BIG BROTHER 9 Premieres in February - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BIG BROTHER 9 Premieres in February

December 5, 2007 by  

Big Brother 9There’s not a lot of great news coming out of the WGA strike, but there is a bright spot for fans of BIG BROTHER. CBS has just announced that the first ever winter edition of BIG BROTHER will premiere of February 12th. I know, I know, I probably shouldn’t be supporting reality TV in light of the WGA strike, but reality TV is part of our TV culture and it’s not going anywhere. I’m not planning on supporting the new slew of reality TV shows created just for strike filler, but I don’t see anything wrong in watching a show that has existed for 8 seasons before. Plus, I think long time GMMR readers know just how much I love me some Big Brother.

No news on the casting or any changes in this year’s game, but with a presumed shortened casting session, one can only hope we get a bunch of crazies…well more crazies than usual.

Once again the show will air three times a week, but this time around it will be on Tuesdays @ 8pm, Wednesdays @ 9pm and Sundays @ 9pm.

Filed under Big Brother


7 Responses to “BIG BROTHER 9 Premieres in February”

  1. BIG BROTHER 9 Premieres in February — All This Nonsense on December 5th, 2007 10:30 am

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  2. grumpyoldman on December 5th, 2007 10:33 am


  3. kilwiggle7 on December 5th, 2007 10:42 am

    i have read that they are making sure that everyone is over the age of 21 because they are planning on giving them a lot of alcohol… things could get exciting! 😛

    i really can’t wait…

  4. JennyL on December 5th, 2007 11:25 am

    I love Big Brother….so at least it’s good news that we’ll have something to watch during the deep dark winter. I want my regular programming though. 🙁

  5. Patty on December 5th, 2007 2:16 pm

    I hope this doesn’t turn into the Real World – a bunch of drunk people having sex with each other. It would be one thing to ply them with alcohol as a test of some sort – but how irresponsible would that be?

  6. carolyn miles on December 7th, 2007 5:55 pm

    Heard this rumor at looks like BS to me
    “The season will be called, “HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES”. It will be 6 celebrities (paid a handsome fee for their appearance) and 6 non-celebrities. The celebrities would live in plush surroundings at one end of the house and the
    non-celebrities would live in the other end in “basic” surroundings, complete with mechanical rats and roaches. They unwittingly vote each other to move back and forth between the areas until they are merged. Alice Cooper is one of the celebrities under consideration-so is George Michael. 3 nights a week starting Sunday Jan. 13, right after AMAZING RACE finale.

  7. Alison on January 2nd, 2008 11:41 pm

    Hmm, I heard it was Tuesdays @ 9 and the other days at 8. Oh well.

    Can’t wait, it’ll be awesome to have a show to follow again after all this writer’s strike stuff!