UGLY BETTY Recap: A Nice Day for a Posh Wedding - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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UGLY BETTY Recap: A Nice Day for a Posh Wedding

November 9, 2007 by  

Ugly Betty (Recaps, News, Cast)

It was early Friday morning by the time I got to see all my Thursday night favorites, but all and all it was well worth the last of sleep. Here’s my quick take of last night’s TV for me.

The long awaited wedding of Whilemna Slater and Bradford Meade went off without a hitch, well except for the part where the Maid of Honor was locked in a closet, the ceremony was interrupted not once but twice and the groom had a heart attack and collapsed on the alter.  Maybe ‘without a hitch’ isn’t the phrase I was looking for.

All and all a pretty fabulous and over the top episode of Ugly Betty.  Victoria Beckham’s guest appearance was “Beck-mmm”.  Amanda’s mid-wedding homage to Kelis was inspired. And Christina’s is about to be scammed by her estranged husband who is supposedly dying and needs a $100,000 for experimental surgery. Just another day at Mode Magazine.

Marc’s new boy toy Cliff has my TV main gay in new territory…a territory called love. And dare I say that Cliff is making Marc a wee bit less superficial?  Perish the thought!  But with all the wedding craziness surrounding him, Marc did find himself a little more accepting of his beau, even when Cliff admitted he planned on wearing corduroy to the wedding of the year, prompting one of the best lines of the night: “The wedding is so fancy, Armani is wearing Prada”.  But our favorite bear decided to meet Marc more than half way and showed up all spic and span and got the attention of Marc: “Be still my flaming heart”…”Who knew there was hardwood under that shag rug?” and even Amanda who found Cliff’s transformation surprising: “Tans-fatty – more than meets the eye”. I  really hope Cliff sticks around for awhile because it really lets Michael Urie (Marc) bring something new to the role.

But move over Marc, Amanda, Cliff and even you Posh, because it’s Betty’s world and we all just pay rent.  This week a poor girl had it rough.  After being caught sneaking around with Henry, Betty and Ignacio got into a heated argument which led to Betty moving out of the house and in with Henry. Although Betty was excited to make the most of the time she spent with Henry, Henry was more concerned with Betty making amends with her father. Under false pretenses, Henry lured Betty to her father’s citizenship ceremony.  He reminded her that when he left she was going to need her family to be there for her Aw, I heart Henry! Betty and Ignacio had a tearful reunion and Ignacio told Betty to tell Daniel about Willi’s affair with the bodyguard because now that he was a legal citizen there’s not much Wilhemnia could do about it.  Yeah right.

All of this leads to the Wedding (see that capital ‘W’? That how big it was). As previously mentioned, ‘Perfect Spice’ paid the price for trying to upstage the bride by being locked in the closet during the ceremony. As the bride and groom took to the alter, Betty charged through the doors and made know her objections.  Daniel took her outside and demanded an explanation. Not giving away the exact details of her deal with the Devil Wilhemenia, Betty did confess that she knew about the affair with the Dwayne the bodyguard for months.  Daniel felt betrayed and fired Betty…say what?!

After their little chat, Daniel went back into the church and interrupted the ceremony again so he could talk to his father. While the two Meade men where chit chatting, Amanda Summers (you know, Fey’s daughter) took the opportunity to get some attention and entertained the crowd with Kelis’ “Milkshake”.  It was one of those moments that had I been a casual viewer and/or not had I not had secretly hero worshipped Amanda, I might be put off by how grandiose it was. But alas, this was right in character for the snotty little wench and I loved it. I mean Quincy Jones was in the church – the girl had to to do something, right?!

Outside in the hallway, Bradford was none to happy with Daniel’s accusations about Willi and dismissed the charges before returned to his bride.  But minutes later Bradford found himself fighting for his life as he was struck with a massive heart attack.

The previews show us that Bradford lives, Claire Meade comes out of hiding to see her ailing husband, and that Betty doesn’t jump at the chance to return to Meade when Daniel offers her her job back.

Talk to me people…does last night’s episode bring your Milkshake to the yard?


2 Responses to “UGLY BETTY Recap: A Nice Day for a Posh Wedding”

  1. Jo on November 9th, 2007 11:04 am

    OH this was the best episode. Maybe even ever. It was hysterical and suspenseful. And Amanda’s Milkshake cracked me up.

  2. Meagan on November 9th, 2007 12:03 pm

    I enjoyed it and I made sure to watch it when it aired because I usually watch online and I have to break up with my online episodes to support the writers.