What to Watch...Monday, March 31, 2008 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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What to Watch…Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31, 2008 by  

Believe it or not I’m walking on air I’m back in L.A.. It feels like I was just here. It’s nice to be back in the warmer-than-Boston climate. I’m only here until Tuesday and then I’m heading back home. I’ve got my Slingbox so hopefully I can keep up with tonight’s TV. Of course I’m looking forward to THE BIG BANG THEORY and HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER the most…my Monday shows, ah. Actually, I went to a friend’s house last night and she lives across from CBS Studios and I was greeted with a huge poster (the size of the building) of Sheldon and Leonard…I was so happy!

Ok so here’s a sample of what’s on TV tonight. What will YOU be watching?

The Big Bang Theory | 8pm on CBS
“The Pancake Batter Anomoly”
Sheldon gets sick, but the guys refuse to take care of him because he’s such a bad patient, which leaves an unsuspecting Penny to nurse him back to health.

Check out a clip from tonight’s episode…

Dancing with the Stars | 8pm on ABC
In this third week of performances, the “talent” takes on the tango and the jive. It’s been a while since I’ve watched this show, but if I remember correctly the jive is the kiss of death for most of the dancers, no? Any standouts so far this season? How’s Adam Carolla and Steve Guttenberg doing?

How I Met Your Mother | 8:30pm on CBS
“The Bracket”
Barney tries to find the mystery woman who’s out to ruin his reputation, and he uses the basketball tournament-bracket template to eliminate 64 suspects, all of whom have reasons to hate him.

Annnnnnd scene…

New Amsterdam |9pm on Fox
New Amsterdam on Fox“Legacy”
When a murder victim in Chinatown reminds John of a son he lost in the early 20th century, the investigation leads to a ruthless crime family who are related to his offspring, causing John to reflect on the consequences of his immortality. (GMMR: If you’re watching this show, will you leave me a comment and let me know how it is?)

The Bachelor | 9:30pm on ABC
The Bachelor - Matt GrantMatt has 12 bachelorettes from which to choose, and he selects two of them for one-on-one dates: a movie premiere at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood with Holly; and a trip to an Ojai, Cal., winery in his Maserati with Shayne. (GMMR: Ugh, I’m kind of bummed that I haven’t yet seen The Bachelor. I was away when it premiered and now I feel like I’m too far behind. You guys are liking this season, right?)

The New Adventures of Old Christine | 9:30pm on CBS | Season Finale
The New Adventures of Old ChristineThe third season concludes with Christine fearing she may be experiencing perimenopause after her gynecologist (Jason Alexander) suggests her flu-like symptoms may be a sign of it. The news makes Christine determined to take control of her hormones.

Paradise Hotel 2 | 9pm on My TV
Paradise Hotel 2“Paradise Confidential”
The guys hold a “hot bod” contest to impress the new female guest, who’s later given power to use the gossip she’s privy to against the others. (GMMR: I’m so excited to see where things are headed now that hot-headed Raheim is gone. Even if it’s embarrassing please tell me that someone out there besides me and Col S. are watching this show?!)

Also playing…

  • Kyle XY | 8pm on ABC Family
  • Two and a Half Men | 9pm on CBS
  • CSI: Miami |10pm on CBS
  • Medium | 10pm on NBC

Filed under TV News


14 Responses to “What to Watch…Monday, March 31, 2008”

  1. bubblewrap on March 31st, 2008 9:58 am

    I’ve been watching New Amsterdam since it premiered. (Although I keep forgetting it comes on so I catch it the next day on the Fox website) I like it. I think the writing could use a bit of work but it’s holding my interest.

  2. Jennifer on March 31st, 2008 10:00 am

    New Amsterdam:

    I am really enjoying it. It’s a new take on the immortality schtick, which is refreshing. I know many Moonlight fans are against it (I don’t know why, it’s not direct competition at this time), but in reality, they both have their pros and cons. While I like the romance in Moonlight more, overall New Amsterdam has better acting, in my opinion.

    I like how N.A. wraps parts of his history into each story so that you find out more about what he has done, especially how he’s dealt with marriage and children. I’ve read complaints about the detective part of the show…but it seems as though most of that is filler so we can see his history and his burgeoning romance. Last week’s story was a bit week, but other than that, I’ve really enjoyed it.

  3. What to Watch…Monday, March 31, 2008 — All This Nonsense on March 31st, 2008 10:23 am

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  4. Patty on March 31st, 2008 10:40 am

    Oh, come on! You missed two episodes of the bachelor. Catch hp! You can fast forward thorugh alot of it but I have to say, I ususally only watch the first couple anyway and then get bored. Not so much this time. Matt is hilarious and seems vary candid.

    But I am more curious as to where you are on the Supernatural front?

  5. 2mchtv.noschthng on March 31st, 2008 10:40 am

    GMMR….I’m watching paradise hotel 2 too 🙂 I really started watching because you mentioned it here….LOL!!

  6. katayla on March 31st, 2008 11:19 am

    I like New Amsterdam. It’s not fabulous, but it’s a good way to spend an hour.

  7. cam3150 on March 31st, 2008 11:21 am

    I’ve been watching Amsterdam too. It’s actually pretty good. The lead is really good (and totally hot!!) and has nice chemistry with his partner and with his potential love interest. The immortality angle is very interesting and I love the flashbacks that show previous portions of his life. It’s a seemingly endless wealth of storyline possibilities.

    I am afraid to get too attached to it though, since I’m not sure if it’s coming back. But I’ve heard that it’s ratings are ok. It has to be doing better than Canterberry’s Law, which was banished to Friday nights after only 2 episodes.

  8. Dianne on March 31st, 2008 11:44 am

    I would love to see more backstory on New Amsterdam. The police work stuff is OK, but not nearly as interesting as his history is. He’s a great lead, very appealing and I love his accent!

  9. Annie on March 31st, 2008 12:47 pm

    I have downloaded the first 2 episodes of New Amsterdam on iTunes and I love it. It is my gym show….I only watch it on the treadmill or bike. Any word on if it is getting another season?

    Also…The Bachelor is so trashy. I cant stand it and yet I watch it. Way to reinforce all the bad stereotypes Brits have about Americans by picking out a bunch of over-dramatic and trashy girls for him to date. Ugh.

  10. Kristi on March 31st, 2008 1:01 pm

    You keep forgetting “Greek” 😉

  11. Rick on March 31st, 2008 2:10 pm

    I’m watching Paradise Hotel 2 as well! I hated Raheim. He thought every girl he looked at was off limits to the guys! Nice try, buddy!

  12. Col S. on March 31st, 2008 3:41 pm

    Raheim is finally gone! i think i will kinda miss his crazy eyes, creepy stalking and daily threats to people though. does anyone else notice the ridiculous sweating that occurs during pandora’s box. the guys look like they are melting. this show is the sweetest train wreck on tv.

  13. tessahessa on March 31st, 2008 10:39 pm

    I am watching New Amsterdam, and I like it. I think they will be able to blend the backstory with the procedural cop stuff better in future episodes. Remember how Pushing Daisies went though that time where they had to remind anyone new to the show what in the h – e – double hockey sticks was going on? It is kind of that way with this show. I think they can hit their stride. Neat concept, good acting, and improving writing – I hope it is given a fair chance.

    And the pilot is worth watching just for the awesome CGI of the growth of Times Square through the last few hundred years. Really well done.

  14. Michele on April 1st, 2008 9:07 pm

    Count me in for New Amsterdam! He is definitley a hottie, and the show may not win any awards, but in this tv drought it is certainly good enough. I’m afraid to get too attached as well (Fox is tricky like that), but I am really enjoying the backstory and the hottie. So there you go.