BROTHERS & SISTERS Sneak Peek at "Prior Commitments" - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BROTHERS & SISTERS Sneak Peek at “Prior Commitments”

May 11, 2008 by  

Kevin and Scott get married on Brothers & Sisters

(The following contains spoilers (although nothing too major) about tonight’s episode of BROTHERS & SISTERS.  Read at your own risk.)

I know it’s kind of late in the evening on Sunday and I should have made time earlier to remind you all to watch tonight’s episode of BROTHERS & SISTERS (10pm on ABC), but better late than ever.  And if you are, ever were or ever wanted to be a fan of BROTHERS & SISTERS tonight is the episode to tune into.

If there were ever such a thing as a classic B&S, tonight’s episode, “Prior Commitments” is it.  Everything that has defined the show – the laughter, the tears, the booze, the dysfunctional family drama – tonight’s got it all.

I want to be careful not to reveal too much because you all are hopefully going to watch it soon, but I will say that tonight Kevin and Scotty commit their lives to one another and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house…mine or the Walker’s. I wasn’t always a fan of Scotty but he’s fast becoming one of my favorite characters, and I’m glad he brought Kevin to where he is now. I love how honest and real this show deals with their relationship, and once again tonight we are reminded that while not everyone is accepting, sometimes it’s more important to concentrate on the love from those who are. And anyway, who doesn’t love a good TV wedding?

But before a wedding there has got to be a bachelor party, and no one likes to party more than the Walker boys.  Or so we thought.  The bachelor party doesn’t go exactly as planned unless the plan called for lesbians and a five hour road trip. (And in case you were confused, we are talking about a gay man’s bachelor party so the lesbian thing isn’t as interesting as you would think.)   Plans might have changed but we got some classic Walker brother bonding that I found real, honest and quite funny.

The Walker ladies have their hands full, as always. Kitty and Robert are on edge from the ups and downs of trying to conceive and come to an important decision about their family. Meanwhile, upon finding out the news about Rebecca’s true paternity, Sarah feels more deceived than ever by Holly, especially in light of Holly’s recent power play with Ojai and Walker Landing.

And as for Ms. Rebecca, tonight she comes face to face with the brothers and sisters that she thought she once had, and deals with their reaction to the news that the Walker kids are back again at a headcount of five.  Or are they? Hmmm.

There are more than a few surprises tonight including one shocker that will once again rock the Walker Family.  And I’m not even talking about the heart-to-heart that Justin and Rebecca have on a secluded mountain top.

Oh it’s good.  And I can’t wait for you all to see it.  So tune in tonight at 10pm EST and come back in the morning and let me know what you thought.

Filed under Brothers & Sisters


12 Responses to “BROTHERS & SISTERS Sneak Peek at “Prior Commitments””

  1. BROTHERS & SISTERS Sneak Peek at “Prior Commitments” — All This Nonsense on May 11th, 2008 8:30 pm

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. Vlada on May 11th, 2008 9:05 pm

    I’m really looking forward to tonight’s episode. I’ve loved Scotty from the start and find him so much more charming than Jason. But mostly I just love that Kevin is such a great character.

  3. Jo on May 11th, 2008 9:34 pm

    You’ve already seen the episode? I hate you. Thanks for reminding me this was on tonight. I’m excited.

  4. Cyndi on May 11th, 2008 10:54 pm

    I’m watching the episode now. I love this show. I forget how much, then Saul walks in and slips his new in. Love it.
    The ‘wedding’ was wonderful. It reminded me of mine. Small, a little overwhelming and fun.

  5. Kevin on May 11th, 2008 11:07 pm

    the last 3 minutes of the show were cut off in the DC area because of the storm! what happened! Please help!

  6. Jane on May 11th, 2008 11:07 pm

    B/c of a storm in my area the broadcast cut out with 5 minutes left. What happened? The suspense is making me crazy.

  7. Tanya on May 11th, 2008 11:13 pm

    UGGGHHH…as motherhood would have it, my four-year old became extremely chatty during the last 10 minutes of the show…I saw the “picture” and the very last scene where Sarah and Kevin were talking to their mom so I couldn’t quite figure out what happened…PLEASE tell me…
    Thank You!

  8. Liz on May 11th, 2008 11:17 pm

    In the last few minutes on a mountain top Rebecca & Justin kiss. Nora is told by Kevin & Sarah about the Ryan who just might be another Walker.

  9. Give Me My Remote on May 11th, 2008 11:20 pm

    Last ten minutes or so…
    Flashback: Kevin on the plane coming home from the conference. He pulls something out of William’s bag and notices a picture of a baby. The same baby pic that everyone previously thought was Rebecca. William says it is the son of the his friend, the woman who just died. The baby’s name? Ryan. As in Ryan with an “R”.

    Justin and Rebecca meet out on a hike. She tells him that she can’t start over. Long story short…Rebecca thinks that maybe she went through all this because it was her fate to meet Justin. They kiss.

    Kevin tells Sarah about baby Ryan. They head over to tell Nora.

    Season finale.

    They are already filming next season. Interesting stuff happening. More spoilers soon.

  10. Kevin on May 11th, 2008 11:21 pm

    thank you!

  11. mg714 on May 11th, 2008 11:54 pm

    I do agree that the finale was very good overall, but I’m not too sure about this added twist about there being someone else who might actually be the unknown Walker sibling. It kind of seems like it was just a way to make Rebecca not their sibling so she and Justin could be a couple but then still keep the storyline of the “outsider” sibling still part of the show. Still, I do really like this show and am willing to give the storyline a chance next season.

  12. Jamness on May 12th, 2008 11:26 am

    I thought the season finale was pretty good! I agree w/ mg714, but I’m willing to give it a shot b/c I love the Walker craziness.

    Ooo, spoilers? Bring ’em on, GMMR!