CHUCK Paley Festival Podcast - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025

CHUCK Paley Festival Podcast

March 19, 2008 by  

CHUCK Paley Festival

In the words of Devon, last night’s CHUCK panel at the Paley Festival was “AWESOME”. The whole cast, with the exception of the ill Sarah Lancaster, was in attendance along with co-creators Josh Schwartz & Chris Fedak and Executive Producer McG.The panel, moderated by LOST Executive Producer Damon Lindelof, was high energy (to say the least). Lindelof really had his work cut out for him in trying to keep these guys on track. It was clear that the cast all get along really well as the night was packed with jibs and jabs at each other and a bunch of inside jokes.

Ducky and I shared some of our favorite moment on a very special CHUCK podcast, so definitely take a listen when you get a chance. And make sure you head over to Ducky’s site as he wrote up some of the best moments of the night and posted the few pics he was able to snag. I wasn’t able to snag many pics, but I did manage one with me and Captain Awesome so maybe I’ll throw that up on my MySpace page later. Oh and if anyone was there and has the full text from Alan Sepinwall’s question about the origin of Sarah’s uniform at the Weinerlicious and how it was somehow related to both Seth Cohen and Hilter, could you pass it along?

Listen to GMMR & Ducky’s CHUCK Paley Festival Podcast HERE!!

Damon Lindelof ended the moderated portion of the evening by asking the panel questions from the Proust Questionnaire made famous by Pivot…or as we all know it – the questions James Lipton asks at the end of every “Inside the Actors Studio”. Here’s how some of the CHUCK peeps answered. (Oh and I don’t think Lipton asks about Voltron vs. Godzilla. Maybe he does).

  • What is your favorite word? “Douche Bag” (Chris Fedak, Co-Creator)
  • What is your least favorite word? “Intolerance (Adam Baldwin, ‘Casey’)
  • What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? “Football” (Ryan McPartlin, ‘Devon aka Captain Awesome’)
  • What sound or noise do you love? “The waves of the ocean” (Vic Sahay, ‘Lester’)
  • What sounds do you hate? “Squishy, wet boots” (Julia Ling, ‘Anna’)
  • What is your favorite curse word? “Fuck” (McG, Executive Producer)
  • What profession would you not like to do? “Janitor” (Mark Christopher Lawrence, ‘Big Mike’)
  • If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? “CHUCK has been picked up for Season 3″ (Josh Schwartz, Co-Creator) – Personally, if I were Josh, I’d want God to say “Welcome to The O.C., bitch“
  • Voltron vs. Godzilla? “Godzilla” (Josh Gomez, ‘Morgan Grimes’)
  • You open up the script to see that the episode is titled “Chuck vs. Chuck”. How do you approach both roles? “I go deep. I find the darkest part of me, which I’m already doing. Actually I’d just fight Lester because Lester is the dark Chuck.” (Zachary Levi, ‘Chuck Bartowski’)…I hope I got that quote right.
  • Are you having any fun? “No” (Yvonne Strahovski)

CHUCK Paley Festival - Zachary Levi, Josh Gomez and Adam Baldwin CHUCK Paley Festival - Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski

Filed under Chuck


7 Responses to “CHUCK Paley Festival Podcast”

  1. Vlada on March 19th, 2008 3:19 pm

    That quote from Sepinwall needs to be preserved!

  2. Becky on March 19th, 2008 5:25 pm

    No PD podcast yet? : /

  3. Give Me My Remote on March 19th, 2008 5:32 pm

    Funny you should ask. We JUST finished it about 5 minutes ago and it will hopefully be up on within the hour.

  4. Crunchy on March 20th, 2008 3:31 pm

    How would YOU get work done with all these HOT SEXY ladies around:

  5. Patty on March 20th, 2008 3:52 pm

    ^ WTF?

    I just listened to both the PD and Chuck podcasts and have to say again how much I LOVE listening to both you and Dan yapping TV! I don’t love both those shows like you guys but you really make me want to watch them more. Don’t let anyone poopoo what you guys do. Keep it up!

  6. Billy on March 21st, 2008 3:49 pm

    Vik was actually asked What profession, other than your would you like to be? And he, hilariously said, “I would like to be…McG”. What sound was the question to Scott.

  7. JEFF on March 27th, 2008 12:20 am