BIG BROTHER Recap: The Power of Veto - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BIG BROTHER Recap: The Power of Veto

July 25, 2007 by  


As I unintentionally spilled in a BIG BROTHER spoiler post earlier this week, it was indeed Jen who won the coveted Golden Power of Veto this week. Jen’s playing a good game when it comes to the competitions. She was HOH last week and took the POV this week. But that’s not the shocking part…the shocker would be that Jen wasn’t the most annoying houseguest this week. That honor went to Dick.

After winning HOH, Dick went on a massive power trip. He was flaunting the HOH in everyone’s face, and never let anyone forget that HE is calling the shots this week. Watching Dick play the game this week was akin to watching a bully in the school yard. It wasn’t enough for him to put Kail on the block, he had to torment her at every opportunity, taunting her about how she was a bad player and how everyone hates her. I’ve never been a huge Kail fan but I was pulling for her to smack Dick upside the head. Hey, if she’s going home anyway she should go out in a blaze of glory.

Dick’s problem this week was that he was so busy telling people how bad they were at the game (Kail, Jen, Zach, Nick, Danielle, Amber, etc) that he didn’t even realize how he completely ruined his whole game this week. The entire house is sick of his BS. Danielle confronted him about it, but the conversation quickly turned into something that was less about the game and more about their personal issues outside the house. On a sidenote, I feel that Danielle and Dick are on the verge of some kind of breakthrough in their relationship, but Dani is just not ready to really go there yet (which I’m sure thrills CBS to no end).

The POV competition was the turning point for me.  It was this event that took me from being annoyed by Dick to really wanting him out of the house. The houseguests playing for POV had to balance a glass on top of a hat on their head while their fellow housemates, dressed in ridiculous costumes, tried to make them laugh. The last one standing won POV. In the end it came down to Dick and Jen. Jen, as she often does in the house, kept her emotions in check despite Dick’s constant pestering of her. Not giving in to his bully tactics, Jen stood strong which frustrated Dick to no end. He kept on and on about how everyone hated her and how she was so stupid – all this in an attempt to get her to throw the veto competition (yeah right).

But forget about Jen, Dick showed what a dick he was (oh come on, I haven’t used his name as the butt of a joke yet – that’s self control) when he went after Mike. See while all the houseguests were trying to make Jen laugh, Mike showed his allegiance to Kail by trying to get Dick out of the competition. Dick did not appreciate Mike’s antics and rather than taking Jen’s approach of indifference, Dick lashed out at Mike and threw the competition declaring that Mike was going on the block in Jen’s place. A move that he followed through on last night.

So despite 24/7 bitching about how Kail was the one to go this week, it seems that Dick has turned his efforts into getting Mike out of the house. But I’ll be honest, if I were a houseguest, I would be planning on how to get Dick out next. I don’t like bullies.

America’s Player
Eric earned some more bucks this week by defacing the property of another houseguest. Come on CBS, you couldn’t do better than that? That was just ridiculous. But Eric complied and put mustard on Jen’s pillowcase. Jen wasn’t too affected (she’s beaten down but putting on a brave face), but the other houseguests were livid that someone would do that. Eric feigned innocence and led the charge for a full on investigation. The boy is sly and convincing, I’ll give him that.

Tomorrow night we will say goodbye to Mike or Kail. Who would you vote to evict? Mike or Kail….and why?


8 Responses to “BIG BROTHER Recap: The Power of Veto”

  1. kilwiggle7 on July 25th, 2007 12:16 pm

    i vote out Mike… Mike is just as boring as a doorknob in that house. He couldn’t even pull off a good show when it came to jeering. Kail on the other hand has a little bit of game left in her, and I think that she’d be willing to team up with Dick in order to take out some of the other threats. They do seem to have a good rapport with one another, despite the craziness that Dick uses to intimidate people. (I still like him)

  2. BIG BROTHER Recap: The Power of Veto — All This Nonsense on July 25th, 2007 12:46 pm

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  3. Patty on July 25th, 2007 12:59 pm

    I pick Mike. What a tool. As much as I would like to give Dick the heave, I really want to see where he and Dani go with this. He should have put Nick up to make things interesting.

  4. Kyle on July 25th, 2007 2:21 pm

    I would vote out Kail. She seems a little unstable and she went after an alliance day one. Also, the viewers already know that she doesn’t appear to need the cash…didn’t she say numerous times that the whole town works for her. Plus, I didn’t appreciate any of her narrow minded comments with reference to gay. All in all, she needs to go.

  5. Kyle on July 25th, 2007 2:24 pm

    I would vote out Kail. She seems a little unstable and she went after an alliance day one. Also, the viewers already know that she doesn’t appear to need the cash…didn’t she say numerous times that the whole town works for her. Plus, I didn’t appreciate some of her narrow minded comments. All in all, she needs to go.

  6. Give Me My Remote on July 25th, 2007 2:56 pm

    I thought Kail was totally weak the way she fell to her knees for Dick (um, yeah, get your minds out of the gutter). The minute she was on the block she was all “i am alone here”…”i have been a stupid player”…”i am useless in this house”…SHUT IT

  7. Jennifer on July 25th, 2007 6:59 pm

    I agree that Kail needs to go. She herself already believes she will be gone, so why not just make that happen. Last week I totally thought that they should get Jen out ASAP, but she seems to have really changed this week or CBS just giving her near as much air time since she isn’t HOH. I am okay with her staying a couple more weeks. I think that now that we’ve seen Dick’s true colors, he needs to go next week. Everyone feels threatened by his behavior this week. I think it’s also time for Mike to go. His “honest” attitude just doesn’t work for me or the show.

  8. jojo on July 25th, 2007 7:24 pm

    Dick needs to stay since he’s the only interesting character left in the house of bores. Whoever did the casting this year really blew it cuz they couldn’t have picked a duller cast. Kail and Mike are both boring so as long as one leaves it’s for the better. Big Brother needs to shake the house up since the big twist this season was an utter failure!