BIG BROTHER Recap: Down to Six - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BIG BROTHER Recap: Down to Six

August 30, 2007 by  

WARNING! This post contains not only spoilers for tonight’s CBS show but updates on the HOH competition happening LIVE in the Big Brother house tonight.

Let’s get through a super quick recap of tonight’s BIG BROTHER so we can concentrate on the good stuff…like who won tonight’s HOH competition.

Where we are…
Zach & Amber were on the block. Eric won POV and opted not to use it. Eric and Jessica have been k-i-s-s-i-n-g late night in the HOH bedroom. Dick and Daniele continue to quarrel in the house.

Romance or Showmance?
During tonight’s show we met Eric’s EX girlfriend, Cheryl. It seems that he wasn’t lying after all – he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I watch the feeds and I honestly think Eric and Jess truly like each other. Will their relationship continue outside of the BB8 house? I wouldn’t put my money on it. But they do spend a lot of time talking about how they want to be together after the game so you never now. Stranger things have happened.

You Gotta Have Faith…
We also got to hear from Jameka’s sister and her pastor. It seems like they all are very pleased with how Jameka has been handling herself in the house. Like her or not, Jameka has been consistent about her faith since Day One of this game…unlike others who seem to turn to God when it’s most convenient for them (I’m not knocking it…just an observation).

Live Eviction Time…
Time for the live eviction. One by one the houseguests cast their votes, and in the end it’s Amber that goes home. I know you might not believe me when I say this but Amber cried! Crazy – she’s usually tough as nails. Amber’s heading out to meet Dustin and Jen in the sequester house. I was kind of bummed they didn’t show Jen’s arrival in sequester. I wonder if she actually went or bowed out on the whole thing forfeiting her BB8 stipend.

So with Amber gone, the house guests head outside for this week’s HOH competition. Amber, Eric, Zach and Dick each have a massive teapot filled with tea. On the other side of the platform is a large fishbow. The houseguest who fills their fishbowl with tea first wins the POV. The catch (or should I say catches)? The platform between the teapot and the fishbow is extremely slippery AND the houseguests only have a small teacup to transfer the tea to the fishbowl. Uh Oh.

As the live CBS broadcast finished tonight, all the houseguests were still working hard and this week’s HOH had not yet been determined. But fear not, I have access to the 24/7 live feeds. Once the winner has been determined I will be sure to post it on GMMR. So make sure you keep checking back for update.

As of about 10pm est Zach and Danielle were in the lead. I don’t think Eric and Dick have a shot.

Was Amber the right choice to send home tonight?


4 Responses to “BIG BROTHER Recap: Down to Six”

  1. BIG BROTHER Recap: Down to Five — All This Nonsense on August 30th, 2007 10:21 pm

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  2. BIG BROTHER Recap: Down to Six — All This Nonsense on August 31st, 2007 4:33 am

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  3. magstress on August 31st, 2007 11:40 am

    I was quite amused to hear that Amber wants to become an inspirational speaker. As if she could make it 5 minutes without breaking down into tears.

  4. carolyn springs on November 23rd, 2007 2:51 am

    Looks like the big brother withdrawals won’t be for too long….. Big Brother 9 is confirmed to start on February.

    Check out this application video . apparently Allison Grodner has stated that BB9 will start

    early due to the writers strikes.