AMERICAN IDOL - Top 8 Perform - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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AMERICAN IDOL – Top 8 Perform

April 8, 2008 by  

In celebration of tomorrow night’s big ‘Idol Gives Back’ episode, the contestants were charged with signing inspirational songs tonight.  But I thought the night as a whole was anything but.  There were a few standout performances but maybe only one that warrants watching more than a few times.

Here’s my take on the IDOLs tonight.

Michael Johns American IdolMichael Johns kicks off the night with Aerosmith’s “Dream On”. First off, what’s with the ascot? That outfit is so not working. But as for the performance, it was ok. Nothing spectacular for me. The guy has a great voice but I didn’t find anything special about his rendition of the song. Randy agreed. Paula thought he sounded as good as he looked (see my previous comment about the ascot), and Simon said he sounded good but this song wasn’t him.

[OMG! Is that Lacey Mae Schwimmer sitting behind Simon? It is! It is! Shut the front door!! Hi Lacey!!]

Syesha Mercado American IdolSyesha Mercado has got to have a big performance tonight or else she risks going home. She’s taking on “I Believe” by Fantasia. It’s a risky choice since the judges hero worship Fantasia. Although it started off a little shaky Syesha brought down the house with her powerhouse of a voice. And how about that note? Holy hell!! YAY!! So happy she had a good performance. The judges better love it. Randy though it was “just ok”. Paula thought it was beautiful. Simon thought it was technically good but he didn’t feel the connection. Come on already.

Jason Castro American IdolJason Castro is singing a different version of “Over the Rainbow”, but it’s one I think you’ll all know. I love this version and I think it fits Jason’s voice beautifully. It was simple and it really let us focus on the words and his voice. Big fan of this performance and so were the judges. Simon even called it fantastic. Nice, Jason!! This is the performance I’ll be watching a few more times before the night is through.

[How awesome if the Meatloaf/Tiffany AT&T commercial? Love it!]

Kristy Lee Cook American IdolKristy Lee Cook is up next. If anyone is surfing the web and happens to come across the contract details of the deal that Kristy Lee struck with the Devil would you mind sending them along? I’d love to find out if it was just her soul or something else she had to give up to still be around this late in the competition.  It’s not personal – I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but she has overstayed her welcome. Tonight Kristy is performing “Anyway” by Martina McBride. This is probably one of Kristy’s best performances so cheers to her. She had Paula up on her feet. I still don’t think she should stick around after tonight, but I’ll give props where props are due. Randy, Paula and Simon all liked it. Who gave Simon the happy pills tonight?

[A SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE promo! My heart just skipped a beat. We are just over a month away from the big premiere. I can’t wait!!]

David Cook American IdolMy boy David Cook is up next with Our Lady Peace’s “Innocent”. I’m not familiar with this song, but I remember my friends Mike & Sully saw this band in college (why I felt the need to share that I’m not sure). Hmmm. The first half of the song was in David’s lower range and it didn’t even sound like him – how weird. When he got to belt it out he was his fantastic usual self. Not my favorite performance from David but he’s still my boy. Randy and Simon weren’t big fans, but Paula loved it. I don’t think he has much to worry about. Aw, David looks bummed. Cheer up Cookie!!

Carly Smithson American IdolCarly Smithson is taking on Queen’s “The Show Must Go On” (a lot of Queen this season). Who did Carly’s eye makeup this week? I’m loving it (still hating her wardrobe though). This girl can sing. Not sure why she seems so angry tonight, but she is singing the hell out of this song. Not to get picky but Carly needs to work on her mic control. She’s pulling it away from her mouth too much on some notes and we are all missing out. I liked this performance but I have no idea what the judges will say. The judges didn’t like it as much as I did. Simon even thought it came off as a bit angry. I agree with the judges when they say she has no connection to the audience.

David Archuleta American IdolIt’s been a bit lackluster tonight so I’m hoping for something big from David Archuleta. Bring me the kid that wow’d me the first few weeks. How happy is Seacrest that their is finally a contestant shorter than he is? Archuleta is taking on “Angels” by Robbie Williams (I love this song). First off, David is playing the piano tonight and he looks scared sh#tless. Not a week to play the piano because I think it held him back. That being said, I think he did a fantastic job tonight. Not the promise of the guy we saw at the beginning of the season, but I still enjoyed him. The judges were all quite complimentary.

Brooke White American IdolClosing out tonight’s show is Brooke White singing Carole King’s “You Got a Friend”. Brooke has been relatively consistent about the type of artist she wants to be when this is all done and over with. My problem is that I’m not sure if I’m excited about the artist she will be. She was tailor made for the Soft Rock stations, but I don’t think she’ll ever be a big star. All the judges were ok with it and Simon said it well when he said it was like “a pleasant walk in the park”.

Overall kind of a boring night on AMERICAN IDOL. I’m going to go with Jason, Syesha and the Davids as my favorites for tonight. What did you think of tonight’s performances? Anyone “inspiring” you to pick up the phone and vote?


7 Responses to “AMERICAN IDOL – Top 8 Perform”

  1. AMERICAN IDOL - Top 8 Perform — All This Nonsense on April 8th, 2008 9:35 pm

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  2. sabrina on April 8th, 2008 10:14 pm

    What was up Randy’s butt tonight? It annoys me to death every time he talks about how everyone’s performance was “pitchy in the beginning” and okay at the end. Man if I had a nickle every time he said that… And as for him saying the show isn’t about living your dreams but instead a singing competition left me scratching my head. Um…isn’t that what American Idol is all about for the contestants?

    Loved Castro, he sang a song very dear to my heart. As always, Archuleta was amazing. I was so excited to find out he was singing “Angels.” I say it’s going to be David Cook and David Archuleta for the finale!

  3. Alison on April 9th, 2008 1:03 am

    The reason DC sounded weird in the beginning of the song was because he was doing an impersonation how OLP’s Raine Maida originally sang the song. I do not think it worked for Mr. Cook, but I love him anyway. I really hope to continue to see him for the next 6-7 weeks 🙂

  4. katayla on April 9th, 2008 3:07 am

    Jason and David A were BY FAR my favorites tonight, especially Jason.

    And I must have been on whatever Simon was on because I really enjoyed tonight, which seems to be an unusual opinion. 🙂

  5. Michele on April 9th, 2008 8:53 am

    Well from ‘Inspiration week’ I expected total cheese, so it was a little better than expected. I just love Jason Castro. He knows his style, he’s good at it, and he’s nice and easy on the eyes…. :0) David C. was a little weird in his lower register, but not terrible. David A never does anything for me. Syesha was good, but taking on Fantasia’s WINNING song was a little ballsy. I never feel a connection from either Carly or Michael and tonight was no different. Brooke was ok, time for Kristy to go. (Please!)

  6. Bryson on April 10th, 2008 12:19 pm

    I think it was a pretty good week for all of the Idol’s but I don’t think anyone stood out in a way that made them more amazing than the next, well, besides Syesha hitting a note that there are only few others in music that can sing in the whistle register! (not even Fantasia) I think Randy’s comment swere retarded and made no sense whatsoever and America…what are you all listening to when you hear Kristy and Brooke sing…they are not “a little” pitchy, but they sing completely WRONG notes. One of them must go. David A…he’s so young, and although blessed with a amazing voice, he’s sings like a 35 year old man and we don’t get any of his own personality and he sings the same ol’ kind of song every week some heart felt ballad, I don’t think he’ll be in the finally on shear talent alone, but the popularity vote counts as always.

  7. Bryson on April 10th, 2008 12:19 pm

    I think it was a pretty good week for all of the Idol’s but I don’t think anyone stood out in a way that made them more amazing than the next, well, besides Syesha hitting a note that there are only few others in music that can sing in the whistle register! (not even Fantasia) I think Randy’s comment swere retarded and made no sense whatsoever and America…what are you all listening to when you hear Kristy and Brooke sing…they are not “a little” pitchy, but they sing completely WRONG notes. One of them must go. David A…he’s so young, and although blessed with a amazing voice, he’s sings like a 35 year old man and we don’t get any of his own personality and he sings the same ol’ kind of song every week some heart felt ballad, I don’t think he’ll be in the finale on shear talent alone, but the popularity vote counts as always.