NO Actors Will Attend Golden Globes
January 4, 2008 by Kath Skerry
WOW…just WOW. In support of the WGA strike, the Screen Actors Guild has issued a press release indicating that no actors should cross the picket lines to either present or accept awards at this year’s Golden Globes which will be held on Sunday, January 13th. SAG members are expected to turn out in droves to picket the awards. I’ll be there picketing (if I can) and will bring you the scoop live from the event.Here’s the statement from SAG:
“After considerable outreach to Golden Globe actor nominees and their representatives over the past several weeks, there appears to be unanimous agreement that these actors will not cross WGA picket lines to appear on the Golden Globe Awards as acceptors or presenters. We applaud our members for this remarkable show of solidarity for striking Writers Guild of America writers.”
Additionally, SAG has issued a statement that actors who appear on any of the late night talk shows (with the exception of David Letterman and Craig Ferguson) will be crossing the WGA picket line and are urged not to do so.
“We have also been asked about our position regarding network talk shows. We urge our members to appear on the two programs that have independent agreements with the WGA, late Night with David Letterman and Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. However, actors who are asked to appear on the struck network talk shows will have to cross WGA picket lines, creating the same situation that has led to the consensus among actors to skip the golden Globes.”
NBC has not issued a statement as to whether or not their plan televised event will still be aired. Just the other day NBC said it would proceed as planned. But what’s their to watch? No actors presenting or accepting awards? What’s the point? Just issue a statement saying who won.
Way to hold their balls to the fire, WGA!!! (Another bright spot is that we won’t have to see the already overexposed Rumor Willis present as Miss Golden Globe)
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I am thrilled. I really think these drastic steps must be taken to get the point across.
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whoooooaaaaaa!!!!!!!! craaaaaziness!!!!!!!!! but i support them… …the actors that is…
Wow is right, but maybe it will get something done and help end this strike!!! (please!) I’d watch the picketing.
Omg, that’s crazy, but I agree with Kate in that maybe this will finally help end the strike.
Omg, that’s crazy, but I’m glad they are doing something this drastic. Maybe this will finally help to end the strike.
Maybe this will be the step needed to move things forward. I agree with Kate…I’d totally watch the picketing!
This makes me happy! I am so glad. The SAG has shown such great support for the WGA, and this is amazing.
I wonder how many people will tune in to watch this train wreck of an awards show. I love it!
I am thrilled that the SAG is being so explicitly supportive of the WGA. Yay SAG!
I agree – WOW! That is such a dramatic step but I hope this will help move negotiations along now. I do feel a little bit sorry for the talk shows (more so Conan than anyone else) if they don’t have any actors who can come on the show – after all they only really felt the need to get back to work so that the rest of their staff wouldn’t lose their jobs. But I do suppose they can just get musical guests or other non-actor people on. I assume The Daily Show and The Colbert Report won’t have as much of a guest problem, though, since they both usually don’t have many actors on as guests anyway.
I read this on earlier and was happy to see that the actors are showing such support for the writers. There’s no question that solidarity helps the WGA’s cause.
So depressing. I was so excited for the Golden Globes last year. Hopefully with this most recent WGA push (no actors at GG and no SAG on NBC late night), the negotiations will get underway with a fair deal for the writers. How can the networks not come to an agreement when people like Leno and Conan are saying they support the WGA 100%? This has been going on long enough.
And I agree too, Kate – televise the picketing and I’d watch for 3 hours straight!!
That’s really exciting! Yay for solidarity!
Some drastic measures are needed. With some midseason shows coming on now and later this month giving us dribbles of new material, the networks are not feeling enough pain to come back to the table. It is steps like these that need to be taken.
I want to point out that the SAG’s support of the WGA isn’t all altruistic, though. Their turn at bat is coming up and so they have a vested interest in what happens on this strike front.
I want to see red carpet outfits though – can we at least see well-dressed strikers on the picket line?
Thank you SAG! Hopefully this will help strike a deal…
Damn skippy they’re not crossing the picket line! Woo and a hoo for our actor friends helping to fight the good fight!
Yay for SAG picketing the Globes! Hopefully this will be the final kick in the pants that the producers need to finally get them back to the table. Though, I do agree with Lisa that SAG’s support is mostly motivated by their own re-negotiations that are coming up soon – if the WGA doesn’t succeed, than they won’t either.
Still… the producers are a bunch of greedy jerks. I fully support WGA and SAG, and think they should get everything they deserve – which is what they are not currently getting.
Best. Golden Globes. Ever.