CHUCK Stars in Rock Band - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

CHUCK Stars in Rock Band

December 14, 2007 by  

Yeah, I’m already going through CHUCK withdrawals. I knew early on that CHUCK would be one of my favorites of the new TV season, but I don’t think I was prepared for the mad love I have for the show. So for all you CHUCK fans out there that need just a hint of Bartowski and Grimes to get you through the holidays, check out this video of Zach Levi and Joshua Gomez playing the video game “Rock Band” on the red carpet of the Video Game Awards last week. (This is why I love YouTube).

Filed under Chuck, Zach Levi


7 Responses to “CHUCK Stars in Rock Band”

  1. CHUCK Stars in Rock Band — All This Nonsense on December 14th, 2007 7:52 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. CrazyGringa on December 14th, 2007 8:10 pm

    Thanks for posting that GMMR! He is such a cutie!

  3. janet on December 14th, 2007 9:32 pm

    I had a sudden urge to wave a lighter over my head and throw my panties at the screen while I was watching that.

  4. Caterina on December 14th, 2007 10:48 pm

    that guy is not cute or good-looking and that show sucks…it’s a dismal failure as is the rest of the tv season…

  5. hotelhotness on December 14th, 2007 10:54 pm

    Tell us how you really feel.

    GMMR, I was coming to say the exact opposite. Zach Levi is cure and good looking and Chuck is awesome. I’m glad it’s doing well and it’s one of the best of the new season.

  6. Give Me My Remote on December 15th, 2007 10:35 am

    Zach can sing…another reason why I love him so.

  7. Kris on December 18th, 2007 3:07 am

    Zach = amazing =) Thanks for posting! And i’m also going through Chuck withdrawals.