Morning Strike News - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Morning Strike News

November 8, 2007 by  

As this strike is becoming all too real, I’ll do my best to bring you a few important links each day, throughout the day. As a TV viewer this does affect you and I encourage you all to educate yourself on what’s going on and what the writers’ are fighting for. There are a lot of misconceptions and spin tactics happening out there and I think we should all be informed as much as we can. If you have questions, leave a comment and I will do my best to either (a) get an answer for you or (b) send you in the right direction so you can find your answer.

How strange that as of three days ago I have never heard of and now it’s my first website stop in the morning. Here are a few videos from this morning featuring the cast of Grey’s Anatomy, and showrunners from Desperate Housewives and Lost. Yes, these videos feature some of the bigger names in this battle but I think these are the people that will resonate most with many of you. We’ll be hearing much more today and in the days (and sadly probably weeks) to come from people that you’ve never heard of, but who are at the forefront of the strike and have some compelling stories to share.


2 Responses to “Morning Strike News”

  1. Morning Strike News — All This Nonsense on November 8th, 2007 9:46 am

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Billiam on November 8th, 2007 10:13 am

    That chant is really annoying. The third video is the best of the bunch because they come off as being very reasonable in it.

    In other news, GMMR, I just want you to know that I resisted the urge to click on Heroes spoiler. I really, really wanted to. Now hopefully I don’t run across by accident somewhere else.