My Friends are Shy - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

My Friends are Shy

May 29, 2008 by  

You’ll have to excuse this random non-TV related post. See some of my friends are hams…big time attention whores (yes, Julie Burke I’m talking to you). Every time there’s a funny picture or video of us doing random stuff they think I should post it to the site. But you all don’t care. I get that. Why would you? But they wanted to get on the site, and hence the reason for this ‘Ode to GMMR’ video.

Sorry for the self-indulgence but if I post this maybe they won’t pester me. And I guess in turn, I’m giving you a way to get on GMMR. I’m shameless like that. If someone is going to make a video showing their love for the site you know I’ll post it. Ha ha

With that….my friends: Rob, Julie, Mark, Ray and that’s Steph doing the drive by on the beach in Nevis (after many, many drinks).

Filed under TV News


2 Responses to “My Friends are Shy”

  1. Rae on May 29th, 2008 9:27 am

    HAHA, ok, that’s great. I love the “gimmer!” That’s totally how I’m going to refer to GMMR from now on.

  2. fan of gmmr on May 29th, 2008 2:54 pm

    dear gmmr,

    you obviously have really cool, awesome, smart, good looking friends.

    your biggest fan.