BIONIC WOMAN Recap: Trust Issues
November 15, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Title: “Trust Issues”
Original Airdate: 11.14.07
GMMR Recapper: Jo
Jaime runs a lot. In not-good-for-running shoes. You’d think the bionic knees would object. I’m just saying.
B! Whiny sister wants to cook Jaime and Tom a dinner. They’ve got their cover stories so in sync, it’s too obvious. But Jaime has to leave and surprise so does Tom. Ah, spy love.
Speaking of spy love, Burke thinks that Jaime should just give up on Tom now. Jaime tries to ignore the advice until she finds two CIA operatives hanging outside her apartment. Checking up on an agent’s girlfriend is protocol. Aw, like how you tried to slip that one in there, man. Tom also chews her out over not being properly equipped for a mission. And I got to side with him on this one. She and Chuck both need to be packing. C’mon big gov’t agencies can’t trade the newbies?
Anyways the A plot is something about a foreign dictator, who’s evil, but Berkut has to protect. Burke’s been in this country before and has a special connection with them. So special that Jaime and Jonas suspect he’s working with the assassin to help kill the guy. And they are planning on shooting him with an extra special gun.
But Burke is not working with the assassin, he’s just old lovers with her. Yeah, her. Jaime runs some more in what would easily be uncomfortable for walking shoes and knocks people down out of the way of the giant round being fired. See, Tom has a point about protection. Jaime and Burke hunt down the lady killer and I started reading some email so I don’t know what they were talking about. They worked together and were in love. Who cares. The cool part is they shot each other and Burke dies. I know I type that with zero empathy but his character was nothing more than a publicity stunt and he tends to ruin the pace of any scene. So see ya.
I have to pull a MAJOR flag on the show this week. Oy with the bad dialogue already. People’s proper names were tossed around to much. Full and complete sentences. Basically, not at all the way real people speak to each other. Especially siblings, lovers and coworkers. How can the same people running Friday Night Lights be working on Bionic Woman? Or even the Battlestar Galactica peeps working on Bionic? So I’m torn. I’m really torn. With some serious adjustments, this show could rock. Like Alias meets 24 kinda face rocking. But sinking rating and the current TV storm….unchanged, I wouldn’t miss it.
Stay strong, WGA.
Jo lives in small town Texas, not that far from Dillon, and loves writing almost as much as watching TV. Until TV Guide or a literary agent comes knocking, she’ll keep occasionally updating, but never proofreading, her own blog
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I just wanted to leave you a little comment love since I don’t think it’s your recaps–I just don’t think anyone is watching this craptastic show anymore.
I’m still watching but only because Michelle Ryan is hot. The rest of the show I could really leave. And I almost did but then she started speaking in her real accent for that one episode so she sucked me back in. Darn her.
Oh and I cheered when Burke died. WOOO!