David Cook Singing "The Music of the Night" (Watch) - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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David Cook Singing “The Music of the Night” (Watch)

April 22, 2008 by  

David Cook – you own me. As I just Twittered, I think David Cook might be my favorite AMERICAN IDOL contestant of all time. That’s saying a lot because I think you all know my love for Kelly Clarkson and a boy named Daughtry. But David Cook is something special and I truly look forward to his performance every week.

Tonight he took on the powerhouse that is “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera. I had absolutely no clue what Mr. Cook was going to do to make this ballad his own. But what he did with it floored me. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Paula made a great point tonight (yup that was indeed painful to type) when she said that his song choice really showed his range. I mean, when he hit the “be” in “where you long to be….” I just about fainted. People that is NOT easy, and even tougher when you consider that David didn’t use a true falsetto to get there. I mean come on already, this guy is incredible! And did anyone else love that David “cooked” the last two notes and put his little touch of rocker stud on there? Yeah, you could say that I liked it.

The judges did too. Especially Paula and Randy. Simon gave encouraging comments but you could tell it wasn’t his favorite performance. It was a little different for David, but I think on rewatch Simon will realize just how amazing it was.


14 Responses to “David Cook Singing “The Music of the Night” (Watch)”

  1. Alison on April 22nd, 2008 11:08 pm


    I really think he is in an entirely different league than the other 5 at this point. I feel like it really is just a fight of who is the 2nd best performer on the show, because DC is so clearly the best at picking a song, sounding great, and performing the heck out of anything he does!

  2. David Cook Singing “The Music of the Night” (Watch) — All This Nonsense on April 22nd, 2008 11:26 pm

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  3. Jessica on April 23rd, 2008 12:46 am

    Great recap/review!!! I (heart) David Cook!!! He is simply amazing!!! Also, I think Carly did really well, I was actually compelled to vote for her tonight, for the first time!!! I think those should be the final two!!!

  4. mare on April 23rd, 2008 1:49 am

    It should be Carly and David Cook, not Archuletta in the finale. This kid Archellueta forgot the words tonight but the panned the camera off him. He is boring singing ballad after ballad every week. These judges are being paid to promote Archueltta or his dam father is connected somehow…where Idol feels they are going to make a lot of money off him with Disney.

    David Cook is the most talented singer in this competition.

    With Analog Heart being the #1 CD and he being listed as the #1 BEST Artist on Amazon beating Mariah Carey, what more does Idol need.

    David Cook is American Idol’s dream and savior….

  5. Audrey Lefson on April 23rd, 2008 7:30 am

    David Cook took this performance and raised it to another level. His tone is so superb and his pronounciation. Music is my passion and David is the instrument. He has the most recognisable voice. I think he is headed for stardom.

  6. Lisa (aka lmr) on April 23rd, 2008 7:50 am

    I have been a fan all along but last night’s performance iced it. He IS the most versatile. Wow. You don’t get to hear the beautiful quality of his voice in some of the rock songs. IMO, his choice to do this song ‘straight’ was genius. It mixed it up and surprised and he hit it out of the park. And, he brought his own vocal quality to it.

    I am a musical theater nut and have seen Phantom more times than I can count and this rocked my world.

    If he doesn’t take the whole thing, it’ll be a travesty,

  7. Annie in MN on April 23rd, 2008 10:40 am

    David Cook deserves to win. He even inspired me to vote last night…something I haven’t done since Jordin Sparks.

    Please kick off Archuletta and Brooke.

  8. Kristi on April 23rd, 2008 11:09 am

    I haven’t watched American Idol since the very first season and… David Cook convinced me to do it last night. I might have also voted for him a few times…

  9. Tara on April 23rd, 2008 11:40 am

    I saw Phantom in Toronto when Paul Stanley played the Phantom, and I have to say that David Cook is just about that good! This kid is amazing!!!!!

  10. Jess on April 23rd, 2008 12:21 pm

    I’m a huge fan of Jason’s but I’ve got to say David Cook was incredible last night. That note he hit in “where you long to be” was amazing.

  11. mg714 on April 23rd, 2008 12:21 pm

    Totally agree that the song last night really showed off what a great voice David has. I love his rock performances, but this was also a great showcase of his talent and showed an even more vulnerable side to him. The more I listen to last night’s performance, the more amazed I am about him. I totally agree with Kath that David is definitely my fave AI contestant ever! As I’ve said before, he’s the reason I’ve actually watched most of this season compared to past seasons where I’ve only watched the final few episodes.

  12. Veronica on April 24th, 2008 10:23 pm

    Well, let me tell you I was scared out of my mind when I heard what song he was doing–one of the most difficult songs out there by far and so well known. This is what bothers me, there is no way you can do this song other than straight-up. You don’t mess with that song. If David had put a “rock” edge to it he would have been slammed all over the place for “runing” a classic song. So he does it straight up like a pro and Simon preferred his rock side. Archuleta fans would have been “licking” their lips more than Archuleta does in each song in anticipation of attacking him after the show. I was watching Cook and my mouth started to open, I think I stood up but didn’t remember doing it. Lord he has got to be the most talented Idol ever and he will bar far surpass Daughtry (which everyone compares him to but there is very little to compare). I watched the pre-Idol crap (due to re-runs) and I kept saying that this Cook guy was pretty good but a rocker can’t win. Every week, I’ve enjoyed his performances and then he did “Hello” well that was it. All his studio performances blow me away. Music of the Night (studio) gives me chills–really.

    Explain to me the fascination with little David who looks 14 and is so freaking boring week after week. He even missed some of the lyrics (2nd time) and people are passing out as if Jesus Christ had a son and it was Archuleta. I’m actually fast-forwarding through him now. David Cook performs like a star and a “guest” on Idol–not a contestant.

    The current Phantom star on Broadway said that David Cook “TOTALLY” NAILED THAT SONG.


  13. james on May 27th, 2008 2:25 pm

    ok so he sang this well but this is a first i hate him.. archuleta is way better. and he deserved t5o be in the finale

  14. jess on May 31st, 2008 3:11 pm

    David Cook can so marry me.