Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Wednesday, March 26, 2025


July 10, 2008 by  

Tonight’s elimination episode of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE was chock full of fabulosity.  So much so that the only time I reached for the fast forward button on my TiVo was during the commercial break.  The guest performers, the solos, everything was just fantastic.  Well, except for the eliminations but we’ll get to those in just a second.

The Top 12 opening number won’t go down as one of my favorites.  It had moments of real genius (did you see Gev climb up someone’s back?!), but overall it was lacking.  You know I love me some NappyTab but I found the choreography a bit tame for this point in the competition.  But had the dancers nailed it I don’t think I would have minded the choreography as much.  The blame for the lackluster opener falls on the shoulders of the Top 12.

Good thing for us all that the dancing got a hell of a lot better after the opening.

Two by two our dancing couples took their places next to Cat (who looked extra fabu tonight) and were told of their fate.  In the end the three couples left to dance for their lives were:

Comfort & Thayne, Jessica & Will and Kherington & Twitch.

But before the dancers had their moment in the spotlight we were lucky to have three dancers from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre perform.  Incredible.  Simply incredible.  Such strength and grace.  But I’d be lying if the whole time I was thinking, “Will could step in there right now and be just as spectacular”.  But more on Will later.

Each dancers in tonight’s bottom 6 took the stage in the hopes that it wouldn’t be their final time to do so.  Remember, the two contestants eliminated tonight don’t get to go on the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Tour this Fall (well, unless the judges really like you and then you are asked to come along anyway), so this is an especially difficult elimination.

First up was Comfort who really heeded the advice of the judges and took full advantage of the stage.   I thought her routine was so fun to watch.  She knows what she’s doing.  Was it good enough to keep her around?  I don’t think so.  I think the judges had their minds made up before she even took the stage.

Next up was Comfort’s partner, Thayne.  Ugh, this solo killed me.  Thayne was so fantastic tonight and I feel bad because I think he’s had a tough break this whole competition.  He’s a great dancer and that was evident tonight by his solo, but he hasn’t been consistently incredible.  Up against Will and Twitch, Thayne has to know he’s going home, but based on that solo alone he doesn’t deserve to be eliminated.

Jessica was next to dance her solo, and I thought it was good.  Ok what I really thought was “how is Fox going to deal with her boobs falling out of her dress”.  You know, I think Jessica did a good job with her solo.  I wish she would show that level of strength and dedication in her routines.  Maybe she wouldn’t be this season’s whipping bitch.

Yeah, so Will was up next.  What in good heaven’s name was that solo?!  Hands down the best solo I have ever seen on this show.  Will is so beyond this competition.  Earlier in the season I likened him to Danny Tidwell, but what we saw tonight just tells me that Will leaves Danny behind, and I say that with all the respect in the world for the amazing talent that is Danny Tidwell.  This was professional.

The little blonde spitfire, Kherington, really showed me something tonight.  She left everything she had on that stage.  What was up with those turns?  Spectacular.  Kherington wasn’t kidding around tonight.  She was all biznatch!!

And finally there was Twitch.  What a treat to see him in the bottom three tonight doing what he does.  Twitch is so much more than a Hip Hop dancer, he’s a true artist.  His musicality is just ridiculous. I never want him to stop because there’s always something interesting and unpredictable about his choreography.

What a horrible night to be a judge.  Seriously, having to send Thayne on his after what he did tonight?  That seriously blows.

Before we get to the final eliminations, may I just say how much I really enjoyed Katy Perry’s performance of her mega hit “I Kissed a Girl”.  I don’t listen to the radio that much so I’m not sick of it yet.  But in parts I really liked the tone and quality of her voice tonight.  She can’t perform for s@#t, but she can sing. I always ffwd through the musical numbers, but not tonight!


11 Responses to “Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?”

  1. Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? » Give Me My Remote on July 10th, 2008 11:21 pm

    […] Want to know who got eliminated from SYTYCD on July 10, 2008?  Click here: Who Went Home on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? […]

  2. Patty on July 10th, 2008 11:38 pm

    It should be very interesting to see who gets stuck with Jessica next week and if they can pull anything out of her. If she would just give everything she has every single time, she might be good. But not as good as Will or Twitch. They were both SICK tonight!

  3. genna on July 11th, 2008 3:50 am

    Thanks so much for this. It took me FOREVER to find out who was booted off after missing the show. =)

  4. Lisa (aka lmr) on July 11th, 2008 7:01 am

    I didn’t think I was going to get teary on tonight’s elims, but I did… I heart Thayne and am sad to see him go. I bet he and Comfort will be brought back for the tour. The mens’ solos were spell-binding tonight and it truly was a treat to see twitch and Wll perform, am a huge fan of Twitch as I love quirky and root for underdogs so have been on board his train since his solo from LAST year.

    It is going to get more painful from here on out.

    I haven’t seen anyone yet speculate on the ultimate winner. Any thoughts? I’m thinking a guy this year for sure.

  5. Jennifer on July 11th, 2008 12:12 pm

    I’m getting cranky about this show so…

    1-I’ve been incredibly disappointed to see the voting public basically do what the judges have wanted this whole time. It’s like the judges say who should go home, the public puts that couple in the bottom, judges send those 2 home. Are the voters sheep?

    2-I miss Shane Sparks and Wade Robson. They have only done 1 thing this year. Tabitha and Napoleon are meh for me.

    3-I enjoy seeing truly talented dancers but Will is too fabulous for this show. He could easily get a job and he’s obviously trained to the hilt. It seems unfair to put him in a competition against someone like Comfort who’s only been dancing a few years.

    4-Went back and forth over Thayne. He’s clearly a good dancer but he seems too “flat” for me.

    5-I really wish they’d lay off Jessica. She doesn’t seem less talented than Courtney G (frankly, I’m way over Courtney and Gev)

    whew, snarkiness over.

  6. HealthcareHottie on July 11th, 2008 1:25 pm

    I’m thinking Will will win this year. The judges absolutely adore him and he can do no wrong in their eyes. However, he does seem to have an unfair advantage having been trained by Debbie Allan. I guess it’s up to America now though.

    I don’t think Courtney & Gev are the strongest dancers in the competition, but they pulled out two great routines on Wednesday night and as long as they keep getting lucky and pulling good genres and partners, they could stay a while.
    I feel the same way about Chelsie & Mark.

  7. lishka on July 11th, 2008 2:46 pm

    Great recap and comments! I especially agree with Jennifer regarding Will and Jessica. How that poor girl manages to dance *at all* after what they’ve said to her is a mystery to me. I vote for her just because they dump on her. I wonder if any of the girls can match up to Will? It should be interesting to see if they begin bagging on his next partner. I just hope they don’t pair up Jessica and (my favorite guy) Mark.

  8. juliagulia on July 11th, 2008 5:12 pm

    number one, i agree w/ jennifer – I MISS WADE!!! seriously every dance of his the past few seasons has been a knock-out. i hope he comes around soon. & hopefully he will now that it’s getting closer & closer to the finale!

    courtney & gev started out so-so for me, but these past few weeks i think they might have emerged as my favorite couple!! i know neither of them will win, but they are pure entertainment – & i LOVE seeing gev do everything so well, even though its out of his genre. YAY GEV.

    & i also ADORE chelsie & mark… & kherington & twitch… & katee & joshua… & will… hell, i even sort of dont mind jessica anymore. i have never seen a season where i actually truly liked every single one of the top 10!! kudos to season 4!

  9. Jodi on July 11th, 2008 7:17 pm

    Thayne and Comfort are touring!!!
    I’m hoping that Matt and Chelsea are also asked to join them.

    And I actually really like Jessica. She’s a much better performer and technician than Courtney in my opinion.

  10. Toast with JAM on July 12th, 2008 2:12 am

    top 5:
    5. Mark (eliminated just before the finale–tear)

    4/3. Chelsie
    4/3. Katee
    This is the Battle of the Bangs. I’m getting annoyed with Chelsie’s head of hair in front of her face, while Katee picked up some cute bangs and is heading for the stars!

    2. Joshua (as long as he quits mugging for the camera the same way like “why!!!!” and falling over…that can get old and people find odd reasons for voting)

    Winner….Will for sure! He looked like he was dancing his solo in competition with those Alvin Ailey dancers, not in competition with the others up for elimination. He is so beyond this show it’s not even fair.

  11. Emma on July 15th, 2008 10:02 am

    I think the only reason Jessica looks “bad” is b/c she’s dancing next to Will. He’s AMAZING. I really love Joshua and Katee and Twichington. The only differences between Jessica and Courtney are looks and self confidence.