TV? What's TV? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

TV? What’s TV?

May 14, 2008 by  

In a week that has been filled with pretty much nothing but TV, I can’t say that I’ve watched that much of it at all.  With the Upfront presentations and parties the past few nights I’ve hardly been able to watch any of my favorite TV shows.  And as a result I haven’t been able to chat about them with any of you.  Sorry.  By the time I catch up I’m sure you’ll all be over them anyway, so we might have to call this week a wash.

The only show I have seen since I got here on Monday was GOSSIP GIRL.  It was well worth it since that show is working it hard these days and is kickin’ all kinds of ass.  I want to bottle up whatever happened to the writers during the strike and keep it on my shelf, just in case they every need it again in the future.

For those of you looking for my AMERICAN IDOL recap…sorry.  I haven’t even watched the show yet.  My sister, Karen, called me last night giving me the numbers for David Cook, so I did text in a few votes, but I haven’t yet seen the performances.  Thank goodness for YouTube.  Were there any standout numbers last night? It’s a lock that it will be a David vs. David finale, right?  I’m dying!!

As for the rest of the week, well let’s just say that this weekend is going to have to be spent sitting on my couch watching a sick amount of TV online.  The Fox party is on Thursday night…I know, right?!  I’m going to miss Thursday night TV.  I can’t believe I’m actually typing these words but here we go…I am going to have to watch the season finale of THE OFFICE (deep breath) on the DVR.  Whew.  I still can’t believe it. I am going to be a nervous wreck the whole night wondering if my friend’s DVR failed me.  It’s going tobe so hard (twss) not to be jumping online form my phone at the party to get spoilers but I refuse.  I can’t do it.  Ugh, I’m feeling nauseated just thinking about it.

So anyway, this rambling post was just a way for me to say sorry that there hasn’t much genuine TV talk this week.  Things will be back to normal soon enough.

Filed under TV News


3 Responses to “TV? What’s TV?”

  1. TV? What’s TV? — All This Nonsense on May 14th, 2008 9:47 am

    […] reading this post by: Give Me My Remote For more… RSS […]

  2. JennyL on May 14th, 2008 9:52 am

    Sometimes it’s fun to watch it after the fact, so you can fast forward the commericals. If you can make it!! I’m so nervous for the finale. You’ll write about it Friday – right?? Oh ya – remember what happened last time you missed watching an episode – that’s a good omen for the rest of us for an awesome finale!!

  3. Seeleybaby on May 14th, 2008 10:11 am

    haha, you are funny. I am jealous/feeling sorry for you. Glad to hear you’re as famous as you deserve…i’m sure you’ve had times in the past where you may have wanted to make compromises on the site, but you didn’t and it’s paid off!.
    And, in this day and age with TV on DVD, people, including me, are always catching up with shows, so just…watch them late, be proud about your reactions, and tell us about them. Didn’t you get a good response to your Buffy marathon?