BREAKING NEWS: WGA Strike is Over!!!
February 12, 2008 by Kath Skerry
A word from the WGA Presidents….
On Tuesday, members of the Writers Guilds East and West voted by a 92.5% margin to lift the restraining order that was invoked on November 5th. The strike is over.
Writing can resume immediately. If you were employed when the strike began, you should plan to report to work on Wednesday. If you’re not employed at an office or other work site, call or e-mail your employer that you are resuming work. If you have been told not to report to work or resume your services, we recommend that you still notify your employer in writing of your availability to do so. Questions concerning return-to-work issues should be directed to the WGAW legal department at 323.782.4521 or the WGAE’s assistant executive director Ann Toback at 212-767-7823.
The decision to begin this strike was not taken lightly and was only made after no other reasonable alternative was possible. We are profoundly aware of the economic loss these fourteen weeks have created not only for our members but so many other colleagues who work in the television and motion picture industries. Nonetheless, with the establishment of the WGA jurisdiction over new media and residual formulas based on distributor’s gross revenue (among other gains) we are confident that the results are a significant achievement not only for ourselves but the entire creative community, now and in the future.
We hope to build upon the extraordinary energy, ingenuity, and solidarity that were generated by your hard work during the strike.
Over the next weeks and months, we will be in touch with you to discuss and develop ways we can use our unprecedented unity to make our two guilds stronger and more effective than ever.
Now that the strike has ended, there remains the vote to ratify the new contract. Ballots and information on the new deal, both pro and con, will be mailed to you shortly. You will be able to return those ballots via mail or at a membership meeting to be held Monday, February 25th, 2008, at times and locations to be determined.
Thank you for making it possible. As ever, we are all in this together.
Patric M. Verrone
President, WGAW
Michael Winship
President, WGAE
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Filed under Writers Strike
I’ve been refreshing your site all night – I knew you’d have the news first!! ~~WOOHOO!!~~ (I just fist pumped – how lame!) Get cranking out those episodes! Maybe NBC would like to win some if it’s fans back by getting GMMR to do another set visit?!
[…] BREAKING NEWS: WGA Strike is Over!!! (um, yah, we know, but… yay.
We knew it was coming but fantastic news all the same. Thanks for sharing GMMR. And thanks for such a great site. If anything good came out of the WGA strike it was probably me finding your site for the very first time. Now it’s my home page.
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I KNOW! I am so so so so so so so so excited. YES!~
Hurrah! *does a happy dance** I’m so happy for the writers. We fans are very grateful for our writers who bring us great TV. We can’t wait for that to happen and will be there watching when it comes back!
Huzzah! I think you guys are some of the few people who understand how happy I am right now! Welcome back Dunder-Mifflinites! We missed ya!
fkcuing finally. praise allah
Thank. Freaking. God.
Oh. Thank. God. It’s finally over. The reality shows will cease. And The Office!!!! will commence. Thank. God. :DDD
Looking forward to Dinner Party and more of Philly!Jim. Woo hoo!
Great news! I cannot wait for The Office to come back. The only thing that could make me happier is news that FNL will be resuming production again as well. Let’s cross our fingers!