Michael Moore Goes SICKO on CNN - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Michael Moore Goes SICKO on CNN

July 10, 2007 by  

Filmmaker Michael Moore is not a huge fan of CNN or of Wolf Blitzer (I’m sure he still loves Anderson Cooper because come on, who doesn’t love Anderson Cooper).  Moore is a little upset about CNN’s evaluation of his new movie SICKO. Whether you are a fan of Michael Moore or not you can’t dispute that his movies get people talking. The video clip is just under 15 minutes, but it’s worth your time.

[gv data=”JpKoN40K7mA”][/gv]

If you are interested in comparing CNN’s “facts” to SICKO’s “facts”, click here.

Filed under TV News


7 Responses to “Michael Moore Goes SICKO on CNN”

  1. Michael Moore Goes SICKO on CNN — All This Nonsense on July 10th, 2007 8:48 am

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  2. Christina on July 10th, 2007 9:21 am

    I absolutely squirmed during this whole thing…..so awkward. I’m glad there are people like him, unafraid to speak their minds (regardless of how correct he may be). The lengths people go to to be unoffensive becomes ludicrous, Michael Moore doesn’t care and good on him for it.

  3. Morgan on July 10th, 2007 10:09 am

    good for michael moore

    someone needs to be standing up for the american people

    is that an add for MY BOYS?! yessssssssssss i’m ready for the new season!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Miss Jackson on July 10th, 2007 1:04 pm

    Wow, Michael Moore really is passionate about this movie. I think this disproves any theories that he would have ulterior motives. I only wish all directors were this passionate about their projects!!

  5. lucia on July 10th, 2007 1:24 pm

    he is not passionate by his movie, he almost didin’t talk about it , he is passionate by his country, there’s a unjustified war going on, and cnn is a big responsable, he just wanted to use his time on cnn to let them know that, and to demand an apology to the american people.
    i don’t know who those people on cnn sleep at night, seriusly, there’s no biger power than the power of massive media, and they are using the bad way

  6. Tracie on July 11th, 2007 2:54 pm

    Thanks for putting this on here, GMMR. I heard Michael Moore mention on The Daily Show that he had been bumped from a one hour interview because of Paris Hilton, so I didn’t even know this interview existed at all.

    I haven’t seen Sicko yet, but I am really looking forward to it. I am glad that he is putting this out there for our society’s collective psyche to digest. Even if some people won’t agree with it, it’s important that people know what is going on and start to question things. While I am “lucky” enough to have health insurance (which takes up nearly 30% of our household income), a family friend died from complications that could have been easily treated if she’d had healthcare coverage. What a very tragic state of affairs we are now experiencing.

    I really hope some serious examination and reflection occurs on this subject at the national level. Denial of the problem is no longer an option.

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