LOST is My Constant - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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LOST is My Constant

February 29, 2008 by  

LOST: The Desmond

Just wondering if anyone watched LOST last night with their jaw on the floor, or was it just me? Season 4 continues on in an incredible fashion with an episode that gave us a insight in to what might be the core mystery of the island – time travel.I’m kind of staring blankly at this computer screen feeling a bit overwhelmed by the pressure to post about last night’s show – one that I thought was so brilliant that it’s definitely up there with some of the best episodes this show has ever had. I’m not sure I truly understood what actually happened, and last night’s ep certainly warrants a rewatch (or 5).

Through the experience of Desmond Hume we’ve learned that the island doesn’t exactly have a healthy relationship with space and time. As hinted at by Daniel’s digital clock experiment a few weeks ago, the island seems to be on a slightly different time table than the outside world, but just how distant the island world and outside world are has yet to be seen. Is it minutes? Days? Months? Years? And just what is it about the electromagnetic properties of the island that forces those in the wrong path to experience this jump between time?

LOST viewers are trained in the art of flashes, and so I found it quite clever that what first appeared to be flash forwards of Desmond at boot camp were actually neither flash forward or flash backs…well at least not in the truest sense of the word. Desmond’s conscious, but not his physical being were being transported between 1996 and what we think to be the ‘present’ – 2004.

Desmond is obviously confused about just what is happening to him – others on the freighter don’t seem to share the same bewilderment. In fact, the infamous Mr. Minkowski also flew through the ‘magnet of memory’ and is dealing with his own issues related to his experiences. We don’t know just how much the other people on the freighter know about Desmond and Minkowski’s “condition” but we do know that there is someone who knows a little bit about what’s going on, and lucky for Desmond, that go-to-guy just happens to be Daniel Farday. Faraday!2004 and Faraday!1996 encourage Desmond to find the “constant” in both years to help put the kibosh on the time travel, which was slowly killing him. And because romance always seems to win out, Desmond’s constant in both years just happened to be Penny. Awww.

It seems that Desmond is back safe and sound in 2004, at least for now. Despite the fact that the time travel was killing him, it would have been interesting to see what profound effects Desmond!1996 could have had on the future. Maybe he could have prevented Oceanic 815 from ever taking off. But then again, what fun would that be?

I’m not even going to pretend to think that I scratched the surface of what went down in last night’s fantastic episode, so I’ll leave you with just a few questions raised and then turn it over to all of you to ruminate, ponder, hypothesize or whatever else you want to do with the information we were given last night.

Boys & Girls it’s Question Time…

Now is the portion of the post when we talk about all the questions raised during last night’s episodes. Feel free to add a few questions of your own or share your theories on what’s going on. Remember we don’t talk about spoilers here, just speculation.

  • What the H-E-double hockey sticks is causing the “side effect” of unconscious or subconscious time travel?
  • What’s up with Daniel’s device being set to 2.342 with an oscillation of 11? What does the device do?
  • We know that Desmond!1996 seeking our Faraday!1996 altered history in terms of Daniel’s journal being annotated with a reminder that Desmond was to be his constant.  But were their any other implications due to Faraday’s 1996 discovery?
  • Who are the people on the freighter and why were they so angry (and equally not surprised) when Frank brought back survivors of 815?
  • Who tore apart the communications room on the boat?
  • What does Penny know of the island?
  • Why were the freighters under strict orders not to answer Penny’s call?
  • If Penny was calling the boat, then why did she tell Charlie she didn’t know about any boat?
  • What’s up with the journal of the Black Rock’s captain?  What is the relation to Tovar Hanso?  Why does Charles Widmore want it so badly?

Filed under Lost, Lost Recaps


27 Responses to “LOST is My Constant”

  1. LOST is My Constant — All This Nonsense on February 29th, 2008 10:32 am

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  2. magstress on February 29th, 2008 10:58 am

    I seriously couldn’t sleep last night because I kept going over the episode in my mind. I think the reason the freighters were under strict orders not to answer Penny’s call is because her father is the one in charge. Or at least very much involved. I think the diary that he bought at the auction might have given some information about the island and he started a search for it. Without a doubt one of the best episodes ever.

  3. Tara on February 29th, 2008 11:06 am

    The numbers are coming back….2.342…23, 42.

    I also think Faraday sent Desmond back to find him so that he himself had a constant. Hence the note in the journal.

    Maybe this island time craziness is the reason that Aaron appears to be 3 or 4 now!

  4. Sara on February 29th, 2008 11:23 am

    Amazing episode aside, was anyone else distracted by how HOT 1996 Desmond is/was? A haircut and a leather jacket apparently can do wonders. 🙂

  5. Annie in MN on February 29th, 2008 12:20 pm

    1996 Desmond was way hot!!! I thought the same thing Sara!

  6. cam3150 on February 29th, 2008 12:57 pm

    You were not the only one distracted. I’ve always thought Des was the hottest on the island. I LOVE his character. He is definitely one of my top 5 favorite Losties.

  7. Give Me My Remote on February 29th, 2008 1:08 pm

    I was distracted by his hair? Which one was real? I can’t imagine how they got all of Des’s hair into that wiffle cut, so is the long hair he has in 2004 a wig? If so, someone on a certain comedy show that wore a wig most of last season should take notice.

  8. Jules on February 29th, 2008 1:49 pm

    My brain hasn’t stopped reeling over last night’s episode. I still have the inkling that Charles Widmore (or known to some as Caleb Nichol) has some relation to the Dharma/original island people. He got the journal because maybe there is something in it that reveals the islands “powers?” Then Widmore sends Desmond away from Penny, ends up on said crazy island and now he’s maybe running the freighter and doesn’t want Penny to get ahold of him? Wow, I can’t even wrap my head around that.

    I AM kind of interested in knowing who Minkowski was, was he hiding ins “condition” and who is “constant” could have been.

  9. Annie in MN on February 29th, 2008 1:59 pm

    GMMR- Yeah, the island hair must be a wig. And it is a really good wig. Although I have a feeling it would be easier to have a longish sort of island-y unshowered looking wig than the Jim wig. Maybe?

    Jules- My theory has been that all the rich daddies are running this whole thing. Everytime we start to get answers it leads us back to a rich daddy. Daddy Widmore, Daddy Shepard, Daddy Paik. Thoughts?

  10. Jules on February 29th, 2008 2:13 pm

    Yes! That whole paternal thing has always got to me, especially with those three. I’m not entirely sure about Sun’s dad, but definitely Christian and Charles. I’m sure they are all in it together and no one knows it. Maybe they are the ones after the Oceanic 6? Who knows…

  11. cam3150 on February 29th, 2008 3:13 pm

    Yeah, and if Desmond!2004 is wearing a wig, clearly the same person who was in charge of fake hair during the Season 3 finale with Future!Jack and his awful beard is not in charge any more.

    Whoever is doing Desmond’s hair, whichever one is real, is doing a spectacular job. The honestly both look completely believeable. Although I prefer the scruffy, “just out of bed” look from 2004.

    Definitely the crew at The Office need to take notes should Jim, or anyone else, ever need a wig on that show again.

  12. Mike on February 29th, 2008 3:21 pm

    Definitely one of the best episodes ever. I was trying to think of the timing of Desmond’s flash back in season 3 when everything is deja vu and he remembers a hatch or pushing a button, sees Charlie (would have enjoyed a Charlie sighting last night) singing on the street, etc. Could last night’s trip in time for Desmond’s consciousness be the reason why Desmond “knew” about all those events, “knew” Charlie on the street and “knew” on the island all those things that would happen to Charlie?

    Probably not (else why would those be the only things he would remember) … but it’s fun to think about!

  13. mg714 on February 29th, 2008 5:08 pm

    As usual this season, I loved last night’s episode. I agree that Desmond!1996 is incredibly hot! 😉

    I didn’t completely understand everything in the epsiode either, but it does raise a lot of interesting questions. I did love that Desmond and Daniel now have some type of connection – I can’t wait to see how that plays out in future episodes. And as a romantic, I loved the ending with Des and Penny – I had to re-watch their phone call more than once last night!

  14. Madison on February 29th, 2008 5:53 pm

    wow this was an awesome episode!!

    in regards to who destroyed the communications equipment, if I’m right about Micheal being Bens guy on the boat, then i think Micheal destroyed it on orders from Ben

    maybe? possibly?

    I agree with everyone else before me that Desmond 96 and 04 are both smokin! but i prefer untamed and crazy Desmond island hair

  15. LOST: “The Constant” (Quick Points) « For the Record on February 29th, 2008 7:32 pm

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  16. Beesly on March 1st, 2008 1:21 am

    I’m really enjoying reading all of these great comments!

    I’m still thinking……

  17. Carly on March 1st, 2008 2:10 pm

    way back in a prior season, when pre-crash Desmond met pre-crash Jack in the stadium (running up the stairs) Desmond clearly knew he would see jack again “in the future”…. now I get it!! (he said “See you in another life, brother”)

  18. Beesly on March 1st, 2008 4:06 pm

    What the H-E-double hockey sticks is causing the “side effect” of unconscious or subconscious time travel?
    If I only knew.

    What’s up with Daniel’s device being set to 2.342 with an oscillation of 11? What does the device do?
    I wish he would give us some hints!

    We know that Desmond!1996 seeking our Faraday!1996 altered history in terms of Daniel’s journal being annotated with a reminder that Desmond was to be his constant. But were their any other implications due to Faraday’s 1996 discovery?
    Oh god this is a great question. I’m having such a hard time this week!

    Who are the people on the freighter and why were they so angry (and equally not surprised) when Frank brought back survivors of 815?
    Why do they look like those that participate in gorilla warfare…they dont look anything like faraday or the pilot. I think whoever Naomi was working for must of sent them to keep things in order.

    Who tore apart the communications room on the boat?

    Its probably the one eyed russian who can die and come right back again…does that mean he’s just traveling in time??

    What does Penny know of the island?

    Yes, come ON Penny!

    Why were the freighters under strict orders not to answer Penny’s call?
    Insanity, I havent a clue!

    If Penny was calling the boat, then why did she tell Charlie she didn’t know about any boat?

    I miss Charlie!!!

    What’s up with the journal of the Black Rock’s captain? What is the relation to Tovar Hanso? Why does Charles Widmore want it so badly?

    I cant wait until next week……. !!!!

  19. Beesly on March 1st, 2008 9:14 pm

    A few more LOST thoughts…


    Why wont them mourn him for christs sake!!!

    Why wont John say “hey look I got shot in a pit of dead bodies and I’m alive. WALT woke me up.”

    Why isnt anyone wondering why WALT was there and taller and a bit older.

    Oh John. You fail to mention your leg situation to Hurley and the crew – yet Ben knows about it … but this never comes up. Why?
    Ben is jealous of John? Hardly it seems anymore … we will hopefully find out why Ben is such a powerful man.

    It’s nice to know eventually many of these questions will be answered……..or will they?


    Beesly 🙂

  20. Meagan on March 1st, 2008 9:19 pm

    If it wasn’t really 2004 in “real” time then why would the calendar on the freighter say that it was Dec. 24, 2004? And obviously there were Christmas decorations up at Penny’s so it seems that it was also December in her life as well.

  21. Beesly on March 2nd, 2008 12:18 pm

    Dec 24th 2004 he said it would be for Penny as well

  22. jess on March 2nd, 2008 1:45 pm

    this is why I love LOST.
    it combines the awesomeness of its mystery with a wonderful book I’m reading for history class: Slaughterhouse Five.
    please tell me you’ve heard of that fantastic book!
    its all about time travel && its been compared to Catch 22, which Naomi had with her on the island.
    awesome, no?

  23. kali on March 2nd, 2008 5:38 pm

    What the H-E-double hockey sticks is causing the “side effect” of unconscious or subconscious time travel?
    ????? Must be them electromagnet thingies.

    What’s up with Daniel’s device being set to 2.342 with an oscillation of 11? What does the device do?
    Darned numbers! Do they run the universe or something?

    We know that Desmond!1996 seeking out Faraday!1996 altered history in terms of Daniel’s journal being annotated with a reminder that Desmond was to be his constant. But were their any other implications due to Faraday’s 1996 discovery?
    Could his research somehow be connected to Rousseau? She knew of the numbers 16 years before, which would have been 1988. She was on the island doing research, and is the only character who we haven’t seen flashbacks for yet. I realize that isn’t really the question, but it’s a thought.
    It’s kind of mind boggling that as a result of incredibly hot Desmond!1996’s visit to Faraday!1996 he knew that incredibly hot Desmond!2004 would be on the island when they got there, and that the mission would be successful in at least some way.

    Who are the people on the freighter and why were they so angry (and equally not surprised) when Frank brought back survivors of 815?

    Who tore apart the communications room on the boat?
    I’m thinking it was Ben’s man.

    What does Penny know of the island?
    Probably not much, although I think her father knows a bit about it.

    Why were the freighters under strict orders not to answer Penny’s call?
    Because of her father?

    If Penny was calling the boat, then why did she tell Charlie she didn’t know about any boat?
    If she’s trying to find Desmond behind her father’s back and she didn’t trust Charlie, that would be reason enough. She also could have been making so many calls looking for incredibly hot desmond that she didn’t realize that she was calling the boat.

    What’s up with the journal of the Black Rock’s captain? What is the relation to Tovar Hanso? Why does Charles Widmore want it so badly?
    I think Widmore is Dharma, and as such wants any and all info about the island. . . or at least wants to keep info about the island out of the ‘wrong’ hands. Or, I guess it’s possible that the Black Rock element represents a third group looking for the island.

  24. Beesly on March 3rd, 2008 11:35 am

    I think bringing up Rousseau was great, got me thinking even more!

  25. kali on March 4th, 2008 12:13 am

    Rousseau is one of the most fascinating characters on the show, in my opinion. We don’t really know ahything about her, other than what she herself has said. What if she’s lying about her past? I’ve often wondered a) how crazy she really is and b) if she is who she says she is.

  26. — For the Record on March 18th, 2008 2:06 pm

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  27. Danial on February 7th, 2009 4:11 am

    there are too many questions in each LOST ep s.. i’m enjoying watchig the ep instead of trying finding answers coz there are many questions that remain without answers starting from the smoky monster to Desmonds time travelling..
    i think LOST is great, the idea, the characters..evey single part is great..

    one of the most ep s that affected me was last ep in season 3 when charlie died (i think ep title was: Greatest Hits)…

    I like desmon’s character and his amount of love to penny and when he says “brother” 🙂

    I hate when i see the story going to it is end wit going off the isalnd.. anyway..according to the future flash “backs” it looks like they are returning back to the island 😀