David Archuleta Singing “Another Day in Paradise” (Watch Video)
March 5, 2008 by Kath Skerry
Although he wasn’t in my top two from last night, my Archuletaism is still going strong and I know many of you are still loving the boy. So for my last IDOL video of the day, here’s David Archuleta’s take on the Phil Collins classic “Another Day in Paradise”.
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I love this song, and he sings it so well, would love a full version of the song by him.
Oh my goodness, he sounded amazing. I heard no pitch problems, maybe that he was holding back instead. I agree with “Rand”, I would absolutely love a full version of this by him! Already pre-ordered this version from iTunes. I really felt the song. So heartfelt. Made me want to cry.
I love this kid!! He and David Cook got my votes tonight.
this kid is pukingly adorable
I’m tired of the Melinda Doolittle schtick. I don’t know what kind of voodoo he’s got going, but I don’t see what all the fuss is about. He’s cute, and he’d probably fit right in with the High School Musical crowd but become a serious singer? I doubt it.
Plus, the huskiness to his voice grates on my nerves. He sounds like an 80 year old woman who smoked all her life.
Sorry – I have to agree with Tim. I don’t get this kid. I find the ‘cuteness’ grating and I think the breathiness of his voice doesn’t sound good, it sounds like he would have a problem maintaining it for longer performances and concerts. He’s had good moments, but I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
I really wasn’t feeling this performance tonight. It was just too bland for me. The pitch problems were relevent and it’s about time that the judges recognize them because there were plenty in his previous performances as well. The start of it was okay, then after he got off the piano, it just slowly rolled down hill from that point. I agree with Simon, he should have stayed at the piano, but David said it himself, he can only play “a little” piano. I also agree that he needs to mix it up, as Simon said too. Too many soulful songs (not that their is a problem with them). He needs to do something more like what he did with Shop Around. We will see next week.
Paula was on the local radio station this morning and she said David Archuletta had strepthroat last night.
I can’t believe he still did well! Good for him!
david is so cute and i love his voice.i can see he very nice.
I liked how he picked the song because of it’s good message. He doesn’t want to make it just about him. I like his humility.
david a. has another great song this week! he has my vote! he has a great voice.
[…] he wasn&39t in my top two from last night, my Archuletaism is still going strong and I know many …https://www.givememyremote.com/remote/david-archuleta-singing-another-day-in-paradise-watch-video/David Archuleta- Top 24 Contestants – American IdolHometown: Murray, UT, Audition City: San Diego, […]
im such a huge fan but why all videos u cant watch , we are fans and will allways be? sincerlly mario
Another Day in Paradise has always been one of my favorite songs, ever since our 7th grade music teacher began making us sing it so I absolutely adored this performance. But much to my dismay I cannot find the full studio version anywhere, Itunes or no. If someone could point me in the right direction as to where I may locate it (if it exists) I’d be much appreciative. As for the comments on here about people not getting Davids appeal I know for me, along with most everyone else I’ve talked to, we like the fact that he actually sings ballads. I personally miss slow songs. None of the songs released today every have that slow love song feel, you know? I can’t remember the last time a new song came out that you could actually slow dance to. Don’t get me wrong getting out on the dance floor and shaking your booty like theirs no tomorrow is fun as well (v^^)>(>^^)>(>^^