What to Watch...Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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What to Watch…Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007 by  

What to watch…what to watch? None of my regulars shows are on tonight, so maybe I should check out something new. Anyone out there watching BOSTON LEGAL? I loathe William Shatner and I haven’t enjoyed James Spader since Pretty in Pink (ok, well maybe Mannequin) but I hear the show is pretty funny. Then again it’s my Dad that thinks it’s funny and his comedic choices have been questionable in the past (no offense Daddy). Let me know if you watch it and think it’s worth me checking out.

There’s a lot to choose from so here’s a sample of what’s on the ‘ol tube tonight. What will you be watching.

For the kids (or kids in all of us)…

Shrek the Halls | 8pm on ABC
ShrekShrek, Fiona and the kids try to celebrate the holidays as a family, but visits by Donkey, Puss in Boots, Gingerbread Man and others turn a cozy gathering into a chaotic Christmas. Voices include Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy and Antonio Banderas.

Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too | 8:30pm on ABC
Winnie the Pooh Christmas The ingenuous bear fouls up the delivery of his friends’ lists to Santa, so he masquerades as Mr. Claus to make their dreams come true. First telecast in 1991. Voices include Jim Cummings and Paul Winchell.

Cane | 9pm & 10pm on CBS
A hurricane strikes, and armed looters invade the Duque home and hold Alex and Frank hostage. Meanwhile, Isabel is trapped in an elevator during the storm; and Santo protects Artie. Terry: Rachael Carpani. Chano: Joseph Lucero. Manny: Ray Santiago.

“The Perfect Son”
Jaime’s wedding approaches and Alex hears a rumor that Joe Samuels plans to disrupt the festivities, so he asks Ramon and his friends to handle security. Denise: Brook Kerr. Amanda: Amanda MacDonald.

The Biggest Loser | 9pm on NBC
The Biggest Loser The five remaining contestants take a look back at all their hard work before another player is sent packing and the final four is revealed.

Boston Legal | 1opm on ABC
Boston Legal “No Brains Left Behind”
Shirley’s granddaughter gets kicked out of school for making a social statement; Alan and Denny take matters into their own hands to help a flood victim; Carl makes an important decision about his future; Lorraine makes a shocking revelation to Shirley.

Filed under TV News


11 Responses to “What to Watch…Tuesday, December 11, 2007”

  1. Cara on December 11th, 2007 10:07 am

    I understand your Dad situation. Mine LOVES Two and a Half Men and thinks Charlie Sheen is a great actor. I almost had to disown him. I told him he lost all of the cool points he earned by watching The Office. 🙂

  2. What to Watch…Tuesday, December 11, 2007 — All This Nonsense on December 11th, 2007 10:10 am

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  3. mg714 on December 11th, 2007 11:54 am

    Tuesday nights have been quiet on the TV front for me all seasonlong. I’ll probably just catch the TBS reruns of The Office tonight.

    I think Boston Legal is okay from what I’ve seen of it but I’ve never understood all the award nominations and wins it’s received over the years. It’s never been a show I’ve felt the need to watch either.

  4. Emily on December 11th, 2007 11:54 am

    I have a feeling tonight will be a night of no tv….
    *le sigh* I guess studying for finals is a good substitute

  5. Ashley on December 11th, 2007 12:04 pm

    I’m a big fan of Boston Legal and anything with David E. Kelley’s name attached. It’s definitely worth watching to see if you like it. There’s a lot of humor, but it’s not to be taken seriously. It gets predictable with the lawyers winning pretty much every case, but the characters on the show are characters you won’t find anywhere else. And you’ll love James in this show – he has the biggest heart and the best one-liners.

  6. Scott on December 11th, 2007 12:37 pm

    I’m constantly astounded that more people aren’t fans of Boston Legal. It can be over the top at times. But it also has some of the most compelling and thoughtful dialogue of anything on TV. And its often very funny and very moving at the same time.

    I know the Emmy’s get it wrong a lot. But there is a good reason both Spader and Shatner have won. They are both so awesome. Challenge yourself a little and I think you’ll find it worthwhile.

  7. Kristi on December 11th, 2007 1:18 pm

    I think last seasons Christmas episode of “Bones” is on tonight so I think I rewatch that 🙂 It was one of my favorites!

  8. Liz on December 11th, 2007 1:30 pm

    I usually enjoy Boston Legal (though I’m not so sure about the Emmy wins). However, I think it appeals to a very specific sense of humor, and to enjoy it one must have that sense of humor as well as a high tolerance for preachiness (which I don’t mind, since it’s usually of the progressive sort). And to be honest, it helps if you find the Shat hilarious. Though Candice Bergen is fantastic enough to make up for most Shat hatred.

  9. LT on December 11th, 2007 1:53 pm

    I know most people who get on this website are reality-show haters but I have to say that I’ve really enjoyed The Biggest Loser this season. I’m a fan of any show that inspires people to get healthy and lose weight. Plus Jillian the trainer cracks me up.

  10. Give Me My Remote on December 11th, 2007 2:50 pm

    I don’t think GMMR readers are reality show haters as much as they just don’t watch as many of them. We have readers who are really into The Amazing Race, SYTYCD, American Idol and many more reality shows that I just don’t happen to talk about here. I used to enjoy The Biggest Loser but I don’t talk about it on the site because I don’t have time to watch it. And if I don’t watch it I can’t really talk about it with much authority. 🙂

  11. Lisa on December 11th, 2007 4:04 pm

    I know some readers are “Wicked” fans and I was just writing to let you all know that the current LA Glinda, Miss Megan Hilty will be on Deal or No Deal tonight in case any of you want to watch.