BONES Season Finale Recap: “The Pain in the Heart”
May 20, 2008 by Kath Skerry
If you are looking for a review and discussion of tonight’s BONES season finale click here: BONES Season Finale: The End of the Beginning (May 14, 2009)
Before we get into Seeleybaby’s recap of the season finale of BONES, I just wanted to take a minute and thank her for bringing this show to GMMR this year. I know many of you are fans, and I was glad that you now had GMMR as an outlet to talk about the show. Just because I wasn’t watching it didn’t mean you weren’t. I’m going to do my best to catch up on BONES this summer. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try. And once again, thank you Seeleybaby for your great recaps! I’m sure other BONES fans are really happy you came along.
Mixed feelings before this episode. Hoping to find out what’s up with our man Booth, hoping the title doesn’t mean a literal pain in his heart, or someone else’s heart because he’s dead or eaten by Gormogon or something.
Within the first ten minutes, we find out Booth is not dead, and Brennan busts in on him when he’s naked in his bathtub. All is forgiven, Bones writers. Sorry for doubting you.
Why was Booth at his own funeral? I don’t actually care. He’s alive. I feel better now, but Booth doesn’t because Brennan slaps him hard across the face.
In the lab Booth says he swears he told the FBI to tell her he wasn’t really dead, and he was a little disappointed Brennan wasn’t crying and that there weren’t that many people there. Hahaha. It seems no one on the team knew he was not dead. Sweets tells Brennan she had a strong reaction because of her strong feelings for Booth, and her punching him was passionate. Booth likes this and kind of gets in her face. She says the emotion was a passionate anger. Booth has heard enough. Zack tells Brennan she has a package. It’s a human jawbone with silver screws courtesy of Gormogon.
The Case:
Aforementioned jawbone linked to Gormogon. The team examines the bone, and each makes an observation. Zack and Hodgins do an experiment, and a severe explosion takes place. Zack is suffering third degree burns. The explosion causes a diversion where the silver skeleton has been stolen and everyone at the Jeffersonian is now a suspect.
The Squints: Even though a lot of the blame was shifted onto Hodgins, and then Sweets, I actually thought Cam was the scariest. She was really quick to blame Hodgins and Sweets, and didn’t have much mercy for Zack at the end. Not much Angela this episode; she convinced Brennan to go to the funeral, and she helped stay with Zack. I thought Hodgins was amazing this episode. He was hurting knowing that even inadvertently he may have caused pain to his friend, and he willingly gave evidence that pointed toward himself as a suspect.
As for Zack…well…I don’t know what to say. At least he never ate anybody.
My girl Bren suffered a lot this episode. First the death of Booth, then the non-death of Booth, and Sweets shoving her emotions in her face as part of an ‘experiment’. She caught on, smart girl. Her emotion toward Zack was very moving to me.
My boy, Booth, he also suffered. He was not happy when his Bones wasn’t too sad about his death, and he also was upset with Sweets for not telling her he was alive. Of course, he’s more upset that Brennan isn’t upset with Sweets’s ‘professional decision’. Don’t you know why, Booth? She takes it, she takes YOU personally!
I’m proud of Brennan for getting on Booth’s case about not telling her personally that he was alive. He goes on about protocol and national security, which is a load of bunk, and Brennan tells him this, seeing as how he almost always does what he wants. She’s taking it personally; good for her. She barges into his bathroom and claims he doesn’t have any concern for her. He’s heard enough and jumps up (naked) and, quite rightly, tells her he took a bullet for her. She wants to know if he trusts her. He does.
I like how even when she is mad at him, Booth is still the one she talks to. His proving to her at the end that Zack knew she cared is nice, and the way she lays her head on his shoulder indicates to me that all is well between them.
Favorite Lines of the Night:
1. Anything Booth said, because (hey, have you heard?) he’s alive, but mostly when he’s trying to get Brennan to punch Sweets in the face (slug him).
2. Hodgins and Zack to Cam: “We want to do one of our experiments.”
3. Brennan’s student:“I’m third in my class.”
Brennan: “I’d like the names of the two students ahead of you.” Hahahaha!
Seeleybaby is glad the writer’s strike is over but now has to clear out her DVR for new episodes of Bones, The Office, and Scrubs. She also is still sad Arrested Development isn’t on (COME ON!) and is looking forward to more Flight of the Conchords.
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Filed under Bones
Another mention of Schroedinger’s cat! Are the networks getting together to drill educational things into our heads on purpose!?
I laughed when I went back and watched BBT after Bones…that was funny, and i’m glad they explained it. It helped me understand Zack better
I don’t think I am really happy about Zach being a bad guy (even if he didn’t eat anyone) but overall, I loved the B&B interplay. I loved Booth in the tub. He is such a girl! I also thought Hodgins was spot on.
I thought it was crazy that both BBT and Bones mentioned Schroedinger’s cat, especially since I got into both shows recently through GMMR! I have to start using it now.
I thought it was a great episode, although I’m really, really sad about Zach. Is he coming back next season?
Patti, I agree, although…Booth looked like all man to me in the tub.hahaha
Moe…doesn’t look like he will. I mean, he’s not dead, so I guess it’s possible, but everything I’ve read indicates he will not be back, at least not as a regular cast member.
I noticed the two references to Shroedinger’s cat as well. CSI recently had a murdered cat named Shroedinger, Catherine got the reference, not sure if anyone else did though. Sheldon did an excellent job of explaining the paradox!
I love these recaps, but wow. This episode I have mixed feelings on, mostly because I love Zack. Some amazing emotions shown, some reallly funny lines. But ZACK? No. I like him so much!
I HATE that they made Zack the bad guy! It felt so forced and out of nowhere! Did they do it just to write him off the show? Were they planning it all along, because if so I feel like they could have dropped some hints so that looking back I could be like, “Oh, okay, that makes sense.” Because to me right now it just does not make any sense at all. He is such a great character and I am going to really miss his interactions with the others. Boo!
Yes, they did do it to write him off the show. has an interesting interview with him. Yeah I agree, it felt forced…casualty of the strike and trying to fit everything in, I guess.
I really am also going to miss King of the Lab and all the other stuff…we’ll see I guess.
I liked that he wasn’t totally evil, and I think he showed remorse at the end. and I think Brennan was right; he sacrificed for Hodgins safety…hahaha…I told GMMR I could have written twice as much, as you can see…but yeah, I agree that I’m not thrilled with how it all worked out.
I, too, am upset that Zach is gone. I adore Zach and it just won’t be the same w/o him. I’m assuming they’re going to bring that guy back from a previous episode (i don’t remember his name) but he was the one working on behalf of Brennan’s dad during his trial. He may be the one who’s going to take Zach’s spot. He definitely has some shoes to fill b/c i just can’t see anyone taking over for Zach. I hope he comes back in some future episodes or something though i doubt it since he’ll be in a psych ward or something. Sigh. Overall, i was ok w/ the finale. I probably would have liked it more if Zach hadn’t been taken off the show.
I must not have been paying as much attention during that eppie as I thought, because I totally missed the Schroedinger’s cat reference.
I was really disappointed with this episode – mostly because of Zach. While it wasn’t out of the blue, they did hint in season one when that lady came and did psych evals on everyone that Zach could be dangerous, I think they could’ve explored that without doing something that cuts him out of the show so completely. It also made sense for Zach to blow up his own experiment – very Gormagonish behavior, but seriously why did they have to lose Zach? No more king of the lab…I think they shot themselves in the foot with this and took away a very enjoyable dynamic.
Loved everyone else in this eppie – although I wish we’d had more Angela. Also particularly loved the charactor development with Sweets, he’s been a great addition this season!
i just wondered after the explosion,who taked away the silver skeleton?ZACK was sent to the hospital,obviously he is not the guy.Sweet has the time,maybe he is the another apprentice.Because ZACK said we don`t call he like this
Is there any way to see the finale, I just missed it.
ahg i missed it and i cant find it anywhere on the internet:[
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