BIG BROTHER 9 Recap: Now This is How I Like My Big Brother - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BIG BROTHER 9 Recap: Now This is How I Like My Big Brother

March 6, 2008 by  

Big Brother 9 Spoilers and Recap

Now this is what I’m talking about BIG BROTHER. In the best episode of the season thus far, BIG BROTHER turned the game upside down and pressed the refresh button on the entire competition. After a sluggish and grating start to the game, I’m re-enthused after last night’s turn of events. But before we get there, let’s take care of the outstanding business at hand, mainly the ousting of some houseguests.

With Allison & Ryan and Sheila & Adam on the block, the houseguests didn’t seem particularly torn as to who they should oust. After being at the forefront of all kinds of drama, everyone was pretty much ready to say goodbye to Allison. And such is the rules of this season’s Big Brother, saying goodbye to Allison also meant adios to her partner Ryan.

Matty got himself into a little hot water when his plan to play both sides of the fence backfired on him courtesy of James. I dig the way James is playing the game. He has no issue about lying and manipulating in the name of the game, but he’s a bit more understated about it than Matt, and so far it’s worked to his advantage. As much as I like Matt, he likes to run his mouth about just how good of a player he is, and in doing so becomes less of a player.

Eviction Ceremony and the Sweet Sounds of the Alarm….
Let’s get on to the good stuff. The eviction ceremony. Off camera, the houseguests had placed their votes and in a unanimous decision Allison and Ryan were booted from the house. They said their goodbyes and headed for the door, only to find it was locked. At that very moment the Big Brother house alarm went off and all houseguests were directed back to the living room…including a very happy Allison and Ryan. And this my friends is where it gets interesting.

The Chenbot got everyone settled and made the announcement that the rules were about to change. From this moment on it’s every man for himself. Big Brother old school if you will. No more couples. Finally!!

The house guests went all kinds of nuts, with the exception of Josh and Sharon who seemed stunned and quite wrapped up in the consequences of this game changing event. Were their plans to get Allison out going to blow up in their faces? Their worry was short lived as Julie made the announcement that tonight’s game wasn’t over and the houseguests were going to send home either Allison or Ryan in a live eviction. An announcement that sent the blood rushing out of Allison’s face. And with good reason.

In a non-surprising move, the houseguests unanimously voted to keep Ryan around and evict Allison. Can I get a holla?! Buh-bye Allison. My boy Ryan stays to play another day. And now without the albatross that is Allison, maybe Ryan can actually play this game for once.

And your new HOH is…
The very first HOH was played and a game of true and false came down to Adam and Ryan. Um, sidenote…where are all the endurance competitions? I don’t think we’ve had one since the very first episode. Anyway, in a nail biting moment that had me struck with fear that Adam was going to be the new HOH, Ryan pulled out the big win and became the first ever solo winner of Big Brother 9. Talk about having a good night. Good job Ry Bear!

Back from the dead…
But the twists and turns continue. Unbeknownst to the houseguests, viewers at home will be able to vote to bring back one former Big Brother contestant and let them re-enter the house. Uh oh. Yes, Joshua, Jen, Parker, Amanda, Alex or Allison will be allowed back into the Big Brother game. So head over the and vote now. You can vote as many times as your heart desires. So that means if you choose to you can site there all day and vote say Alex back in the game. Yup just og over and click Alex, and then refresh and then Alex. Or whomever you want to vote for whose name is Alex.

Yeah, I’m all about Alex on this one. I don’t think he ever really got to play this game as his fate from day one was controlled by Amanda. I don’t think any of the players would bring anything but drama back into the house. The only contestant that would suck to have back in the house would be Ryan’s girlfriend, Jen. She doesn’t deserve to come back as she played a lousy game when she was in there. And bringing her back just puts the target back on her and as soon as Ryan is done with his reign as HOH she would probably be booted.

So as you can tell, I’m ao super excited to have the Big Brother I know and love back. The houseguests generally suck this season (some more than others and some quite literally…yes, I’m talking to you Natalie) but each have their chance to finally play the game they wanted to play when the entered the house.

Lots to talk about, and I’m hoping some Big Brother fans are in the mood to chat with me about last night’s big episode. What do you think about the big reveals. And who are you going to (Alex) vote for to return to (Alex) the Big Brother house?


4 Responses to “BIG BROTHER 9 Recap: Now This is How I Like My Big Brother”

  1. grumpyoldman on March 6th, 2008 9:40 am

    Allison never got a fair shot because she was paired with an inert lump of clay that was already paired with another contestant. Vote her back in!!!! screw you josh.

  2. SB on March 6th, 2008 9:53 am

    This is why I LOVE you, GMMR! I missed the first half and I got home and was like, WTF?!?! So nice to wake up to a recap already!

    I agree on the endurance comps. Even the dumb ones are more entertaining than trivia.

    I’m all for bringing Amanda back, because even though she was annoying, it was JUST annoying and not viscious. To the commenter above who is an Allison supporter … I am guessing you haven’t followed the feeds, because she’s pretty impossible to like, with her very strange superiority complex, totally unjustified ego, pathological lying, and her weird girl power/I need a man to defend me crap. I was really happy to see her go.

  3. BIG BROTHER 9 Recap: Now This is How I Like My Big Brother — All This Nonsense on March 6th, 2008 9:59 am

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  4. Carli on March 6th, 2008 1:50 pm

    I say, don’t vote because you think someone didn’t get a fair shot. Everyone did (with Jacob being the possible exception). Vote because you like that person, period. Alex didn’t even play the game until it was too late. Does that mean Amanda didn’t get a fair shot, no. I’m voting Amanda because I think she’d be able to get in the Josh/Sharon alliance and I REALLY REALLY don’t want to see the Bro alliance just pick all the girls off. The guys repulse me.