Rainn Wilson on ‘Wired Science’
November 26, 2007 by Kath Skerry
Rainn Wilson is keeping himself busy during the WGA strike buy guesting stinting on PBS’s ‘Wired Science’. Rainn, along with host Chris Hardwick (remember him from MTV’s “Singled Out”) play “What’s Inside Your Medicine Cabinet”, a game in which various ingredients are presented that are all present in something found in common medicine cabinets. Yes, it’s as boring as it sounds, but it’s Rainn Wilson so I thought you’d like it.
Thanks to Becks for passing this on. And thanks to JustJared.com for first bringing it to the attention of Becks.
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Wow, Rainn Wilson actually made that hilarious! I would have much rather seen Rainn give the product descriptions – but this was good too. The face he made when he tasted the citric acid was amazing. He just can’t keep anything out of his mouth…(TWSS)
A little Rainn makes everything better!!