So Say We All: YOUR Take on Tuesday Night TV - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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So Say We All: YOUR Take on Tuesday Night TV

October 3, 2007 by  

Get this…I didn’t watch one primetime show on Tuesday! Nope, not one. Granted I don’t really feel like I missed much because I was lucky enough to see most of what I would have watched in advance. Still it’s weird (and fantastic) to spend a night away from the TV. But just because I didn’t watch doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk about TV.So let’s so say we all it up on the following shows:

  • Cavemen
  • Carpoolers
  • House
  • Reaper
  • Bones, Dancing with Stars, NCIS, and whatever else you watched

So tonight was the long awaited premiere of one of the most loathed pilots of the Fall season. But if I’ve learned anything in my brief time in TV blogging I can tell you that the critics really don’t have that much influence on the viewers opinions. It’s all about what resonates with YOU. So what did you think of Cavemen. Was it what you were expecting? Does this show have a chance to make it big or will it be sent back to the Stone Ages? (Hey, it was either that or a Paleolithic joke).

Another show that didn’t impress me much with the pilot. Maybe it’s just not my type of humor, or maybe I need to see another episode to really get the joke. Perhaps I spend way too much time in cars to find anything funny about them. Either way this one isn’t on my TiVo list. Can you convince me it should be? Tell me you loved it and I’ll be willing to give it another shot.

While I haven’t been overly impressed with the 2007 Fall season to date, I have to give mad props to House for opening its season strong. Last week’s premiere episode and tonight’s 2nd episode both really impressed me. Funnier than some of the shows that have been up for Best Comedy over the past few years, House continues to be one of the wittiest and best acted shows on television.

So what did you think of the new interns. I can tell you this much – as of last week when I saw a few of them at a Fox party,they still weren’t sure how long they’d be sticking around. I really liked Olivia Wilde (#13) and Kal Penn (#6 & #9) and hope to see more of them in the future. I also dug the older not-quite-a-doctor…what an interesting twist there. I’m not sure what to expect over the course of the season when it comes to the status of Cameron, Chase and Foremen. Somehow seeing these newbies working alongside House seemed to age his former team big time. Will they reunite and solve medical mysteries again, or will their paths just cross in the halls of Princeton Plainsboro Teach Hospital? Oh, and how cruel to have Cameron and Chase engaged on the show since they just broke off their engagement in real life. Hey, that’s what you get for fishing off the company pier, or at least in the hospital cafeteria.

Anyone loving House as much as I am so far this season?


Well not everything can go right in my life. Tonight’s disappointment came in the form of me getting home only to discover that I didn’t record the second episode of Reaper. I thought I had my TiVo all set up for the new season but I guess not. Wah wah. I hope The CW reairs the show over the course of the week so I can check it out.

For those of you who did get to watch, how did the second episode hold up against the pilot? I’m a little worried. I read an interview with Bret Harrison earlier today over at The TV Addict (click to read) and here’s what Bret had to say about pilot director Kevin’s Smith role:

  • “… I know he’s interested in coming back, but I don’t know if he will. I want him to and a lot of people on set want him to. I’m not sure how the creators feel in terms of wanting Kevin back.”
  • “…I definitely don’t think the pilot would have been what it was if it wasn’t for Kevin Smith It doesn’t even seem like a CW show.”
  • “It’s funny, because everything we’ve shot since then, you can see the difference. I still think the show is great and amazing, but you can see how it’s gotten more into a television rhythm.”

I can’t tell if Bret is just showing the love to Smith or if he feels the show’s pilot isn’t really indicative of where the season is headed. Then again, maybe he wasn’t implying anything and I’m just reading too much into it. I’m interested to hear what you all thought of the oh so important ep #2.

Everything else….

For those of you who watched Dancing with the Stars, Bones, NCIS, The Biggest Loser, Cane or any other show tonight, tell us what you thought. Don’t be shy to bring up a show that we haven’t covered here. I might not be watching it, but if you are I guarantee another GMMR readers is too and they’re probably dying to dish with someone about it.

Filed under House


16 Responses to “So Say We All: YOUR Take on Tuesday Night TV”

  1. hotel hotness on October 3rd, 2007 9:07 am

    I love so say we all. It’s a good way to start the day. I think most Tuesday night TV is boring. I watched Cavemen and liked it more than i thought i would but i still really, really hated it. How did this show make it on the air? Carpoolers was marginally better but I didn’t like it either. Maybe they’re both funny but I am so used to 30 Rock that I just didn’t get them.

    House was awesome again last night. I love the bitchy doctor who is a tattle tale.

    How are you not watching Dancing with the Stars.

  2. Becky on October 3rd, 2007 9:34 am

    I’ll say it: I loved Cavemen.

    I’m not delusional enough to think it’s the next Office. Or that it will get a second season. But I thought it was pretty enjoyable. I didn’t laugh out loud, but a lot of the parts were pretty amusing. But maybe I just felt forced to laugh because I really wanted this show to do good after all the negative press.

  3. Kilynn on October 3rd, 2007 10:10 am

    I’m boycotting all the new sitcoms this year, because as far as I’m concerned, aside from The Office and HIMYM, pretty much all the comedies on network tv are crap. I watched Bones, House, and Law & Order: SVU last night. It is like the perfect line-up.

    Bones was great, but is anyone else feeling like they are trying to out-gross all of the other procedurals out there? Like, at the beginning when they were at the crime scene and Bones was just waving a charred finger around all cavalier. My sister and I were pretty grossed out by that one, and I don’t remember the show being that graphic last year. However, I am LOVING David Boreanaz even more than usual, which I didn’t know was possible.

    I’m having a hard time keeping all the new people straight on House. Especially the girls because they all look strangely alike. It’s very confusing.

    I didn’t get to watch SVU last week because my stupid brother cancelled it on the DVR, and I hadn’t realized how much I MISSED this show. It was a good one last night; I did not see that Law & Order twist coming. Jury’s still out on Adam Beach, though.

  4. Emily on October 3rd, 2007 10:20 am

    Is no one else watching Reaper? It’s the only thing I’m watching on Tuesday nights and it’s fantastic!

  5. Kismet on October 3rd, 2007 10:23 am

    I watched Cavemen simply for the trainwreck likelihood, and it was not great. But, I also think that 2 1/2 Men is awful too so clearly I am not the typical sitcom viewer. So I can’t really predict what will happen.

    Carpoolers was better, but still very contrived and silly. The way that they kept saying “Let’s carpool!” absolutely annoyed the crap out of me. It might get better, and could have potential if they can tone down the cheese factor. It’s trying to be edgy but sadly just isn’t.

  6. Patty on October 3rd, 2007 10:32 am

    I watched Bones and Reaper. Still loving Bones and yeah Kilynn, they are trying to be gross. But they more than make up for it with a drunk Booth! As for Reaper, I didn’t like it as much as last week. Kind of made me wish I had watched House!

  7. fatback on October 3rd, 2007 12:02 pm

    Reaper rocked. Hands down best new show of the season. Solid writing, great acting and timing and a pretty original concept, even for the CW. It’s like Veronica Mars snark, with Buffy story (and gore), with Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz buddy film thrown in for good measure. Completely entertaining.

    Note to CW: Don’t f@*# this up.

  8. Carli on October 3rd, 2007 12:25 pm

    I watched Reaper again this week and liked it. I’m definitely sticking with this one…probably ’til the bitter end when The CW does something stupid and cancels it next week.

    The fiance (sorta) watched Cavemen. He said that while the jokes weren’t awful, the show was just sort of blah. Like they weren’t even trying to be funny a lot of the time.

    Go Helio!

  9. Tippy on October 3rd, 2007 12:36 pm

    I tried to watch “Carpoolers” but I couldn’t take the lame jokes. Maybe it will appeal more to guys. SVU was awesoe and Kevin Tighe was so creepy. I liked him much better on “Emergency”. Didn’t watch Cavemen because I was watching “Singing Bee” and then the Biggest Loser.

  10. Jennifer on October 3rd, 2007 12:54 pm

    I watched Bones, House, and SVU. I really loved Bones and House last night. I don’t mind the gross factor on Bones since it has been there in small doses from the beginning. I *loved* drunk Booth! I am enjoying House a lot more this season than last…especially how much he is being tortured by his oncologist buddy.

  11. Lisa on October 3rd, 2007 1:43 pm

    Dancing with the Stars was so boring last night. Why does there have to be an hour Result Show? Oh well, model Albert left and that was fine with me, his dancing was boring. Poor Cheryl though, her time with partner Wayne Newton will be coming to an end soon.

  12. CFO (not my initials) on October 3rd, 2007 3:46 pm

    I watched Reaper. It was so much fun! I love the show, but for some reason I cannot remember any of the character’s names. Except for the Devil. haha.
    So, here is my super lame (nameless) commentary: I love how oblivious the main dude must be to the fact that that chick likes him. She tried (and failed) and tried again to switch her schedule around just so they would be working together.
    I also really love the best friend’s ex-girlfriend (who works for the DA). She cracks me up! (I was laughing so hard at the pencil joke, my husband got offended).
    I very much like how the show has hints of romance, but that is by no means the main focus of the show. I like the puzzle aspect of trying to figure out who the bad guy is and how to find them. It’s a great show. It is my ONLY appointment TV for Tuesdays.

  13. Give Me My Remote on October 3rd, 2007 3:54 pm

    Thanks for all the great opinions!!

  14. BonnieB on October 3rd, 2007 6:01 pm

    Just caught up on Tuesday night!

    I am new to Bones but am liking it. Not as much as House though. I could watch House and Wilson all day. Throw in a little Cuddy and it’s just perfect. Did they make the new intern (the girl from the OC) dye her hair brown so as not to clash/confuse us with Cameron who’s now blonde?

    I’m enjoying Tuesdays but Wednesdays are just packed, aren’t they?

  15. Forts on October 3rd, 2007 6:13 pm

    Cavemen was better than I thought it’s be. That’s not really saying much but still…

    Their scientific accuracy wasn’t really what I wanted but it worked for the jokes. ((They are going by evolutionary theories(I’m a creationist but I’m correcting from the PoV of an evolutionist)))
    First when Joel(Bill English) is talking to Ray(Nick Swardson who was delightfully creepy as usual) he mentions something about cavemen dating sapiens. The scientific name for modern man is Homo sapiens sapiens and for a “caveman” Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. They are both sapiens.

    Okay and later on Nick(Nick Kroll) is talking to Joel and mentions something about keeping you you-know-what in your Genus(It rhymes. They use stuff like that alot) Even if they’re calling them Homo Erectus(an earlier form of man), or Homo neanderthalensis(without the sapien) they are all part of the genus “homo”

    And there you go.

  16. allie on October 3rd, 2007 6:42 pm

    I watched Bones and House last night. I think Bones has always been gross (remember the person eaten by dogs in first season?) and I love it. House was also good, but did anyone else think he was a little soft last night? The old House would have never accepted the old guy’s excuse about going to every class but not getting a diploma.