BIONIC WOMAN Recap: Face Off - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BIONIC WOMAN Recap: Face Off

October 18, 2007 by  

Title: “Face Off”
Original Airdate: October 17, 2007
GMMR Recapper: Jo

Jaime bionically runs and jumps and busts up the Whiny Sister’s make out session. This causes Wannabe Marshall, formerly the annoying quad rugby player on FNL (did you notice they recast his character on FNL last week?), fixes her broken toe. More hard rock, thank you, in the form of Evanescence. Sarah Corvus plays some poker before her lover, Future Hiro’s Less Cool Brother breaks up the fun. Katee’s crazy dialogue steals the scene and as long as he is sans sword and soul patch, I will continue to refer to him as FHLCB.

Jaime and Burke get to go to Paraguay to rescue a kidnapped doctor. In another brilliant moment, Sarah is wheeled into One Government Conspiracy on a dolly, all Hannibal Lecter like. Sarah and Jonas have some words. Sarah wants to be fixed; Jonas wants Dead Will’s dad back. Deadlock.

Jaime’s a bad flyer. But goodness, no one likes those puddle jumpers. Jaime breaks into the joint using bionic physics and some convenient fog illuminate the green grid of an alarm. Naturally Burke walks through it and assume the “terrorist don’t shoot me” position. So the terrorists take them hostage too. Wait. So, bionic kung fu knowledge brain chip doesn’t include the Spanish language edition?

Jaime fights better with her arms tied back. So the Kidnapped Doc is going to be K.Doc because I can’t be bothered to learn dayplayer character names. K.Doc is all read up on the most current issue of “Today in Bionics”. For this, Burke is ready to shoot him, but Jaime’s moral dilemma ends with the butt of a gun in Burke’s chest. She and K.Doc run and she gets shot. Apparently “Today in Bionics” had a section on escape and evade because K.Doc has a better plan on how to use Jaime’s abilities. And I finally figured out what has bothered me about Jaime since the pilot. Bionic yes, but still not the fastest RAM. Back at the Boring Ranch, Jaime’s alibi knocks on the door. Whoops.

K.Doc pulls out her bullet in some mood lighting, accented with a touch of “you have five years to live” conversation. There’s some touching that makes me wonder if eventually I’ll have to learn his name, but he jets on Jaime while she’s beating the snot out of Burke again.

Sarah Corus finally busts her chains and uses FHLCB to escape One Government Conspiracy again. There’s something seriously warped about the way Sarah says “I love you” and it’s going to take days of pondering for me to understand it.

Okay. Sigh. It’s not bad or hopeless. It’s good. It’s just not great. I think the greatest area of improvement would be to fix the Stereotype Sister and their boring bonding moments. Everytime I think about this show when I’m not being snarky, I come back to Alias and Chuck comparisons. Alias, because of the kicking butt and Chuck for the cheesy, save the world bit. And now that I’ve realized how slow on the uptake that Jaime is, that’s going to keep bothering me. Hey, at least the emo is gone. One battle at a time.

Jo lives in small town Texas, not that far from Dillon, and loves writing almost as much as watching TV. Until TV Guide or a literary agent comes knocking, she’ll keep occasionally updating, but never proofreading, her own blog

Filed under TV News


5 Responses to “BIONIC WOMAN Recap: Face Off”

  1. BIONIC WOMAN Recap: Face Off — All This Nonsense on October 18th, 2007 1:20 am

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Aaron on October 18th, 2007 1:13 pm

    The lame alibi totally pissed me off too. Like, she can’t say “I have to go to paraguay for work?” Durrrh.

    And wasn’t the sister supposed to be some kind of computer genius?

    And if Sarah Corvus needed Dead Will to help her, why did she kill him?

    Still, I keep having weird dreams about this show.

  3. DEM on October 18th, 2007 2:23 pm

    So Korean American Jae Kim is Japanese National Hiro Nakamura’s brother? How… edgy of you!

  4. Jo on October 18th, 2007 2:41 pm

    I hope you’re being sarcastic, DEM.

  5. sara on October 18th, 2007 5:21 pm

    They didn’t recast Herc on FNL; the red-haired guy in the wheelchair was Mark Zupan, a real quad rugby player on the U.S. Paralympic team. He was in the movie Murderball.