7 Random Things About Me
April 8, 2008 by Kath Skerry
I’ve been tagged by Rae at Ramblings of a TV Whore to share 7 things about me. And I’m going to take her cue and keep my 7 facts TV and GMMR related since I tend to get a lot of questions about that kind of stuff. I can’t say my life is too interesting (nor will this post be) but here we go.
I can’t remember the last time I watched a TV show where I didn’t have my (appropriately named) laptop on my lap. I really don’t know how to sit back and enjoy a show anymore. I need to be on my laptop the entire time either checking email, IMing with friends, chatting it up in OTCR, or blogging about the show that I’m watching. I don’t think my behavior would be classified as ADHD, but I think it is some kind of generational disorder. I always feel the need to be doing at least two things at once. It’s just sad.
This goes for life, and not just TV, but the minute I feel like I have to do something I no longer have a desire to do it. In terms of my TV and blogging life this comes into play when I have to write a review of a screener I received in the mail, or perhaps a write up about a TV event (recent examples include Paley, TV set visits, etc). I enjoy the experience so much that sometimes it feels like a chore to write all about it. But if I didn’t write about these things I wouldn’t be afforded the opportunities in the first place. Damn those double edge swords.
When TV is in full swing (and not this post WGA strike lag) I don’t normally go to bed until around 2:30AM – and sometimes later on night like Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays which are jam packed with my favorite shows. For example on Wednesday nights I would watch PUSHING DAISIES then PRIVATE PRACTICE followed by DIRTY SEXY MONEY. My shows end at 11pm and then that’s when I have to start writing about them. If I were a good writer I’m sure it would take me a lot longer. Lucky for me I’m kind of a hack so I just jot down whatever thoughts pop into my head. But yeah, I don’t sleep a ton during the TV season.
As my friends can attest, I can relate anything in life back to THE OFFICE. I bite my tongue multiple times a day when a “that’s what she said” is warranted. But it’s not just that, there are numerous times throughout the day that remind me of the show, an episode, the actors. The thing is, I’m fully aware that this is not normal. I just don’t think that I can help myself. Example just from today (and it’s only 2pm) – (1) at the mall and walked by a BCBG store and thought of how Jenna Fischer stopped by the BuddyTV chat and told us that the red shirt Pam bought online was actually from BCBG; (2) out doing errands I drove by Newton South High School and immediately thought of its alums: John Krasinski and BJ Novak; (3) a guy wearing a warehouse-like uniform was standing in front of me at Dunkin Donuts this morning and my mind wandered to thoughts of Roy and what he was up to these days. Not normal. My name is Kath and I’m an OFFICE addict.
It takes a LOT and I mean a LOT to get me to watch a new show. I like what I like and to take on another show at this point almost seems daunting. Even if it’s not up against anything else on my TV schedule I have to be really excited about something to sit through a pilot of a new show. I miss out on a lot of TV, and some really good TV. For someone who loves TV as much as I do I need to give more shows a shot and not be so lazy about it. Perhaps I could take on one new show and maybe give up one of the three hours of BIG BROTHER I watch every week. Ya think?
There are a few people responsible for any modicum of success I’ve had with GiveMeMyRemote.com. First off is the guy behind FatbackMedia.com (NSFW so don’t I say I didn’t warn you). He’s the one that encouraged me to try out blogging in the first place. I guess next would be Mrs. Kristin Dos Santos (formerly known as Kristin Veitch) who had my dream job long before I even knew it was my dream job. I figured I could never do what she was doing so I thought I would have fun with it on my own. Meeting Kristin for the first time last year was a very cool experience for me, and having gotten to know her over the past year I can say that the woman is even cooler than her job. And I guess the last person would be Ms. Jenna Fischer and Mr. John Krasinski who kindly granted a no-name website an interview back in the early days of The Office. That interviewed got the site some attention and put me in touch with some great people at the networks and things just started rolling from there.
Speaking of perks, I’ve been lucky enough to meet a lot of TV celebs over the past few years. And who my favorite celeb encounter was is probably the question I get asked most by GMMR readers. The thing is, everyone has been great. I haven’t really had any bad experiences. Everyone I have met has been super nice (even Simon Cowell). I think there has only been one or two where I was left thinking that he or she wasn’t nearly as cool as they thought they were (and no I’m not going to tell you who). I used to have a “Who I’d like to meet list” on MySpace and I think I am down to just a few (crazy right?). I think the ones I have left are: Michael Vartan and Jennifer Garner (from Alias), Michael Urie (from Ugly Betty) and the piece de resistance, Mr. Joshua Jackson!!
So that’s that. 7 random facts about me, TV and this ‘ol blog of mine. Told you it wasn’t all that exciting. What would be super exciting for me is if YOU were to share some random facts about you. Because honestly, the 8th fact that I would add is that one of the greatest perks of having GMMR is the thrill I get every time someone leaves a comment. It’s nice to know that not only are people reading but that they would take time out of their day to add to the GMMR community – it’s one of the best parts!!!
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You rock! I think you and I could have been separated at birth. I check out your blog everyday, you talk about my favorite shows and people. I too, am an Office Addict and things I hear or see always bring The Office to mind as well. For example, sometimes I tell myself things are going to be ok, but I just think of Pam/Jenna saying “everything is gonna be ok, everything is going to be fine” (of course now I’m forgetting the exact quote) at the end of Season 3 when Jim comes in to ask her out on a date. (The most touching moment I think I’ve ever seen). Keep on going…..I appreciate it
Same for me. I read this blog religiously and really appreciate the heart you put into this site. It’s nice to know I’m not the only TV addict out there. Thanks for all the work you do!
I think all bloggers do it for the comments. If they don’t admit that, they’re lying. It’s validation that whatever you said was heard. Unless it’s just troll spam.
1. I’m a snob about TV. If someone gets on to me about not watching Lost (I will watch it. eventually.) but they are completely unwilling to try BSG or FNL, I’m not receptive to their opinion on any show.
2. I think a person’s favorite cartoon says a lot about them. So whenever I’m forced to ask complete strangers about themselves, that’s usually my first question. (Animaniacs for me.)
3. If I find a new to me actor on a show that I like, I scour the internet to find out what other work they’ve done and watch it too.
4. You know that one joker in a movie theater who laughs during serious moments? Yeah that’s me.
For a girl like me who is told almost daily that her tv addiction needs to stop I am happy to know that there are others out there.
As I was reading your list I have a lot in common with you. I can’t watch tv now without having my laptop in front of me where I am either writing or doing homework. The only shows that I stop with the computer are The Office and Lost.
And I am also addicted to the The Office. I have been forbidden from saying “That’s what she said” around my friends, and I always make a connection to what I am doing or what is going on around me to the show or thing related to the show.
Haha I do #4 too, only not with THE OFFICE. I think I do it most with Buffy/Angel or Veronica Mars. Although I probably do it with Dawson’s Creek a bit too. At this point, I’m used to the weird looks it gets you when you randomly start quoting things most people don’t know.
It’s interesting to hear that it takes you a while to warm up to new shows. I didn’t know that! I guess that makes sense since there are very few “new” shows that you talk about all the time.
Here’s some random facts about ‘lil old me…
1. Every year I’d watch Puff the Magic Dragon (way before VCR’s and DVD’s), and every year I would cry and cry.
2. I remember the night that the TV movie “The Brady Girls Get Married” was supposed to be on TV, and it was pre-empted. As I kid I thought it was never going to be on. Yeah, I cried and cried at that too.
3. I love musicals but hate The Sound of Music…which is my best friend’s favorite.
4. I have never seen an episode of Buffy.
5. I used to drive by Donnie Wahlberg’s house when New Kids were at their peak of popularity.
1. Ditto your multitasking addiction, and I now even feel guilty when I am just doing one thing. Like today, I was eating lunch, and I felt like I was wasting time because I wasn’t doing anything else while I was eating.
2. I have just realized a link between my friendships and my TV-watching habits. I like meeting new people, but I have just a few very close friends with whom I spend lots and lots of time, rather than a large circle of friends. Same with my shows. I like watching random shows when I vegetate on the couch, but I am fiercely loyal to just a few at a time: right now it’s FNL, The Office and 30 Rock. Formerly Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. I felt sad when Kristen Bell joined Heroes–like, how is she moving on from me so fast?–despite the fact that it was great for her career and she had no control over the VM cancellation. Isn’t that terrible?
3. I love, love, love blog comments. Sometimes even troll spam is enough, because it means something out there found my post even if it was just an evil robot.
4. I keep a running list in my head of celebrities I’ve seen since I’ve moved to NYC, and I should write it down. I make rules for myself as to why certain people should or should not qualify for the list. eg, Seth Rogen counts because even though I paid for a ticket to see him on a panel, I ran into him on the street later that afternoon, but Judd Apatow doesn’t count because he was on the panel and I paid to see him and never encountered him randomly. My list is still pretty short, but that’s ok.
5. I do the most posting to my blog when I have another writing assignment due. If there are like 10 posts from me in a few days, it’s because I am procrastinating.
6. I will sit and watch 4 hours of TV on DVD, but for some reason, watching a movie seems like a bigger time commitment. Why is that?
7. My creativity is pretty limited. For example, I could think of only 6 random facts.
You know I read your blog everyday (checking back for updates all day long) and I love the podcasts too. You make me feel better (like so many others here) that my TV addiction is now something I have to myself but a fun past time that quite a few share. I can’t tell you how many people I will walk away from who say “oh, I don’t watch TV” WTF? And yet they only read magazines. And sports don’t count. These people have no imagination. That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it.
Random fact about me: My first TV boyfriend was Speed Racer when I was 6. I have had a TVBF ever since.
I had to laugh about the Office comment because that happens to be everyday and I usually have to explain to my co-workers why I’m laughing or why I have a grin on my face because of something I’m thinking about that is related to the show. It’s so strange, but Office addicts and nerds unite!
And as I just read Michelle’s comment above me, I’m with her on #4. I’ve never seen an episode of Buffy…or Dawson’s Creek for that matter…Wow.
Oooh, maybe we should have a TV suggestion swap. Like…I’ll start Lost if someone will commit to starting BSG. Even now while both shows are airing new eps.
Michelle, I’m the same way with movies vs DVDs. It’s just harder to tell a well rounded, meaningful story in 2 hours.
Shows that I intend to watch someday, but have yet to see even a single episode of:
Battlestar Galactica
Band of Brothers
Part of this is due to channels. I grew up with only an antenna and never got the channel that Buffy was on. And HBO is way too expensive. I finally borrowed the first 2 seasons of Entourage, and I really liked them.
I must confess that I was late to FNL. It was a football-centric soap opera, and neither of those components appealed to me. But then I was impressed by the acting and writing. I also didn’t watch Firefly until I borrowed the DVDs last summer.
Oh, and I have zero interest in anything non-scripted. Including American Idol. I just can’t care. (I care even less about sports). And I feel that shows like Real World, Moment of Truth, and VH1 reality-trash are detrimental to our society.
I completely re-iterate Jo’s comment:
– If someone pushes Lost on me which, I will eventually watch one day (as if I already don’t know know enough about it through its incessant commercials and hype), but is unwilling to put BSG or Dexter on their future watch list, then they don’t have authority on tv. I will not allow it!
– I LOVE to campaign for shows I love, especially for those who watch wayyyyy too much reality tv or Two and a Half Men, or Ghost Whisperer, the list goes on and on. I really try to get tell people not to judge book by its cover, like the title of Battlestar Galactica
– I love talking to people about old favorites like Buffy/Angel, Alias, Roswell, Dawson’s Creek, even Boy Meets World or Saved By the Bell!
– Sometimes I have the urge to buy DVD sets of shows I have watched, just to force someone else to watch it…
– I also do the multitasking thing, but I think it has to do with trying to rationalize the amount of t.v. I watch. At least I am getting chores done or playing with the kids while I watch.
– I realized recently that I really love science fiction. I always watched it but never really thought about categories for what I most enjoyed until now in my 30’s. In general, I don’t typically follow the stereotypical viewing choices for women.
– I already watch way too much t.v. but am rather obsessed about trying out new shows. I don’t want to miss out. Anything that reviewers I like, such as you and Ducky and a few on the T.V. Guide crew, recommend as a quality show or fun entertainment will get on my watch list plus others that I just want to try out. I can always go to DVD and watch shows I missed (like I did during the strike), but it isn’t the same if others aren’t currently watching and blogging about them.
– My husband says that I am coming alive and getting the color back in my face now that the shows are returning after the strike. He loves to exaggerate, but little does he know how excited I am for The Office to return on Thursday. I really need to get a life.
– I check your site everyday, usually many times. I would probably list it at the very top of my favorite t.v. related websites.
~I guess I’m unusual for NOT multitasking when I watch TV. I’m no good at it. I end up missing half the episode while I’m concentrating on whatever else I’m doing.
~It doesn’t take much at all for me to check out a TV show. I’m petrified at missing something good! It does, however, take quite a bit for me to commit to a TV show.
~Add me to the list of people who can relate everything back to TV! In college, my friends and I peppered all our conversations with Friends quotes.
~And to the list of people who find watching a movie way too much of a time commitment.
~My TV habit is almost like my dirty little secret. I’m not ashamed, but I get tired of defending myself to the “All television is evil!” people.
~Sandy, I’ll totally talk to you about Boy Meets World and Saved by the Bell.
I, too, am a television addict. Not only do I too watch TV with my accompanying laptop, but I have a set schedule for TV watching that is strictly adhered too (not as necessary with the Strike). One networks started putting shows online, I could watch all the hours of television I needed a week either live or online; I don’t even need a Tivo.
Lastly, I was recently looking at which law schools to apply to and saw that Boston College was in Newton, MA. And my mind immediately flew to John Krasinski, BJ Novak, and Kath from GMMR. And for some reason, this makes me really want to go there (since they happen to have a kick-ass program as well).
Hey Kath, thanks for GMMR. I’m a SAHM who is rudely awakened every morning at 6:30 by my kids. We’re in CA so the first thing I do in the morning is check GMMR to get my TV news for the day. If you don’t post, I’m crushed! I too, have an Office addiction. I saw Oscar in the Orlando airport a few weeks ago and finally worked up the courage to say hi when we landed at LAX. That meeting made me seriously consider moving to LA just to stalk celebrities… that could be a meaningful life, right? I used to sneak away to my bedroom to watch Dawson’s Creek so my husband wouldn’t mock me for being an adult watching a teen show… what does he know? Thanks for doing what you do, you have fans, how awesome is that?
Fantastic, wonderful, great post!! I check your site just an embarrassing amount — I use this and officetally when I need a break from my 2 and 4 -year-olds, which ends up being many more times in the day than is probably healthy. It was so fun reading more about what your habits are and laughing about what we all have in common. My husband is just as into The Office (okay, maybe I’m a little more obsessed because of the whole Jim-Pam thing) and Lost, and we’re even watching all of Dawson’s Creek together. And thank goddness, because at least he gets all my ridiculous little references that come up numerous times throughout the day.
Now that you’ve given us a little taste though, I can’t help but want to know more! What kind of job could you possibly have that allows you to stay up so late? Are you still on the job market? Did you find an apartment? Are you going to be okay?
Love love love your site!
I relate things that I see/hear/think of to The Office constantly! You are not alone.
The sad thing is that unless I am with my hubby – no one else gets the reference. It is not a show that has jokes that can be told. You have to be there to get it. I am lucky to be married to someone who – like me – memorizes and internalizes each episode.