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max on
February 3rd, 2008 2:37 pm
go giants
lisa on
February 3rd, 2008 2:46 pm
I hope they win! That’s my team =)
I took the day off to watch them!
colleen on
February 3rd, 2008 3:43 pm
Mandy on
February 3rd, 2008 5:16 pm
I’ll be rooting for the Giants and Eli, but I think the Patriots are going to win.
okay on
February 3rd, 2008 5:49 pm
im rooting for the giants, not necessarily because i like them, but i dont want the pats to win…sorry gmmr. i mean, theres a thing as being too perfect and i cant live with the fact that tom brady is hot, a football quarterback, has other super bowl rings, undefeated, and is dating a supermodel. COME ON GIANTS!!!
Jenn on
February 3rd, 2008 5:49 pm
Also rooting for the Giant, so I hope the Pats don’t kill them too badly.
Billiam on
February 3rd, 2008 6:10 pm
I’m not really a football fan at all, but being a TV fan at heart, it is impossible for me NOT to root for the underdog. So therefore I’d like to see the Giants be down by two goals in the second half and then rally to win it by a point… because that would make the best TV.
[…] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]
go giants
I hope they win! That’s my team =)
I took the day off to watch them!
I’ll be rooting for the Giants and Eli, but I think the Patriots are going to win.
im rooting for the giants, not necessarily because i like them, but i dont want the pats to win…sorry gmmr. i mean, theres a thing as being too perfect and i cant live with the fact that tom brady is hot, a football quarterback, has other super bowl rings, undefeated, and is dating a supermodel. COME ON GIANTS!!!
Also rooting for the Giant, so I hope the Pats don’t kill them too badly.
I’m not really a football fan at all, but being a TV fan at heart, it is impossible for me NOT to root for the underdog. So therefore I’d like to see the Giants be down by two goals in the second half and then rally to win it by a point… because that would make the best TV.
Go Giants!!!!!!!
Um, you should edit this post Kath. XLII does NOT go there. Hehe.
Airfare NY – AZ: $650
Average game ticket: $5000
Watching the Giants smack the smug looks off those cheaters faces: Priceless.