The Office Convention - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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The Office Convention

October 29, 2007 by  

THe Office Convention

As you all know (since I’ve been whining about it for a few months) I was not able to attend the first even THE OFFICE Convention in Scranton, PA this weekend. But many, many OFFICE fans did, and they have some great stories, pictures and videos to share. It sounds like a fantastic time was had by all.

If you were at the Convention and have tales to tells please feel free to leave a comment and fill us in about it.

If you are like me and missed it all I think you should check out The Office Convention at and catch up on all the convention goodies for the best Office fansite out there. Speaking of, I hear that Tanster of Office Tally got the biggest round of applause at the Blogger’s Breakfast event…how awesome it that?! Go Tanster!!!

I can’t seem to get enough of the news from the event. Here’s to hoping there’s another convention next year!

Filed under The Office


10 Responses to “The Office Convention”

  1. The Office Convention — All This Nonsense on October 29th, 2007 9:27 am

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  2. Emily on October 29th, 2007 9:57 am

    I am so jealous of all my friends who went…. its so amazing how awesome it was, and it seems like SO much fun. I really hope there is one next year so I can go!

  3. diana on October 29th, 2007 10:14 am

    I went and it was amazing! Sadly, I couldn’t stay for the Sunday activities, but Saturday was great. The Q & A with the cast was the highlight of my trip. They were so amazing…and so funny. And the Look-A-Like contest was truly brilliant. The fans went all out. The look-a-like Jim and Michael were amazing. Then there was everything from those dressed as Angela’s cats, the fax from future Dwight, and my favorite someone dressed as the vending machine with all of Dwight’s stuff inside. So creative! Can’t wait for next year!

  4. Moe on October 29th, 2007 11:05 am

    I also just went for Saturday, but it was amazing. The most surreal moment was when my friends and I were walking past the Steamtown Mall on our way to Poor Richards. Its kind of a run down street right next to the railyards, and there were no other cars or people around. All of the sudden we heard police sirens, and we looked over and saw a black SUV with a police escort. Craig Robinson was hanging all the way out the window of the car, smoking a cigar, waving to us, and screaming “woo hoo,” or something. It was hysterical–he was definitely enjoying the day!

  5. HealthcareHottie on October 29th, 2007 12:23 pm

    Diana – You missed absolutely nothing on Sunday. My convention experience was kind of a let down because I was only able to go on Sunday. The place was practically deserted when we got there, the trolleys were empty (although we did hitch a ride on one) we couldn’t find the registration table, so we didn’t get our maps and passes and we had a hard time figuring out where to go. The highlight of the day was going to the Steamtown Mall. My husband bought a pretty good back massager while he was waiting for me outside the restroom. We did get to meet Andy Buckley (David Wallace). He was really nice and talked to us for a few minutes and took pictures with us. He even listened to what my 12 yr. old son had to say. He seemed genuinely suprised that people were interested in meeting him and asking for his autograph. When my husband (who is not a real fan of the show) found out that his real job was working for Merryl Lynch tried to ask him for investment advice; that was kind of funny. Then we took the 1 hr. & 45 min. ride home b/c we had an event to attend in the evening. I’m not sorry I went, we had a nice family day, but it would have been nice to get more out of the whole experience.

  6. Janet on October 29th, 2007 1:24 pm

    I would have loved to go. But by reading all the blogs of people that went, it sounds like the ones that stayed at the “Radish Inn” and had the corporate passes had the best time.

  7. DorkyDancer on October 29th, 2007 3:44 pm

    I am so jealous of all of you that went!!! But I watched all of the footage on OfficeTally–it just makes me love The Office cast even more.
    p.s. GMMR–Are you going to say anything about “Local Ad”?

  8. Nancy on October 30th, 2007 10:45 am

    I’m curious to know why the “big stars” (Steve Carell, etc.) didn’t attend. Anyone hear anything?

  9. HealthcareHottie on October 30th, 2007 1:11 pm

    I read somewhere, but I can’t confirm anything, that Steve Carrell had a family wedding and JKras was doing reshoots for Leatherheads. I haven’t seen or heard anything about why Jenna, Rainn & BJ didn’t go.

  10. Meagan on October 30th, 2007 6:36 pm

    I heard that Rainn had a fundraiser event in Seattle and I’m sure Jenna couldn’t attend because her back is still healing. She mentioned on her blog recently that she had to wear baggy pants in “Money” because of her back.

    I went and had an amazing time. I will definitely stay at the Raddisson or Hilton next time as they are centrally located and much closer to the events. We booked a hotel downtown that was disgusting and ended up switching to a hotel in a different town when we got in Thursday night. We had to park at the mall and walk back and forth.

    I am so glad that I went though. The Casino Night and both Q&A sessions were the highlights for me. I got photos with a bunch of the cast members. Also, the corporate pass holders were given an autographed gift from either Steven, John, Jenna or Rainn when they checked in. I was able to get both an autographed Steve Carell WORLD’S BEST BOSS mug and an autographed Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) bobble head.

    I am going to be posting my videos on youtube as soon as I can get them off of my friend’s laptop. My youtube name is mltips so do a search soon and you can see some of the highlights. Also, I plan on doing a full report in the next few days.