BATTLESTAR GALACITCA: The Final Season - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025


May 11, 2007 by  


iF Magazine recently caught up with BATTLESTAR GALACTICA star Edward James Olmos who broke the news that BSG is now shooting it’s final season.  The veteran actor seemed genuinely remorseful for the shows demise.  Check out what Olmos has to say about the final season.

iF MAGAZINE: What’s coming up for season four?

EDWARD JAMES OLMOS: It’s fantastic. I think they’re going to discover some very important issues about what the fan base really, really wants to see and what’s to understand about this show. We’re heading into the final season. This is the final season as we speak. All of us are very saddened by that, but we always knew there was going to be a conclusion and we would find Earth, so we will be finding Earth this season. I wish it would [keep going]. I could do 10 years like this season. I think that this is some of finest usages of television that I have been a part of in my life. Bar none. I’ve been doing this for 42 years. I’ve done some really good work in television and motion pictures but there really is nothing like this show. I can honestly tell you that this is one of the finest dramatic pieces work on humanity I’ve ever seen in my life.

Read more of iF Magazine’s interview with Edward James Olmos here.

Filed under TV News


5 Responses to “BATTLESTAR GALACITCA: The Final Season”

  1. Jo on May 11th, 2007 2:58 pm

    I’m sad and happy. Sad because I’ll always want more BSG. But happy because with an end game, I think this year will be the best.

  2. Amm on May 11th, 2007 3:02 pm

    Awww…i was hoping we would get 2 more seasons out of them.

  3. Carli on May 11th, 2007 5:47 pm

    While it’s great that they can now put a plan in motion, I still was looking forward to five seasons.

  4. Battlestar Galactica to End After Season 4 » Give Me My Remote on June 1st, 2007 8:17 am

    […] will indeed end after this upcoming season. Rumors have been swirling ever since BSG  star Edward James Olmos told a reporter that this would be the final season, but producers and others associated with the show were quick […]

  5. kappa on June 9th, 2007 6:12 am

    I figured we’d get 4 to 5 seasons. A good show ends well due to a good story line. I was a fan of B5 and it ended that way. BSG is a much better show, but good to see the same thinking of when and how to end it the right way. Now on to the new show Caprica. I hope it has the same kick.