberry blond hair that my little guys has- Gaaaaah! I love it!!

  8. Angie Smith on April 12th, 2007 5:36 pm

    Yay TGI Thursday!! Lots of good stuff this week. First off, I loved that video! I actually teared up. These kids have got to get together!! I surely hope they do before the end of the season.

    Rainn and his son…what an adorable picture. Too cute for words.

    I’ve turned into a big Ed Helms fan (I hope my Andy love comes back). I’m excited about his movie!

  9. Jen on April 12th, 2007 7:14 pm

    BJ is awesome!! I am watching NESN until Dunder Mifflin time, and he is hysterical!

    The one who announced him was like “Star of television’s NUMBER ONE comedy….” yay!!!!!!!

    p.s.-John Krasinski pics=almost died and went to heaven. 🙂

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