Gilmore Girls Recap – Unto The Breach
May 10, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Title: Unto The Breach
Original Airdate: 5/8/07
GMMR Recapper: Whirl
I know you’ve probably all heard the news; Gilmore Girls is going the way of 7th Heaven and no I do not mean cancelled, renewed and then cancelled again, I mean just plain cancelled. So this ladies and gentleman was the second to last episode ever. Let’s see how they’re setting up our ending shall we?
Lorelai is walking around town with Sookie, listing off things she has to do before Rory’s graduation/party that’s in the next couple days. She’s stressed enough thinking about Logan’s request for Rory’s hand because she keeps waiting to hear if the boy actually proposed or not. To top it all off Lorelai can’t stop thinking about her Whitney Houston moment a few nights before. Sookie tells her the whole town is a buzz about Lor singing to Luke. Lorelai is sure she felt something when she sang it but she’s not sure if its “old feelings” or “new feelings”, so she decides to go into Luke’s later on to find out for sure. Hurry up Lor, you have a grand total of 1.85 episodes to realize he’s your soul mate and beg for him back.
Doyle and Paris are packing up the apartment, spackling the walls and discussing their trip to India. Rory starts feeling nostalgic about graduating but Paris is more concerned about getting her damage deposit back. I realize now that I have started to get misty eyed. I am too sentimental for my own good.
Luke’s at his sister’s garage which has been set up as a jewelry making workshop. He stopped by to get something for Rory as a graduation present but Liz wants to talk about the Lorelai serenade. Luke just brushes it off saying it meant nothing and that Lor was just liquored up. Liz is convinced it means more than that as she helps him pick out earrings that Rory will like. When a necklace catches Luke’s eye Liz says it would look great on Lorelai since she made it with her in mind. Luke buys it as a “back-up” Rory present, but you know it’s for Lor. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I heart Luke.
Lorelai heads into the Diner and is mighty disappointed when she doesn’t see Luke there. Miss Patty and Babette are sitting at the counter and let her know Luke is upstairs. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if she went up there, especially after what happened the other night. Lorelai tries to blow it off and proclaims it meant nothing. Too bad for her she doesn’t realize Luke is behind her when she says it. His face goes from all smiles to stone cold in a heartbeat. Lorelai tries to act all flirty with him but he just keeps shutting her down. Meanwhile the ladies want to know how to get to Rory’s graduation, because they obviously want to go to it. Lor says she’ll do what she can about getting some extra tickets but then the phone rings she runs outside the diner to talk to Rory.
No word yet on the proposal so the girls gab about the latest Luke development (stone cold), people wanting tickets (too bad, each kid only gets 4 tickets) and Lorelai seeing Christopher for the first time (it’s okay, they’re talked on the phone). Are Chris and Lorelai divorced then? Did we ever get an answer to that?
Its town meeting time and Taylor has broken his foot in the shower. Well not actually the shower, more like in a foot bath. First Kirk wants to know if anyone will mind him hanging in a Lucite box suspended 20 feet up with no food or water for a couple days. No one seems to care and I wonder how I can more to a town with a Kirk in it. Babette asks Lorelai about tickets to Rory’s graduation and Taylor over hears them whispering. It some how become town meeting fodder with the town deciding to have a graduation party in town square complete with a reenactment of Rory getting her diploma, you know since they don’t get to see the real deal. Rory, what’s it like to have so much positive reinforcement?
Everyone who’s anyone is at Rory’s graduation party her grandparents are throwing her. By everyone I mean random old people we have never seen before and it looks like the party is actually being thrown on campus. Rory looks stunning so Logan pulls her aside to tell her so. Lorelai gets a call from Chris so she rushes outside to meet him. He felt it best to do their first post-break up face to face without a crowd around them. I do believe Christopher just might be growing up. Lor tells her ex about Logan asking for Rory’s hand which amazed Chris and also makes him a little sad. Usually it’s the Dad who gets asked, but come on Chris…what rights do you even have? They head inside just in time to see Richard and Emily sing a song they wrote for Rory. It’s rather adorable and makes me weepy. Rory thanks her grandparents for everything; she wouldn’t be a Yale graduate without them. Just then Logan heads up to make a toast to his marvelous girlfriend, saying he doesn’t know much but he knows he knows he loves her. Then he pulls out the ring and asks her to marry him. Lorelai is stunned Logan asked her in front of all these people whereas Rory is just stunned and keeps repeating “Oh Wow!” over and over again. I’m trying to get a good look at the ring and it’s not nearly as huge as I thought it would be. Logan wants to know if “Oh Wow!” means yes but Rory asks him if she can talk to him outside.
Outside Rory expresses her surprise at being proposed to. Logan tells her he got the job in San Francisco, he’s found a house they can live in and she could work at any of the newspapers down there. He’s planned it all out, which surprises Rory even more. She admits that she’s thought about being his wife but she still needs time to figure it out. Logan reminds her of the time they jumped off that wall in the “Life or Death Brigade” holding hands…he wants them to take a leap together again. Rory just smiles at him.
Back inside the party Emily is freaking out; she just can’t believe Rory didn’t say yes right away. I have to admit I kind of agree. Lorelai’s cell rings so she heads outside to be with her daughter. They ride in a horse drawn carriage (which I can only assume was supposed to be for the newly engaged couple) and Rory begs her mother to tell her what to do. For once Lorelai refuses to give her opinion, saying Rory has to figure this out for herself, only she knows what will make her truly happy. Rory feels bad for not being able to give Logan an answer right away and seems at a loss of what to do.
Later on in Stars Hollow Lorelai is out for a walk and to gawk at Kirk who is hanging out in his Lucite box. Kirk, I will miss you more than words can say. Luke comes out of the diner so Lorelai tells him about Logan’s proposal of marriage. When she tells him Rory is going to mull it over they get into a heated discussion about marriage. Luke says you can’t jump into it, that it’s a huge decision. However Lorelai contours, sometimes you know its right, especially when you’ve been together a long enough time. Why must these two talk about their relationship in such a round about way? Lorelai decides to head off but Luke tells her to wait and he runs back inside. He goes to grab the earrings he bought for Rory out of a drawer and then stares at the box containing the necklace. Looking forlorn he leaves the necklace and heads outside. He gives Lorelai the gift for Rory and they part ways. Sigh. One episode to figure it out you two, could you get on it!
Rory’s at her apartment spackling the walls and looking for something to eat. She pulls the engagement ring out of the box and puts it on her finger. Smiling she admires her hand. This is getting me excited but I just know she’s going to say no.
Richard, Emily and Lorelai are waiting for the second half of the ceremony to begin. Emily hated the speech, she’s too hot and well, if she can complain about it she is. Lorelai is fretting about getting more programs for the reenactment back in Stars Hollow. Richard, playing the cool head as always, promises to get Lorelai as many programs as she could possibly need. Emily tries to get Lorelai to use her pull to get Rory to marry Logan but that gets shut down rather quickly.
Rory is with Paris, Lucy and Olivia, drinking champagne and amazed that they are graduating. They all talk about what they did the night before. Rory doesn’t mention the Logan proposal, so I think we have our answer. The girls part ways to line up to receive their diplomas.
As Paris and Rory line up together Paris starts saying her goodbyes. Rory points out that she hasn’t been able to get rid of Paris for years, so she knows they’ll be friends forever. In a very unlike Paris moment she grabs Rory into a hug and says “You’re going to do great things with your life.” Crap I’m crying again. Rory sees Logan in the distance who waves at her, she doesn’t wave back.
Back in their seats Emily is still complaining and Chris shows up late. Okay seriously, your daughter is graduating from YALE and you’re still late. God man! Emily just keeps complaining and Lorelai tries to appease her and find the perfect angle for pictures. Richard tells Lorelai he’ll take the photos so Lorelai can relax and enjoy. He tells his daughter that it’s just as much Lorelai’s moment as it is Rory’s. I am not crying. I am not crying. When Rory’s name is called (Lorelai Leah Gilmore) her mother stands up and claps, they catch eyes and both of them start crying. I meanwhile am an overflowing fountain.
After the ceremony the family is taking some pictures, that is until Rory heads over to talk to Logan. They make semi small talk until she finally gives him her answer, she just can’t do it, not yet. Logan, understandably upset asks her what then? They just do the long distance thing? Rory thinks they can, since they have before but Logan just doesn’t see the point, if they can’t take the next step it should be over. Rory can’t believe it has to be all or nothing but Logan is firm. She hands him back the ring box and I think he’s still stunned she said no. I am stunned she said no. He tells her goodbye and walks quickly away. Rory just watches him go. Please don’t let this be the end of Logan!
At Rory’s apartment mother and daughter are moving out the last of her things. Rory’s upset, she already misses Logan so much but she knows it was the right decision. Lorelai finally admits that she didn’t think her daughter she should say yes. This seems to make Rory happy as they leave the apartment for good.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go break the news to my best-friend that Gilmore Girls probably isn’t going to end in a double wedding.
Tune In Next Week: It’s the last episode of Gilmore Girls ever, that should be reason enough.
Being born and raised amongst the igloos of Canada shaped Whirl’s love of hockey, beer and the warmth of the television screen. Though she refuses to wear spandex she has sworn to use her powers of sarcasm for the greater good of man kind, and disguises herself daily as a mild mannered office clerk. Oh yeah, and she’s not too bad at Trivial Pursuit. Seriously. Seriously.
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Filed under Gilmore Girls
I haven’t stopped boo-hooing since Tuesday night. *sigh*
I loved this episode. I hate that it is ending. I got so teary eyed, especially at the graduation.
Stars Hollow has so many wonderful people in… Kirks and Babettes. I live in a smallish town, and we have nothing like that. Its just… wow.
‘Can I talk to you outside” is never a good reaction to being proposed to…. but since I never liked Logan, I was glad she didn’t say yes. I would have just… um, pulled my hair out and yelled at my TV. But, I did like when he was talking about jumping during the Life and Death Brigades. It was a sweet moment. But I still dislike Logan.
Gah, I just love this show way to much, I can’t believe its ending… seriously just thinking about it, making me teary eyed again.
I thought it was a great episode too. I’m still disappointed that they didn’t know ahead of filming the last episode that it would be the last episode. And I definitely don’t like that L/L only have one episode left to be together. I really hope the finale will actually feel like a finale and that there won’t be a lot left up in the air. I’ve loved this show for all its seven years, even in the not-so good seasons, and I’ll definitely miss the Gilmores. It was a smart and unique show that you don’t see too often, unfortunately.
I miss Logan too much already!
i am teary eyed just reading this review, what a basket case I will be next Tuesday when I have to say goodbye! This was a great episode, except the whole time I had a huge pit in the bottom of my stomach because I knew, just knew, she was going to say no and it was the last I would ever see Logan Huntzberger! It kind of makes me not even want to watch the finale…ok not really, but i will miss him so! We all know Luke and Lorelai will get together, no big news there, I’m really interested in how they tie up the ends to make us all feel satisfied with the finale since we didn’t get that much warning…the tears are coming again…goodbye Stars Hollow!
I am so glad that Rory said no and the series won’t end in weddings (did you see the Luke/Lorelai kiss in the preview for next week?!!!) That will be enough for me.
The show has always been about the mother/daughter insanely awesome bond that the two girls share. That’s what I want it to continue to be, even as it’s ending.
I am very sad to say goodbye to a fictional town I could only dream to live in some day. I will miss all of the characters so much, and I wish that the last two seasons had been a little more like 3-4 so I would have kept up watching more.
I cried like a baby when Rory graduated highschool, the only thing keeping me crying this time was my boyfriend sitting right there (and Rory didn’t give a heart wrenching speech)
It is very very sad, but it’s time, because everyone is growing up and moving on, just like real life…it’s still sad.
i was crying through most of this episode and i teared up just reading your recap lol. i don’t how i’m going to make it next tuesday.
I didn’t even get to see the episode because of a stupid fire! KTLA news came in about 10 minutes into the show and cut off the show. I was so mad. I am glad to know what happened though because they aren’t showing the episode until Saturday night and I have to work. I really hope Logan is back for the last episode. If they aren’t engaged that’s fine, but I hope he comes back to her and they do the long distance thing. They belong together and I hope the show ends on good terms. I wish it wouldn’t be over!
Thanks for the recap…I couldn’t see it and now I’m kind of glad I didn’t because I’m graduating from college on Saturday and it would have just made me bawl my eyes out during the entire show! It’s hard for me to say goodbye to the Gilmore Girls because Rory and I have been in the same boat about a lot of things…high school graduation and college graduation at the same times, trying to figure out what to do with life after school…plus we’re both journalists
And I’m glad she said “No” to Logan (she’s too independent to be his little wife). She needs to experience life on her own for awhile.
So, thanks for the recap…at least now I’ll know what’s going on for the last episode!
Thank you so much for your excellent recap. I had taped the episode, but it was interrupted for coverage of the Griffith Park fire! I thought I’d have to make do with the “previously on Gilmore Girls” clips at the beginning of the final episode to find out what happened, but this was SO much better!