Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant

December 18, 2007 by  

Jamie Lynn Spears and Casey Aldridge (boyfriend)

Jamie Lynn Spears, star of one of Nickelodeon’s most successful tween shows, ZOEY 101, (and yes the sister of Britney) is ready to announce that at 16 years old she is pregnant. Talk about a role model for our young ones!! The baby’s father is Spears’ boyfriend, Casey Aldridge, whom reports say she met at church (too easy so I’ll leave it alone)A statement from Nickelodoeon said, “We respect Jamie Lynn’s decision to take responsibility in this sensitive and personal situation…We know this is a very difficult time for her and her family, and our primary concern right now is for Jamie-Lynn’s well-being.”

No word yet on what this will mean to the production of Zoey 101.

I’m so glad my niece skipped right over Zoey 101 and went straight for Hannah Montana or this would have been an interesting one fro her mom to explain. Miley Cyrus…keep ’em closed!!

Source: TMZ

Filed under TV News


31 Responses to “Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant”

  1. Mary on December 18th, 2007 10:07 pm

    Those girls are lost. There is no other explanation. They are both so desperately in need of love and guidance, and neither seem to be getting it. I have to say that I am surprised that she is keeping it. It would have been very easy for her to quietly end the pregnancy and get on with her 16 yr old life. Sigh. I feel nothing but sorry for Britney and Jamie Lynn. All I can do is wish her the best.

  2. Give Me My Remote on December 18th, 2007 10:14 pm

    I agree Mary, nothing but wish her well in life. I think it’s interesting that her mother was in negotiations to write a book about good parenting, that was to be published by a Christian publisher. Wondering if that’s still happening..LOL.

  3. Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant — All This Nonsense on December 18th, 2007 10:15 pm

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  4. janet on December 18th, 2007 10:59 pm

    You’ve got to be kidding me!!! This is just plain sad!!

  5. Emily on December 18th, 2007 11:35 pm

    Wow.I am surprised also tat she is keeping it… its wow….
    I admit I’ve watched Zoey 101. I bet they will stop filming once she starts showing… I doubt they will write that pregnancy in!
    This is one strange family… I feel sorry for them.

  6. Sus on December 19th, 2007 12:00 am

    I generally avoid everything about the Spears clan so I don’t even know…how old is her boyfriend? Is this legal?

    Someone please help those girls. Please.

  7. Give Me My Remote on December 19th, 2007 12:07 am

    I can’t say I know the laws, but she is 16 and he is 19.

  8. kilwiggle7 on December 19th, 2007 12:55 am

    I personally just find this whole situation rather funny. I know I shouldn’t and that its a huge responsibility for Jamie-Lynn, but the whole thing with their mother writing a book about parenting, etc… I really hope that the relationship lasts longer than her older sisters did and that she remains responsible for her decisions instead of diving off the deep end like her sister did after her divorce. Maybe she has learned something from her sisters mistakes?

  9. lauren85 on December 19th, 2007 5:08 am

    I just got back from seeing Juno to read this news…

    16-year old pregnancy in a movie: funny, poignant, thoughtful

    16-year old pregnancy in life, in this day and age, when you are britney’s kid sister: well…just kid of sad

  10. 2mchtv.noschthng on December 19th, 2007 10:58 am

    Zoey 101 is ending its 3rd season with a cliffhanger…Zoey’s parents are moving to London, so she has to decide whether to stay or go….I’m betting go lol!

    It really is sad…I had high hopes for JL….I really thought she was the sane, responsible, clean-cut one of the family.

    The real question is whether or not her career is over?

    What do you think GMMR?

  11. Michelle on December 19th, 2007 11:04 am

    My 10 year old daughter loves Hannah Montana (anyone have tix lying around for Providence or Worcester?) and all the Disney Channel shows, but they re-air them so many times she’s now started to branch out to Nickelodeon shows. And has been watching a lot of Zoey 101. Now I’ll have to explain this one, since it’s now front page news. Ugh!

    As for the show, the next season has already been shot, so that may still air. I can’t imagine a season after that one. We knew the news was real when Nickelodeon had to release a statement. I have to say that I’m disappointed Lynne Spears won’t be releasing the parenting book after all…it could have been a “what not to do” guide!

  12. Kismet on December 19th, 2007 12:01 pm

    I’m trying really hard not to judge Jamie Lynn’s situation by the trainwreck that is her big sister. What can I say? It happens. I just hope an pray that she has the good sense to keep herself, and her baby, away from the spotlight and her crazy family. I, like you, wish her nothing but the best and I give her a little bit of credit for taking resposibility and not just “getting rid of it”. Now she just has to prove to the world that she can be a better mom than Brittney!

  13. 2mchtv.noschthng on December 19th, 2007 1:16 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly. I hope nothing but the best for her and her child. How many stars (even young stars) get abortions and we never know a thing about it?…I don’t know the answer to that, but I would guess it’s more than you’d think. I applaud her for taking responsibility and trying to do the right thing.

  14. Chris C on December 19th, 2007 7:36 pm

    I cannot say I am surprised. She has no guidance from anyone in her life. However, teen pregnancy is not at all uncommon in the US. We have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the Industrialized World…and celebs are not immune I see.

    I would not let my child what her show,at all. Not all teen moms are bad moms, but the odds are not in their favor and I would not want a child of mine looking up to a 16 year-old-teen mother. This is not 1907. We expect more of girls than to just have a bunch of babies before they finish secondary school.

    Shame on Brit. Shame on Lynn. Shame on Jamie Lynn.

  15. lee on December 19th, 2007 7:46 pm

    all i can say is wow. i always thought jamie lynn was the smart one…oh well. I can just wish her life is better than was going to be without the baby. What a life for that baby- i wonder how they will take care of that child. i just hope those girls will finally find their way to reality because the deperately need to. And what parenting from their parents. I still wish Jamie and her new “family” happiness and especially the child to have a happy life.

  16. Ghostman on December 19th, 2007 9:01 pm

    Wow….. Why O Why Did You Have To Get Knocked Up….??????

  17. Carly on December 19th, 2007 9:12 pm

    I don’t know if Jamie Lynn is as screwed up as everyone thinks.
    I’m 15, and i know a lot of people my age who have had sex. Of course, it’s considered really inappropriate, but its not so unusual. It just happened that Jamie Lynn got preggers.

    Obviously it was a stupid decision, but it could have happened to an extremely smart person as well as.. well.. a Spears.

  18. jes on December 21st, 2007 9:05 pm

    im 14 i used to look up to jamie-lynn i thought she had her head on straight i’ve been reading the comments even though she might have been smart doesn’t mean she has common sense

  19. jes on December 21st, 2007 9:06 pm

    im 14 i used to look up to jamie-lynn i thought she had her head on straight i’ve been reading the comments even though she might have been smart doesn’t mean she has common sense but i wish the best for jamie and her baby

  20. Erika on December 22nd, 2007 4:45 pm

    If she has a better and healthier head on her shoulders than her sister, she should do fine. I just hope she teaches her child to have more common sense as she/he grows up. I hope the father sticks by.
    Personally my mother got pregnant at 16, she’s been married 40 yrs. now, she had 4 kids including me..the youngest one.
    I got married @ 24 and now @ 28, I have just one three year old boy. Considering I also have a big sister who’s not doing so good, I consider myself lucky. Jamie is showing responsibility, hopefully it’ll flow into her parenting too.

  21. Meagan on December 26th, 2007 4:04 pm

    I think that it is wonderful that she is going to keep her baby. At least it shows she cares. Sure she couldv’e been a little more careful, but at least she’s taking responsiblilty for her actions. I am 14 years old. I had and accident like this. I told my best friend, she stood by my side. I ended up loosing the baby after 12 weeks I was upset, but kinda happy I wasn’t ready for a child. I want a child but I can’t afford to take care of myself. I have 3 more years of school left. When i’m done maybe i’ll think about haveing another one. But as far as now i’m watching myself closely.I support Jamie Lynn 100% because I know waht she is going through.

  22. Rebeckah on January 1st, 2008 2:56 am

    what is the matter with you poeple (people who commented). girls 14 and 15 go out her and get preganant sometimes 13 and they don’t get bogaurded by a bunch of IDIOTS like you and the press because they are famous. technically in some states they count her as an adault. you people are impossible and just need to shut up. They may have not been the smartest thing she did but do you see what she is getting out of it a beautiful baby. And i swear to god drop the baby droping thing about brittany spears she droped it because of the press she was stressed and they are the reason why she went bald. If ya’ll don’t know the real story or was not in her head then ya’ll need to go on about your lives and just stay out of theres because that is their life not yours. The sin may be in what she did but not what she is getting out of it. stop acting like you are better then she is because what is she doing making money what are ya’ll doing nothing but critisizing. go out and get a life. and i bet some of ya’ll want her to get an abortion why when she is willing to take care of it and that is killing a living thing takeing sombody elses life and if ya’ll believe that is what she shuld do and what ya’ll would do then you not her but you should be put in jail for murder. and meagan you are right cause i support her 100% too! and mabye that is what yall should do. your not her so stop acting like you know who she is. k? k!

  23. Sam on January 11th, 2008 12:44 am

    In response to Rebeckah’s post above, we are just expressing our views that this is yet another indication of how low our culture has fallen. Our standard of morality has plummeted to the point when this woman (I call her a woman because she will have to mature and accept the consequences of her immaturity), who is arguably one of our younger generation’s role models, has engaged in an act that she is not emotionally or mentally prepared for. We are not judging her, because her actions are her responsibility, but we are simply rebuking the possible repercussions this may have in her followers, in that they will, over time, develop this mindset that premarital sex without premeditation is acceptable in society and will get you considerable media attention.
    In short, this is simply unacceptable, and parents have to take their part in better educating their children and making sure that they are their children’s role models.

  24. hi on February 21st, 2008 9:12 pm

    she is eew!sooooooooooooooooo bad!

  25. hi on February 21st, 2008 9:12 pm

    she is eew!sooooooooooooooooo bad!

  26. sillyloks on March 16th, 2008 2:56 pm

    all i want to ask is what is it to you? its her life!! everyone has a different mentality. plus we’re not in the old day. sex is a beautiful thing that everyone should enjoy(WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT… NO NEED TO RUSH!!) and arent all of you sinning as well??im not judging im just asking…..you see situations like this put people in very difficult positions….have you thought of jaime? do you know how YOU’RE affecting her? would you like to wake up every morning and have some one judge what you do, who you are? didnt think so… leave the poor girl alone she has more than enough things to worry about.DONT TRIP JAIME YOU’LL BE FINE!! KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND IF ANYONE BUDS INTO YOUR LIFE SIMPLY SMILE AND SAY WHAT IS IT TO YOU?

  27. Gerri on April 22nd, 2008 3:01 pm

    The two had sex and the next thing that had happened Jamie-Lynn was pregnant it is both of there false not Just her people need to stop blaming her for being pregnant it wasnt JUST Her. Casey did have sex with her and that it how it happens.

  28. Phill on May 28th, 2008 10:40 am

    All you need is less clothes and a pole and you look just like your stupid sister!!!!!!! :{

  29. romina on September 8th, 2008 10:48 am

    hola men encanta zoey 101 y me parece que es muy chika para estar en barazada amo la sarie
    besos a todos!!!!

  30. maria on October 26th, 2008 5:57 pm


  31. reanne on January 12th, 2014 12:33 am

    Zoey I think you should still do your show because you made that not your frendes you did and kides still like that tv show and you had a lot of fun on there with your friendes and I no that you made a lot of the show and I think you should keep the babby