Thank You Mindy Kaling - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Thank You Mindy Kaling

November 16, 2007 by  

Mindy Kaling

It’s been well established on this blog that I am horribly selfish. So it should come as no surprise when I tell you that in the first few days of the strike, when I was trying to keep things really positive, I actually thought (more than a few times) ‘hey, if The Office goes on strike at least Mindy Kaling will have more time to blog‘. I know, I know. I should have been more concerned with the writers, the crew and their families, and I am, but I’m also shallow.

But then a week went by without an update from Mindy and I got nervous. I was very concerned that she was also giving up writing her blog during the strike. Hell, I even asked Office writers Mike Schur and Jen Celotta about it during the OT chat. I visited her site about 10 times a day (yup, definitely not more than 10 times a day…really) in hopes that she would update. And guess what? Today she has. Phew!!

If you’re not reading Mindy’s shopping blog, you should. I know we’ve discussed this a few times before, but I wanted to remind you again. I’m glad that she’s back blogging and it seems that she’s not going to let a pesky little thing like a lack of a paycheck stop her from shopping. From Mindy:

So I spent the first two weeks of strike picketing and thinking: will I turn ascetic as my income disappears? Will I get my hair cut at Fantastic Sams rather than at John Freida? Will I watch “The Closer” on repeats or will I continue spending $14 on tickets at the Arclight?

The answer is no, people. I will go into horrible, debilitating debt. And why? The handfuls of people who read this blog must be entertained. (continue reading)

Thank you, Mindy!! I am one of those people and I AM entertained. And if you are home in Boston for the holidays and need a shopping friend…call me!!

Filed under Mindy Kaling, The Office


5 Responses to “Thank You Mindy Kaling”

  1. Thank You Mindy Kaling — All This Nonsense on November 16th, 2007 8:29 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Carrie on November 16th, 2007 8:34 pm

    You are not alone. I was nervous too and kept checking the site several times a day to find the same pic of the guy as a Christmas Tree. And now it sounds like all is right with the world again…

  3. CrazyGringa on November 16th, 2007 8:59 pm

    I saw her blog post earlier today and squeed too. I immediately emailed Mexicanity and told her to check out the new blog. Mindy is fantabulous!

  4. Melody on November 17th, 2007 12:12 am

    If the world needs one reason why the writers need to get their deserved “new” media residuals, it is this:

    With more money, Mindy Kaling can do more shopping. And with more shopping comes more blog entries. And with more blog entries comes general joy and laughter the world over.

  5. boots586 on November 17th, 2007 7:55 pm

    I am surprised at Mindy’s potty mouth. As a writer I thought that she would have a better vocabulary. But that is what I thought about Jenna Fischer when I saw her on YouTube with James.