What to Watch...Monday, July 7, 2008 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

What to Watch…Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008 by  

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a nice long weekend (well at least those of you in the good ‘ol U.S. of A.).  I had a fantastic 4th of July weekend, spent with family and friends. I can’t say I watched much TV, but that’s ok because it’s a new week, right?

And speaking of new…this is the very first GMMR post on my brand new Mac Book Pro.  Yes, I have officially made the switch from a PC to a Mac and I couldn’t be more excited.  Still getting the hang of this new machine, and I haven’t scratched the surface of what I can do, but I just got it yesterday so there’s plenty of time to play around and get acquainted with it.

I’m still without a good photo editor tool (hence why not all of the programs listed have images next to them).  I’m just excited to finally have a computer again.  And now that I do, let’s put this puppy to work.

Check out what might be worthy of your tunage tonight.

American Gladiators | 8pm on NBC
American GladiatorsIt’s the vigor of youth vs. the wisdom of the aged in the ladies heat, as a 20-year-old college student tries to put up a Grade-A battle against a 52-year-old investment manager. In the men’s round, a dolphin trainer rumbles with a media director.

The Bachelorette | 8pm on ABC | 2-hour Season Finale
The BacheloretteIn the fourth-season finale, DeAnna has a choice to make between the two finalists after taking her two suitors to Grand Bahama Island and home to Georgia to meet her family. And immediately following the finale, DeAnna and her two finalists discuss the challenges of the contest and the rose ceremony that ended it. Also: British Bachelor Matt Grant (2008) and his intended, Shayne Lamas, give an update on their relationship.

Army Wives | 8pm on Lifetime
Trevor is uneasy with his new hero status; Frank is concerned about Denise, who is enamored with her new motorcycle; and Joan’s maternity-leave replacement arrives.

Nashville Star | 9pm on NBC
Nashville StarThe eight remaining acts perform, and two are eliminated. [GMMR: Sorry but this show is officially off my radar.  I kind of lost interest.  I didn’t find the talent that compelling and I’m really not a fan of judge John Rich…he just irks me.]

Weeds | 10pm on Showtime
After a week sitting shiva, Nancy asks Andy to accompany her on another “mission”; Celia’s flirting with Captain Till intensifies; Doug surprises the Botwins by dropping in on them at their new digs.

Secret Diary of a Call  Girl | 10:30pm on Showtime
After a week sitting shiva, Nancy asks Andy to accompany her on another “mission”; Celia’s flirting with Captain Till intensifies; Doug surprises the Botwins by dropping in on them at their new digs. [GMMR: This is my first week watching this show.  I’m going to catch up on the first few episodes tonight.  Is anyone else watching?]

What will YOU be watching tonight?

Filed under TV News


7 Responses to “What to Watch…Monday, July 7, 2008”

  1. Michele on July 7th, 2008 9:07 am

    Woo – hoo for Weeds! I’m almost sad that I have caught up to real time – we’ve been watching the DVDs and now I don’t want to have to wait a whole week to see what’s happening next!

  2. spacyz on July 7th, 2008 11:27 am

    My favorite Monday show (until The Closer starts back up next week) is The Middleman on ABC Family. I loved Men in Black, and it is just a fun show to watch. I am interested in the shows on Showtime, but I don’t have any pay channels beyond basic cable. Other than The Middleman, I watch American Gladiators just because my 8-yr old son likes to watch it, and I use it as an opportunity to talk with him about competition, training, and not giving up.

  3. Carli on July 7th, 2008 12:37 pm

    Finally made the switch to a Mac…nice!

  4. Danielle on July 7th, 2008 1:01 pm

    I’ve only seen the first 2 eps of “Secret Diary”, but I liked it! Looks like it’s going to be a really good show!

  5. lishka on July 7th, 2008 2:22 pm

    I’ve (secretly!) been watching Secret Diary. I’m not sure what I think about it, but I’ll keep watching. Can’t wait to read your thoughts on it, Kath!

  6. magstress on July 7th, 2008 2:34 pm

    I love The Middleman too. It is a lot of fun to watch. It is the only show I’m watching this summer, at least until Psych returns.

  7. Lili on July 7th, 2008 3:02 pm

    I’ve actually gone through all the Secret Diary episodes and while I think it was an enjoyable (and risque) series, it was very forgettable. Then again, they are only 20 minute episodes… honestly, The main reason I kept watching was to see whether or not Billie Piper’s character would get together with her best friend.