Sean Penn & Stephen Colbert: Meta-Free-Phor-All - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sean Penn & Stephen Colbert: Meta-Free-Phor-All

April 20, 2007 by  

You don’t get to attack our President and his “blood stained underwear” without Stephen Colbert challenging you to a duel. And that’s exactly what happened when Stephen Colbert confronted Sean Penn about the candid remarks the actor made last week. The gentlemen worked out their differences during in “Meta-Free-Phor-All” fashion on Colbert’s show this week. This is pretty funny stuff, and made even funnier since it’s Sean Penn – who knew he had a sense of humor?

Filed under TV News


3 Responses to “Sean Penn & Stephen Colbert: Meta-Free-Phor-All”

  1. Scooter McGavin on April 20th, 2007 7:43 pm

    I do remember as a young boy, my grandparents regaled me with a story about this movie Penn was in called Fast Times at Ridgemont High where they say was actually funny. So I would assume, if there story was true, that he did, in fact, at one time had a sense of humor.

  2. TheNextKristin on April 21st, 2007 4:11 pm

    Like Scooter, I knew Sean Penn HAD a sense of humour, but in the last few years it has been a lost child in the mall, looking for his parents, and hoping a stranger would buy him ice cream. (How’s THAT for a metaphor?)

  3. Sus on April 22nd, 2007 3:50 pm

    Lol TNKristen, that was great! 😀

    I hadn’t heard about what Seann Penn said so I’m glad they explained it in the beginning.

    Colbert is hysterical.