November 2007 - Page 7 of 9 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Morning Strike News

November 8, 2007 by  
Filed under Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost

As this strike is becoming all too real, I’ll do my best to bring you a few important links each day, throughout the day. As a TV viewer this does affect you and I encourage you all to educate yourself on what’s going on and what the writers’ are fighting for. There are a lot of misconceptions and spin tactics happening out there and I think we should all be informed as much as we can. If you have questions, leave a comment and I will do my best to either (a) get an answer for you or (b) send you in the right direction so you can find your answer.

How strange that as of three days ago I have never heard of and now it’s my first website stop in the morning. Here are a few videos from this morning featuring the cast of Grey’s Anatomy, and showrunners from Desperate Housewives and Lost. Yes, these videos feature some of the bigger names in this battle but I think these are the people that will resonate most with many of you. We’ll be hearing much more today and in the days (and sadly probably weeks) to come from people that you’ve never heard of, but who are at the forefront of the strike and have some compelling stories to share.

Writer-less Fall TV Preview…The Horror

November 8, 2007 by  
Filed under Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The Office, Writers Strike

With no writers, TV surely will suffer. PLEASE don’t let it come to this. Fans of Lost, The Office, & Grey’s Anatomy (among others) couldn’t deal. And no Jim & Pam? That’s just not even funny…but this video is.

Major HEROES Spoiler (Think Before Clicking)

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Heroes, Heroes Spoilers

Seriously consider NOT clicking if you don’t want to know because this is a pretty huge HEROES spoiler.

This was passed on to GMMR just a few minutes ago and I wanted to share it with all of you who just can’t get enough of spoilers. The picture that appears after the jump is from episode #10 of HEROES.

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Lindsay Lohan on UGLY BETTY…Maybe

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Ugly Betty

Lindsay Lohan on UGLY BETTY…Maybe

Continuing to land fantastic guest stars, rumors are swirling that UGLY BETTY might just see Lindsay Lohan around the offices of Mode Magazine soon.  And no, the (hopefully rehabbed for good) star won’t be playing herself. Lohan is reportedly in “serious” talks to play ‘a fallen beauty queen who takes a gig as the assistant manager of the fast food chain where Betty’s dad toils’ and whom Betty befriends.  No confirmation but sources say people around the set are ‘very excited’.

And sadly, as with most news I’ll be posting, this one of course comes with the caveat that Ms. Lohan’s appearance on UGLY BETTY won’t come to fruition if the writers are on strike.

HOUSE Recap: Whatever It Takes

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under House, House Recap

What an interesting episode of HOUSE last night. I can’t say that I loved it.  There were some really great moments, but on the whole it felt a little ‘off’ to me.  I personally think HOUSE is on an immensely gratifying creative streak this season, but I wasn’t head over heels for last night’s episode.  Gregory House was taken out of his natural surroundings and it seemed just wrong. But let’s not get crazy here, I still enjoyed last night’s ep, probably one of the funniest of the season, just not as much as I normally do.

Last night’s medical mystery involved a race car driver who was suffering from seizures, and as often happens House and his team were assigned the case.  But unfortunately for the patient, Dr. House wasn’t around to tend to her.  Being the bad ass that he is, House was whisked off by the CIA to help with a case of a spy who was suffering from symptoms of poisoning.  And with House gone it was Foreman left to run the team.

Since the start of this season I have repeatedly expressed my opinion that HOUSE was a stronger show without Cameron, Chase and Foreman.  Last night’s episode only made me stronger in my beliefs. Left to run the team, Foreman proved to be arrogant and weak and really showed that he isn’t the right guy to be running a Diagnostics team.  Being a team member, perhaps, but running the team…uh uh. Not to say that Foreman isn’t a great doctor or that he was wrong in his initial diagnosis, because he’s not and he wasn’t, but his inability to garner respect from him team made difficult to watch.

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What to Watch…Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

If the WGA strike wasn’t enough now my Wednesday night TV is ruined by the Country Music Awards. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love country music, but to have the award shows on ABC on a night when some of my favorite shows are on, then ugh…just ugh. Seriously, a Wednesday without PUSHING DAISIES or DIRTY SEXY MONEY?! Oh God…this is what it’s going to be like in a few weeks when the shows run out of new eps, isn’t it?! Get to the negotiation table STAT!

Gossip Girl | 9pm on The CW
The kids face a variety of parental issues: Nate worries his father has a drug problem and confronts him about it; Jenny uncovers a secret her parents have been keeping from her; and Chuck tries to impress his demanding dad by investing in a club.

Bionic Woman | 9pm on NBC
Bionic Woman“The List”
Jaime and Tom (Jordan Bridges) go to Paris on a mission to recover a list of Berkut and CIA operatives. Meanwhile, Becca ends up in jail, and Jonas must bail her out.

Life | 10pm on NBC
Life (NBC)“A Civil War”
Crews and Reese investigate an apparent hate crime involving three Persian-Americans, two of whom were killed while the other was kidnapped. Elsewhere, Ted frets over Crews’ impulsive decision to buy a solar farm after having a strange dream.

Also playing…

  • Country Music Awards | 8-11pm on ABC
  • Back to You | 8pm on Fox
  • America’s Next Top Model | 8pm on The CW
  • Kid Nation | 8pm on CBS
  • Till Death | 8:30pm on Fox
  • Kitchen Nightmares | 9pm on Fox
  • Criminal Minds | 9pm on CBS
  • CSI: NY | 10pm on CBS

…what will make it’s way on to your TiVo tonight?

GMMR’s daily “What to Watch” is powered by MeeVee’s interactive TV listings.

TV Showrunners Show Solidarity

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Writers Strike

Writers Strike

In a show of solidarity, 75 of TV’s top showrunners will joining their fellow Writers Guild members on the picket line at the Disney/ABC Studios in Burbank today from 9-11am PST.

If you are in the area (West Alamda Avenue between Buena Vista & Keystone) stop by and let the writers know you support them.

Here’s a great video that breaks down what the WGA is fighting for in a very simple way.

[gv data=”oJ55Ir2jCxk”][/gv]

THE OFFICE is Closed

November 7, 2007 by  
Filed under The Office, Writers Strike

As some of you may already know, TV is starting to shut down. The late night shows are already in reruns and now some of our favorites are ceasing production. Yesterday came word that the doors of Dunder Mifflin have officially been closed. Without writers and with cast members refusing to cross the picket line the producers have officially shut down production of THE OFFICE.

Check out this great video from OFFICE staffers Greg Daniels, Mindy Kaling, B.J. Novak, Paul Lieberstein, and Mike Schur as they explain just what they are fighting for. There’s some trademark OFFICE humor here and who knows when we’ll get hear that again so make sure to savor it.


[gv data=”b6hqP0c0_gw”][/gv]

Thanks to the Office LJ community for the video

CHUCK’s Yvonne Strahovski on Craig Ferguson

November 6, 2007 by  
Filed under Chuck, Yvonne Strahvoski

I’m kind of on a CHUCK high after last night’s episode.  Zach Levi has gained so much ground of the TV boyfriend list as of late (I’m sure he’s thrilled). But I’ll be honest, I find CHUCK star Yvonne Strahovski to be a total fox…there I said it. She seems all kinds of sassy too.  In case you missed it, check our Yvonne on Craig Ferguson last week.  It was the battle of the accents and my head was spinning a bit.

[gv data=”QP0kqwwF5fY”][/gv]

A Short Break in Programming

November 6, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

UPDATE: Thanks for all your well wishes!  Little Jake was FINALLY born last night and mom & baby are doing just fine!

I know there is a lot of TV to still talk about (Prison Break, Heroes, HIMYM) but I’ll be honest, I’m a bit distracted. One of my closest friends, Jessica, has had it rough the past few days on her way to being a first time Mommy. She’s been in the hospital for the past few days and she’s slowly inching towards the home stretch. I’ll be back to updating GMMR as soon as I can, but for now I was hoping that if you had an extra good thought today you could send it to my friend Jess.

Let’s get this kid here already so we can meet him…or her!!

CHUCK Recap: Chuck vs. The Alma Mater

November 6, 2007 by  
Filed under Chuck, Chuck Recaps

Episode: “Chuck vs. The Alma Mater”
Original Airdate: 11.05.07
GMMR Recapper: SB

This should be an easy recap week for me because it was pretty plot-heavy, and not as non-stop funny. And if that sounds like a complaint, it’s most certainly not—I really liked this episode on a variety of levels, and once again am really pleased at all of the possible stories it’s setting up. Onward!

The Buy More storyline was the B-plot this week, and was mostly about Harry Tang (I swear, I will NEVER get over that name) and his power trip as assistant manager, and how the Buy More gang is trying to take him down by stealing his “one remote to rule them all”.

The spy story was where it was at this week, since Ellie and Captain Awesome were going to a football game at Stanford, where they were playing UCLA, where Awesome was in a frat. Chuck was invited to go but declined, and apparently just now, after several years, decided to throw away his box of Stanford memories. In doing so, he picked up his student ID and had one of flashes on it. Casey and Sarah didn’t know why he would be in the intersect while he was in college, but it turns out that his professor that kicked him out of school was in the CIA so Team Chuck heads back to Stanford to get some answers.

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Desert Island: One Ep and One Ep Only

November 6, 2007 by  
Filed under TV News

I don’t know about you, but I need a quick respite before resuming ‘strike’ talk. How about a little fun to lift everyone’s spirits?! You in? Let’s play a little desert island. This one could be tough for you diehard TV addicts out there but I think you can do it.

You’re on a desert island. You can bring ONE and only ONE episode from any show of any time. Really think about it. This is going to be the only TV you’re going to have to watch until you get off the island. Which episode of what show would you bring and why? Let’s think about this one.

GMMR’s Pick: If I’m stuck on a desert island and can only bring one episode of one TV show, I’m going to take the “Atomic Shakespeare” episode of MOONLIGHTING. Huh?! Yeah, I know this one is from a while back (and the show might have been off the air before some of you were among the living) but I loved Moonlighting and this was my favorite episode. If you ever catch it reruns you have to check it out. In the episode the genius comedy of Moonlighting meets the words of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”…well kind of. When I watch it today I just imagine the effort it took to make this incredible episode, and how it really set the stage for shows to break out of their molds every once in a while. It was so very different for its time and it’s the only reason that I still own a VCR.

[gv data=”W2XgZiLQ4A0”][/gv]

Ok your turn…let’s make it interesting!!

“We’re Trying to Shut Down THE OFFICE”

November 5, 2007 by  
Filed under The Office, Writers Strike

Greg Daniels, THE OFFICE“We’re trying to shut down THE OFFICE.” Those seven words just made my heart break. And to know these words came from Greg Daniels…ugh. This is really starting to sink in, and as a TV viewer and lover, I’m starting to get really bummed out…and it’s only day one.

We learned earlier today from James Gunn (married to Jenna Fischer) that Steve Carell wasn’t on set today and now Daniels has confirmed. OFFICE readers should read on to get the latest.

And yes, I know ALL shows are on strike and I’ll be passing along info about them as well. But hey, THE OFFICE news just keeps coming so no apologies there.

Daniels Pickets ‘Office’ Production

“The Office” showrunner Greg Daniels has joined the picket line at his production company’s Van Nuys location in an attempt to shut down production of his show.

“We’re trying to shut down ‘The Office,’” Mr. Daniels said. “We have the star of our show and the entire writing staff behind us.”

Mr. Daniels says he arrived at 4:15 this morning and none of the show’s actors have crossed the line. “The Office” cast includes several performers who are also writers on the show, like B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling and Paul Lieberstein. “Office” star Steve Carell is a WGA member and is not showing up for work as well, he said.

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UGLY BETTY Sneak Peek – Victoria Beckham is Posh

November 5, 2007 by  
Filed under Ugly Betty

I don’t know if I’m slowly moving over to the dark side or what, but I’ve started to really dig Victoria Beckham. The more I see her in interviews (like her recent one on ELLEN) the more I like Mrs. Beckham. Perhaps the pretentious diva act is more for show than anything else. Anyway, all this just to tell you that I’m really looking forward to her appearance as Wilhemina’s MoH on this week’s episode of UGLY BETTY.

Here’s a sneak peek of her diva’licious appearance:

[gv data=”67NV2w6jDwI”][/gv]

I’m not sure of my love for Marc (Michael Urie) is healthy. I could watch him all day.

American Idol and SYTYCD on Tour Together?

November 5, 2007 by  
Filed under American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance

American Idol and SYTYCD on Tour Together?

Nigel Lythgoe, creator of both AMERICAN IDOL and SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE has hinted that the top talent from both shows may come together for a joint tour next year. Interesting. Is the far less watched show, SYTYCD, carrying the top rated AMERICAN IDOL on its back? Definitely not in the ratings, but when it comes to the tour…perhaps? The American Idol Tour went from the hottest ticket in town just a few short years ago to a ticket that promoters couldn’t give away (literally). The SYTYCD tour sold out fast and furious again this year. Hmmm.

As a fan of both shows I’m not sure I like this idea. I feel like one of the shows will dominate (Idol) and the other left to scraps. Just my two cents.

So fan of Idol and SYTYCD, what do you think of a joint tour? Good idea or one not to be explored?

Source: NY Post via TV Tattle

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