SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Recap: Top 6 Performers (UPDATE) - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025


August 9, 2007 by  

Ok, I finally got around to watching last night’s SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. What a show!! Here’s my very brief recap of each dance.

Lacey Schwimmer & Pasha Kovalev
Dance #1: Hip Hop
Pasha rocked this one out. Lacey was great as a mannequin but I thought she was a bit underutilized in the dance tonight. The judges all loved it

Dance #2: Smooth Waltz
This was beautifully performed, but I expected nothing best from the best two partner dancers in the competition. Pasha really stood out to me. He has shown so much versatility this season that I almost forget that he has a specialty. Both did a fantastic job and the judges loved it.

Danny Tidwell and Lauren Gottelieb

Dance #1: Contemporary
Once again, Mia Michaels is a creative genius. I loved this dance! It was so powerful and even more importantly, so different than anything we’ve seen so far this season. The way they utilized not only the whole stage but the whole theater was amazing. Performed amazingly by Danny & Lauren. Fantastic! No surprise that the judges went crazy for it.

Dance #2: Disco
Eh, just eh for me. The dance was complicated but I thought the execution wasn’t as strong as it could have been. I know I’m not a Lauren fan and that this is a tad bit biased, but each week she seems to mess up a move just enough for me to notice. This week she stumbled through a few moves and it really was noticeable. The judges loved it so what do I know.

Sabra Johnson and Neil Haskell
Dance #1: Jazz
YOWZA! That dance was incredible!! So perfectly executed and hot, hot, hot. I never knew a business meeting could be like that!! How about the gymnastics move that Neil did laying straight in the air over Sabra?! What?! Sabra NEEDS to win it all, and I love that Neil has really stepped it up since he was separated from Lauren. I need to re-watch this dance again before I listen to the judge’s comments.

Dance#2: Paso Doble
Um, Neil is leather pants? Need I say more? Ok I will…another fantastic performance by Sabra & Neil. They are the couple of the night!! It was so strong and so in character. The ending move with Neil dropping Sabra down his body was great (but it wasn’t as smooth as when Benji & Cousin Heidi did it last year). The judges continued their evening of praise with all around love for these two dancers.

So which guy and which girl is going home and will miss the finale?

For me, it’s got to be Lauren that goes, and for the guys I just don’t know. It’s between Pasha and Neil and neither deserve to go? TEAM SABRA!!


25 Responses to “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Recap: Top 6 Performers (UPDATE)”

  1. kilwiggle7 on August 8th, 2007 9:58 pm

    Loved Neil and Sabra. Lauren needs to go home… not sure which boy is going home… hopefully not Neil!!!

  2. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Recap: Top 6 Performers — All This Nonsense on August 8th, 2007 10:07 pm

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  3. Tippy on August 8th, 2007 10:17 pm

    I loved Neil and Sabra and Lacey and Pasha. As much as it pains me, I think Pasha will go home. 🙁 Lauren will join him. I think it should be Danny and Lauren, but that is mostly based on attitude. 🙂

  4. Mel on August 8th, 2007 10:32 pm

    I think the best technical routine was Neil/Sab’s jazz, but my favorite was Lacey/Kam’s smooth waltz- so, so lovely. I thought Danny was also spectacular. It’s amazing how much I used to dislike the guy, and he’s pretty much turned into my fave guy this year. I’m wishing and praying and hoping that Lauren will FINALLY go home, because she and her crap disco can’t hang with the rest of ’em. And it pains me to say it, but I think Pasha might be heading home.

    And how cute was Cat calling Lacey “Lacey Liu”? Hee. Cat’s adorable.

  5. Jennifer on August 8th, 2007 10:58 pm

    I love Neil! I think him and Sabra definitely should be in the finals. I have never been a big fan of Danny’s, but I do think that he has performed better than Pasha here recently. I’m completely over Lacey. I have to admit that I like Lauren more than Lacey and I hope Lacey doesn’t make it to the finals.

  6. Kim on August 8th, 2007 11:53 pm

    Tonight was incredible! I really think Sabra is going to win it all, especially after the end of the Paso Doble! I don’t want any of the guys to go, but I think it will be Pasha. It will definitely be between Lauren and Lacey for the girls, and I for one (well, Jennifer above agrees) really hope Lacey goes home. I doubt it will happen, but I am also over her and her attitude. I know Lauren hasn’t been up to Lacey’s level all along, but that’s just it. Lacey hasn’t shown any growth (in my opinion) whether it be connecting with partner rather than audience, or whatever, and Lauren has really had to battle and the last two weeks, she has been great.
    All of the choreography was amazing and I think that this was one night where it felt complete, like all the partners danced on the same level and all of them were at the top of their game!

  7. Kim on August 8th, 2007 11:57 pm

    Forgot to say how funny/cute it was when Mary told Neil and Sabra they were back on the train and Neil said something to the effect of I’ve never been on the train. LOL : )

  8. Carli on August 9th, 2007 12:36 am

    For the guys, I have no idea who should leave. I like them all! For the girls, I’ve been over Lacey the last few weeks. She’s gone downhill in my opinion and Lauren has gone up and up. Isn’t the point of this to have some growth? I don’t care if you’re the best dancer in the world, there’s always room for growth and I’ve seen none from Lacey. Her solo was the worst of the season, in my opinion.

    Oh, and that last drop by Neil/Sabra at the end of the paso was NOT smooth at all. I don’t know why everyone is going nuts about it. I don’t think you should get praise just for trying something hard if you don’t end up pulling it off, but that’s just me.

  9. Jennifer on August 9th, 2007 1:00 am

    I’m SO hoping Sabra is the last girl standing. Lacey sure seems to have some fans out there though ;( The first half of the show was AMAZING!! The second half was stellar too, but it didn’t seem to have the same energy. How much did I love the Mandy Moore power-dance 80s routine? Freakin’ awesome. I’ve been hard on Pasha’s stiffness in jazz/contemporary/hip hop choreography but he’s definitely improved. I didn’t see any of that for the first 1/2 of their hip hop routine. I agree that he’s likely going home even though I like Neil much less. For some reason, I’m really hoping Danny is the final guy. Geez, when did *he* become my final guy? I can sense Sabra and Danny’s passion in their dancing; the rest seem too formal and by-the-book about it. Great, sure, but they don’t emote as much to me as Sabra and Danny do.

  10. mq1986 on August 9th, 2007 1:12 am

    I honestly think that Pasha and Neil have equal chances of being sent home, although personally I think Neil should go home. Pasha’s has performed solidly every single week, only being in the bottom once since the show began.

    Neil has been in the bottom multiple times (including last week), and he doesn’t really seem to be connecting to the audience. Although he did a great job in the jazz routine tonight, I still think that overall, his dancing is redundant, when you consider that there’s already another (and better) contemporary dancer in Danny.

    I really couldn’t care less whether Lacey or Lauren goes. I find them both overrated and a little dull. Of all the girls, Sabra is by and far the best of them–she can do anything, and not only that, she can do it really, really well.

    All I care is that Sabra and Pasha make it into the top four. Danny has grown on me a lot, so he has my support, but I still find him too repetitive to like him very much. I completely and totally admire his technical skill–but I don’t remember a single episode where he WASN’T doing a pirouette.

  11. sim on August 9th, 2007 1:54 am

    Lauren was so much better this week and hope goes to the finals.
    Lacey needs to go – I’m sorry – she just didn’t do enough this week. She barely danced the first time, she just sticks her butt out for her solo, and she let Pasha do all work on the waltz.
    Sabra should win – she brings it every week – flawlessly.
    As for the guys – well Neil and Pasha should be in the finals.

  12. JR on August 9th, 2007 2:25 am

    The Paso doble was HOT! Leather pants?!? I really liked all of the dances this week, they all really took things up a notch this week. It was a fun episode…LEATHER PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Lucy on August 9th, 2007 5:20 am

    Same thing with Travis last season, in each and every solo he did his pirouettes. Yes, both he and Danny are fantastic doing the pirouettes, but c’mon, no one cuts Lacey any slack but Danny’s alright now? For me it should be Lacey, Sabra, Danny and Pasha in the final. Neil and Lauren should go home, they’ve totally overstayed their welcome, especially Lauren who I think should have been cut a long, long time ago.

  14. Lisa (aka lmr722) on August 9th, 2007 8:16 am

    This week was stellar all around. I loved it all. But for me the dance of the night was Mandy Moore’s jazz routine performed by Sabra and Neil. I literally said ‘wow’ out loud, alone in my living room at least 5 times. It was beautifully choreagraphed and masterfully performed.

    Sabra is my pick and has been since week 2. I have never understood the Lacey appeal and after that booty roll… need I say more.

    As for the guys, I am going to be sad no matter what as I honestly am crazy for all three different reasons.

    Overall though, we need a female winner for a change and her name is Sabra and she dances like an angel.

  15. Lil' Jenn on August 9th, 2007 8:16 am

    Seriously, the entire night was amazing to me! The choreographers really amped up the routines and I abso-loved it! I know that many people think that Lauren has a camera hungry personality, but I feel that she just loves being up there, and what is wrong with that? I think that Lacey is an amazing dancer but I don’t really care if she or Lauren go home this week as long as Sabre sticks around. She is my pick to win this!

    The jazz routine between she and Neil was ridiculous. It doesn’t hurt that I was totally digging on the song pick…love the Eurythmics! I also really liked the contemporary with Danny and Lauren because they just looked so happy doing it!

    Anyway, I can’t wait to see these kids on tour!

  16. Give Me My Remote on August 9th, 2007 9:12 am

    Lil’ Jenn – YAY!! I hope to see the tour with you again this summer!! I don’t know if I’m going to be in town or not and that makes me a little sad. I miss Dominic and I need to see him again.

  17. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Recap: Top 6 Performers (UPDATE) — All This Nonsense on August 9th, 2007 11:46 am

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  18. Patty on August 9th, 2007 1:01 pm

    Lauren needs the boot although I could give a crap is Lacey goes home. I love me some Sabra! As for the guys, that’s tough. I am loving Neil this week (the first time!) for the jazz number alone. That was great! I liked the Paso but mostly because I love Sabra. I think she pulls her partners up to her level. I love love love her!

  19. Carly F on August 9th, 2007 2:42 pm

    It is impossible for me to choose a guy to send home, but if I have to, it would be Danny. He’s a beautiful dancer, but I just like Pasha and Neil better – when they are on the stage, I can’t look away from them.

    Easy for the girls – Lauren should go.

  20. Julia on August 9th, 2007 5:02 pm

    IMO, Lacey is doing what Natalie did last season. Although both are great dancers, they both sex it up too much and end up looking cheap. Natalie was called on it last season — I’m surprised Lacey hasn’t been. Lacey used to be one of my favorites. Also, she hardly danced during the hip hop routine. And I’m probably the only one who really hated the end of Danny & Lauren’s contemporary routine — all that running. Neil and Sabra stole it for me. They were the only couple who spent both of their dances actually dancing and nailed them.

  21. Caity on August 9th, 2007 6:15 pm

    I dont know exactly what show some people were watching last night, but Neil and Sabra completely stole the show for me. Hands down. None of the other routines even compared to them. So I would definitely have to say that Lauren should go home (obviously; she should have been gone before Sara) and then for the guys Id choose Danny to go home. I used to like him, but this week I dont think he even compared to Neil and Pascha.


  22. Emily on August 9th, 2007 8:40 pm

    I agree with most of you guys- I’m so over Lauren and Lacey. Danny is spectacuar, but only one person can actually win, so I’m pushing for Sabra. I am dying to see the two of them dance together.

  23. Joanne on August 10th, 2007 9:21 pm

    Danny and Sabra should definitely be in the final four. I also like Pasha over Neil and could care less between Lacey and Lauren. Danny and Sabra is in a league of their own and the producers know this, and that is why they have never been paired together. They paired Neil with Sabra to pick him up some votes and paired Danny with Lauren to lose him votes. There is always a strategy working, especially swaying the votes, trust me I know, I’ve been behind the scenes of a lot of reality shows.

  24. Melissa on August 14th, 2007 11:58 pm

    Can anyone tell me where I can watch the krumping segment from lastnights final 6 show?

  25. Give Me My Remote on August 15th, 2007 12:11 am